Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 482: Mount Everest

The western border, the Everest line, the snow mountain pass——


The cold wind blows, rolling up countless snowflakes, passing over the snow-capped mountains, like a blade.

Above the snow-capped mountains, in the icy world, vaguely, there are indeed a few figures slowly moving forward, hidden under the white snow, indistinguishable.

"D004 area is safe, please reply when you receive it, please reply when you receive it."

One person took the intercom and whispered to the other side, his cheeks were already flushed by the cold wind, and his mouth was dry and cracked, but he didn't dare to lick it because it hurts.

"Received, it's hard work. There is still half an hour." A voice came from the walkie-talkie, accompanied by the electronic sound of the instrument.


The man replied, put away the intercom, tightened the clothes on his body, and lowered his body again, hiding in the snowdrift even in the severe cold. All around are my own companions, all of whom look no better than themselves, but they all have firm eyes and serious expressions, without any retreat!

This is the western border of our country. A few days ago, the Nanyang Association and the Shineisha Alliance have become a dangerous place. Patrol personnel and secret posts have more than doubled than before, just to prevent the enemy from sneaking in!

Situations occurred in the east and south one after another, and there can be no more troubles in this west!

Duan Qingtian knew this, Nie Ze and Lin Dingkun knew, every soldier in the Shadow Army knew it!

The secret post on the snow mountain is changed every four hours. At this time, they have been buried in the snowdrift for three and a half hours. Their bodies have been frozen and numb, but the blood in their chests is still hot. They cannot slack off because As long as there is a little slack, it is possible for other enemies to take advantage of the loopholes.

And their task is to stop the enemy!

Although there are many shadow soldiers, but the three realms are on guard at the same time, they still seem to be understaffed. Almost everywhere, the strong and the weak are mixed. When facing ordinary people, it is naturally more than enough, but when facing masters, Some catch you...

Just a few tens of meters away from them, in the snow-capped mountain pass, a few small snowdrifts are slowly moving...

Those snowdrifts are not high, that is, they are a little bit more protruding than other places. Under the action of wind, snowdrifts move very often. This kind of situation is everywhere. Where can they still attract their attention? And under that snowdrift, there are a group of seven people in long robes!

The seven people are separated from each other, and everyone is crawling forward, very slow, like a turtle, only when the wind becomes stronger, will they speed up a little bit.

No one knows when they came here, and no one knows how long they have been here. But one thing is certain, those who attempt to cross the border in this way are by no means good!

After more than 20 minutes, the seven small snowdrifts moved more than 20 meters again, an average of one meter in one minute, but at this time, they stopped.

"Attention everyone, it's almost time for the Shadow Army to change guards. We can't act rashly at all, lest we be discovered by them." One of them said, using their language.




Several people around replied in turn. The scene fell into silence, except for the sound of wind and snow. After a while, one of them asked: "Bishop, will they really change guards at this time?"

"Of course!" said the person who spoke at the beginning. "I have been observing for a long time. Their actions are secretive. Almost everyone can stay in the snow for four hours without moving. Only when the guard changes will show a little movement... It's really scary, Shadow Army. ,horrible!"

"Then is this their guard post?"

"I don't know. I have observed them for so many days. Their positions are different every time. Obviously, it is to prevent others from discovering the pattern. I don't know where they are now. Maybe they are hundreds of meters away, maybe... In front of you!"

The person called the bishop said, keeping his eyes fixed on the surrounding situation, for fear of missing any detail.

But there is one thing he really said right. Today's secret post is really right in front of them...

But at a distance of about 20 meters, two groups of people, hiding under the snow at the same time, waited quietly.

"This Mount Everest is so big, they shouldn't be able to monitor it all, our luck is not that bad, right." Among the seven, one said naively.

"Who is right? You can rush over and try, life and death, I can't control!" The bishop glanced at him and said angrily.

"Hey... I just said that. They shouldn't have thought that we would cross the border like this. The east border is enough for them. If they want to martial law at the same time, the troops will be scattered. It may be very weak here. We Why don't they find it out?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Wait a minute! No one is allowed to move without my instructions!"


The man saw that his chief was really angry this time, so he didn't dare to say any more, and immediately shut up and calmed down.

Twenty minutes later, there was still no change in the surroundings, except for wind and snow, which frequently passed by in the mountains like tourists wandering in the mountains, and there was no movement in the rest.

The bishop looked at the surroundings and said in a deep voice: "We are indeed lucky this time. We really didn't get to their secret post. Pay attention to everyone! We are going to cross the border and check Time, check the equipment!"


The six people agreed, and several snowdrifts shook slightly, the movements were slight and difficult to distinguish, but they had already completed all preparations in this slight movement.

"All ready? Let's go!"

The bishop gave an order, and the seven people immediately took action! Everyone has serious expressions, and even the person who had been talking and laughing before is getting serious.

The Chinese border, these five words have a huge deterrent!

Behind this line, there are the strongest cultivators singled out, the largest cultivator army, and countless private practice organizations! If you come here with a friendly heart, here is heaven, if you come with a hostile heart, here is hell!

"After entering, if you encounter obstacles, unless your own strength can crush the opponent, don't fight! If necessary, disperse and retreat. After breaking according to the previously set number, then...what?!"

The bishop walked in the forefront and said to the other six people. Suddenly, he felt a rush in his heart. When he looked up, a golden light blasted down like a meteorite!


The bishop only had time to shout out this sentence, the next moment, the golden light had arrived, and he blatantly bombarded among the seven!


A huge force hit the snowy ground, and a layer of white snow mist came. The bishop was powerful and responsive. He stood up first and escaped the attack. The others all heard the bishop’s cry. In response, the only one with bad luck was hit frontally and died on the spot!

"No! Get out!"

The bishop said with a green face, he didn't expect that he would be discovered so quickly.

In the distance, a figure came quickly and fell among the crowd, with a big face in the Chinese character, wide eyes, the deputy commander of the Shadow Army, and the head of the Western Territory-Lin Dingkun!

"Lin Dingkun... this guy is here!"

The bishop looked at Lin Dingkun, his face was already a little bad.

Although Lin Dingkun is far from Duan Qingtian difficult to fight, but after all, he is the number two figure in the Shadow Army and the direct highest officer of the Western Realm. It is by no means a pleasant thing to meet him when he first arrived!

"Retreat!" the bishop shouted, turning around to leave, but just turned around, only to find that behind him, some shadow army soldiers were already standing behind him, and they surrounded them!


All six people were taken aback, especially the few who were not so strong. They looked at each other and saw the despair in the eyes of each other.

Lin Dingkun drew out the knife, pointed at the enemy, and said in a cold voice: "Shinying Shrine Xiaoxiaozhi, you have entered my urn!"

Behind him, more Shadow Army fighters came, among them, the person who just used the intercom to report the situation, now also looking cold, staring at the enemy.

Before that, Lin Dingkun had discovered their existence, but did not alert the nearby secret guards, but quietly mobilized other people to come, so that they were not far away, and at the same time, they did not let anyone who should be changed. , To avoid getting rid of the grass.

The success of this operation is all because of the awesome qualities of the soldiers-no matter whether the time is up or not, as long as there is no command from the chief and no people who change shifts come, as a guard, he wants to continue to stand. !

All the staff of the dark post, unwavering, like a lifeless stone in the snow, perfectly deceived the bishop's eyes, and let them walk into the encirclement by themselves!

"How can our country's borders be so easy to break through? Come, don't leave!"

Lin Dingkun yelled, and stepped on the ground, shaking up countless snowflakes, the whole person also flew up and slashed past!

The bishop and other people saw that they were still unable to escape, so they simply fought first, and immediately used their magical powers to resist!

Six people and six kinds of mana gathered in front of them, forming a huge protective shield, which forcibly withstood Lin Dingkun’s knife. The next moment, only a “crack” sound was heard, as if the egg shell was broken. The protective shield broke suddenly!


As if breaking glass, the six colors of mana were retracted like a low tide, returning to their bodies. However, it was not completely ineffective. Lin Dingkun's knife was blocked, the strength was consumed, and it hit the ground without hurting them.

Several people hurriedly cast spells, one of them held his arms for a while, rolled up countless snowflakes, and flew towards his opponent with his arms like small blades. However, when he approached Lin Dingkun, he was transformed into invisible water vapor by an invisible awe-inspiring gas and scattered in the air.

The palm of the other person slammed to the ground. At that time, a magic circle appeared on the ground. Lin Dingkun's feet instantly rushed out countless black hands that looked like withered, grabbing the people who were upward.

Lin Dingkun snorted coldly, and instantly got up on the ground, avoiding the black hands, and at the same time cut them away with a single knife, the golden light flashed, and all the black hands turned into nothingness!

Like Duan Qingtian, Lin Dingkun's spell is also a method of strengthening, but different from Duan Qingtian's Yili Jiangshihui, his spell is based on Shaolin method, with a higher demon-breaking attribute.

Lin Dingkun flew in the air, and with the power of this sword, he instantly came to the person who did the formation, and slashed again!

The man had just got up, before he had time to react, he was slashed in the heart of his head, and his skull burst in an instant! Fell to the ground and died!

A person next to him threw a weapon and wanted to attack, but Lin Dingkun reacted very quickly, dodge his attack, and hit backhand!



With a scream, the man covered his right shoulder with his left hand and fell to the ground in pain, while under his right shoulder, there was nothing, and the entire right arm had fallen to the ground.

After finishing all this, Lin Dingkun wanted to make another knife. Suddenly, he heard the sound of the blade breaking through the air behind him, sharp and frantic. He quickly turned his head, raised the knife to resist, clang——!

The crisp and loud metal sound reverberated, and the surrounding snowflakes retreated and flew to the distance.

Lin Dingkun raised his head, and the person holding a knife in front of him was the bishop, dressed in a red dress, blowing in the wind...

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