Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 479: Change the sword with the sword

The treasure house of the Yang family has thousands of years of savings. There are countless boutiques, and the best items are extremely powerful. Just one piece is enough to shock the world!

But Yang Qingshan, at this time, has to open the door, let me choose!

The stone door opens, and the colorful colors inside are radiant, and the babes of all colors are overwhelming.

I walk in this precious light, no matter how determined I am, I can't help but have a thought of "I want it all"...

"Is this really... let me choose?"

"That's natural!" Yang Qingshan said with a smile. "The best things are too precious, forgive me for not giving too much. The commander of the Shadow Army wanted to recruit me into the army, but I refused. The commander is righteous. I will not embarrass me. I promised that if there is a chaos in the world. As a last resort, I will open the treasure trove and give this treasure to them to resist foreign enemies. At this time, I cannot give more."

After Yang Qingshan finished speaking, he thought for a while, and added: "But if it is not only such a fine product, but you can get more, you don't know which generation of ancestors did it, and you won't be reluctant. "

"That's okay, then I have to pick and choose!" I said teasingly, walked into the treasure, and started to pick and choose.

"Hey, Brother Yang, what kind of baby is that golden wall you just used?" I was holding it here, and Murong Shen asked over there.

"Well, that is called Golden Mountain Shield. I don’t know who made it first. It usually looks like a cloak. It can be turned into a shield by injecting mana and pulling it apart. The defense is very strong, and you can see the front of the shield. The situation is pretty good."

"What about that flute?" I asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Yang Qingshan was taken aback. "you saw it?"

"Uh..." I was taken aback for a moment, and then I realized that I saw that the passage was not the current me. "I caught a glimpse when I first came here, what is that?"

"Oh, it's called the Golden Light Flute. It uses solar energy to attack. It's just too limited. It takes a whole summer to absorb a full energy, but it's powerful. If you hit it right, it can be fatal. !"

"It's amazing, but it's a pity..." I said, continuing to pull among the treasures.

Some treasures were placed on the excavated rock wall, and they could release their brilliance. They must be the best in the legend.

People are so generous, I feel embarrassed, I dare not touch the best ones, I can only pick one from the ordinary, and see if I can find what suits me.

Dharma artifacts do not look at whether they are expensive or not, how powerful is not powerful, but mainly whether they are suitable!

For example, if the fat monk is holding the Golden Mountain Shield, it would be inappropriate and a waste of things. His own defensive power is very abnormal, what is the use of this thing?

"The things that your ancestors did seem to be amazing. Are there any of your works here?" Murong Shen still asked.

"Of course there is. Anyone in the Yang family will put it here after making the magical artifact. You see, for example, this is what I made."

As Yang Qingshan spoke, he picked up a sword from the doorway.

"Does this sword have any effect?"

"of course!"

Yang Qingshan said, and read a mantra, the sword suddenly flashed white light as if it was alive, stood up, and stopped in his palm.

In the next moment, a sword suddenly separated and turned into nine swords, suspended in the air, exuding chill.

Yang Qingshan smiled, with a move of his wrist, the nine swords were scattered in an instant, as if each had life, but they seemed to be telepathic, thinking about nine directions, but at the same time they retracted, pointed in one direction, and passed through in an instant. Be thorough!

And after doing all this, they haven't stopped, but flew freely in the air.

Or dance together in pairs, or three handles around each other, or four swords spinning like a twist...

"Is this you controlling?" Murong asked in surprise.

"No, I only gave them one instruction." Yang Qingshan said calmly. "The rest, they are controlling themselves, how to fly, how to cooperate, they are all doing it."

"They... could it be said!"

Murong Shen seemed to have thought of something, and was immediately surprised, looking at Yang Qingshan, his eyes widened.

I have never seen Murong Shen like this. He always seems to be handsome, but at this time he shows such an expression.

"I know what you want to say." Yang Qingshan said. "Sword spirit, I can tell you for sure, that is not, or is it a sword spirit in the true sense."

"Not in the true sense..."

"The sword spirit should have been raised by the sword itself after receiving the Sun Jing Yue Hua, but this was forced in by the outside world when it was made. Although it has some spirituality, it has nothing to do with this sword. "

"Huh?" Murong Shen was taken aback. "Why is this?"

"You'll find out later." Yang Qingshan said, retracting the nine swords, combined them into one again, and he put them aside.

"And this one is also my work."

Yang Qingshan picked up another one. It was a frisbee-like object, surrounded by the blade, and with the input of his instruments, it began to spin by itself, like a cutting machine.

Murong Shen looked at it carefully, and there was a faint blue color around it, not like ice or water, but rather fire.

"That's a blue fire." Yang Qingshan seemed to see his doubts and explained. "It has a higher attack power than normal flames, and it has a higher resistance to water and ice elements."

"So... hey, what you invented seems to be weapons." Murong Shen said.

Yang Qingshan was embarrassed by what he said, and smiled embarrassedly: "Yes, every crafter has something he is good at and he likes. What I like the most is to invent weapon-shaped magical weapons."


When I heard these words, I suddenly raised my head and looked at him: "Are you good at inventing weapons and instruments?"

"Yes." Yang Qingshan didn't know why I reacted so much, and nodded blankly.

"Then how to remake magical artifacts?"

"Just as good."

"That's great!" I slapped my thigh, hurried to his side, and excitedly took out something from the system-a sword.

"How do you look at this sword?"

Yang Qingshan took it, felt it carefully, and said, "It's a magic weapon, but it's very general. It only increases the ability to activate the sword light, but the material is very good. What a pity, you want to modify it?"

"Yes!" I looked at him excitedly. "But what I want is not a sword, but a knife!"


Four months ago, when we just came back from the bottom of the sea...

"Bring it!"

I looked at the fat monk blankly and stretched out a hand.

"Shi... Donor, we can't be so violent, it's all my hard work, Lord Buddha..."

"Don't talk nonsense! Did you get this? You picked it up! Give it to me!"

I snatched the pocket he was hiding behind, reached out and fished it out, and took out a sword and a suit of armor.

These were all treasures he snatched back from the great general Ren Hao when he was in the ancient city under the sea.

Originally I didn’t know, but because I asked him to rob the weapons depot, I knew he must have taken a lot of weapons and armors, so I asked him to take them out. I actually took out some people who equipped the same boat club, and some gave it to Shadow Army, let them equip them too.

As a result, the fat monk was afraid of trouble, so he poured the beans from the bamboo tube all at once. Forgetting that there were two more, they fell out together...

Although he hurriedly snatched it back, he was still seen by me, so this scene happened...

"You don't have any of these, especially this armor suit." I said bitterly. "This thing can catch up with your Buddha's light body and painting ground as a prison? You have such defensive skills yourself, why do you want it?"


"There is also this sword. Do you use a sword? You can't use it at all. I didn't say that I won't give it to you. If this thing really suits you, I won't take it. The key is that it is not suitable!"

I looked at him with a hatred of iron but not steel.

It’s not that I’m really cruel, or I’m not aiming at it. I’m the president of the Tongzhou Club. When dealing with such things, you can’t care too much about feelings. Everyone has something suitable and inappropriate. You can’t take everything. Right.

My responsibility is to allocate resources reasonably. Just like Zeng Xiujie, I once gave him a sword, but he was also not suitable. Eventually I found that I was suitable for a spear, so I took the sword back again.

Can't say that I even targeted Zeng Xiujie.

Anyway, I tried it for a while, or I had a weapon, or it was not suitable for using a sword, this sword was not out for a long time!

As a result, when I heard Yang Qingshan's words today, I suddenly had an idea!

The shape of this artifact is not fixed, if it can be changed, it can be changed into another.

Luo Peng...hasn't he been missing a good knife?

"You want to change this sword into a sword?" Yang Qingshan asked while looking at me.

"Yes!" I said. "Brother Yang also bother!"

"Okay, come with me."

As Yang Qingshan said, he walked in one direction and walked to the edge of the rock, touching the rock wall with his palm.

"Mr Murong, didn't you just ask me why there is a spirit body in that sword? Now, I will let you see the truth."

As Yang Qingshan said, the palm of the hand that was pressing on the rock wall suddenly exerted force, and black lines appeared on the wall instantly, spreading quickly!

"At the same time..." Yang Qingshan said again. "That's why there are two alien beasts, Dahei and Erhei, and they can survive to this day and grow so big."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of "cha la la" suddenly came out on the ground, and the rock wall in front of me suddenly opened, revealing a secret road!

"Two, please let me go and take a look. Below is my Yang family's refining furnace, and... an amazing secret!"

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