Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 601: Six Dharma Protector

"Parallel space?!"

"Hey, I don't understand the words of the people in your city. Anyway, we are like this. Those people are the other us in another world. That world is the same as ours, and people are the same, but... …"

"It's alright, I understand! Just the cat from the old Xue family, no, I..."

I hurriedly reached out to stop him talking, and I was talking to this point, no matter how I listened, but the problem is...this is so ridiculous!

From the time I know that there are past lives, mana, heaven and earth, and even a world beyond my cognition—the great world. My Three Views have been refreshed, but until just now, I feel that it is still acceptable.

Slowly, I have regarded this world as a fantasy world, so that the Murong family did not have much shock or doubt about the control of the law of space. But... what do you mean by parallel space? !

Science fiction began again at this moment!

"Does it really exist? Parallel space..."

"Oh, I don't know those. How old is the old man. Like the village chief, I know more than them. According to my memory, it seems that when I was seven or eight, I knew there was such a place. It's been sixty or seventy years, and now our whole village, as well as them, are the same. Everyone has their own selves, and as long as they use divine power, they can shuttle between each other."

"Can you still shuttle between each other?!"

"Well, yeah, that’s how we came here, and the village chiefs have also come. It’s just that because our village chief and their village chief have not dealt with each other, we have lived separately for many years. This time, I heard that you were They caught it, and they came here!"

"It's for me?" I was taken aback, and even after thinking of my identity, I immediately became vigilant and asked, "Do you know me?"

"I don't know, Old Man Lu told us about you, saying that you are an amazing person."

"Old man Lu? Who?"

"I don't know, I only know that the surname is Lu, a friend of the village chief, we can't ask too much."

The old man said sincerely, there was no change in expression on his face, it was not like a lie, and there should be no need to lie to me. If you want to know something, it's better to ask the village chief.

But I don’t have to ask, I don’t think my current status, what is the tenth place on the End of the World rankings, what is the leader of the Zhengtian League, what is the president of the Tongzhou Club, what the identity of the shadow army’s dark line master, can be exchanged for the initiative of who and who. Please, I am behind bars, and an unrelated person has to come and rush to save me.

There is only one person who can be so attractive, my identity a thousand years ago!

Master did not leave Baishi Street all year round, but left the house that night just to save me, because of this. Tao Lin lived in seclusion, the lord of Snakepan Town, saw me treat each other with courtesy, and would bow to me within a few words, because of this. Today, the village chief obviously can ignore it, but he wants to come here to save me, I am afraid, because of this...

As a result, after playing for so long, I can survive because of the bloodline theory. This is really...

"It's your village chief who is fighting over there?"

"Yes." The old man nodded. "The white light belongs to the village chief here, and the yellow light belongs to our village chief."

"Just him?"

"There are four more people." The old man said. "There are also the two of us, there are six in total, appointed for the adults, the patron saint of six Tai Sui!"

"Too... the patron saint of Tai Sui?!"

"Exactly!" The old man pointed to himself, and said, "The old man has a fate of Hong Can, who belongs to Ding Hai. This one!"

He pointed to the big man beside him again: "Di Jun, Ding Chou is!"

After speaking, the old man gave his hand again: "I two are one of the six Ding Tai Sui guardians of Shashibao, and four others, Ding You, Ding Si, Ding Wei, and Ding Mao, are following the village head at this time. Enemy at the entrance of the village! The two of me, sent by the village chief, came here to save the two! Two, come with us!"


The wind was blowing on the ground, and under the feet of the old man, there seemed to be a white whirlwind tumbling, enclosing the four of us. But I didn't feel the slightest hostility in it.

But why is my heart making a huge wave? Because of their words. The patron saint of Liu Ding Tai Sui? ! Six Ding Liujia? !

Liu Ding, Liu Jia, Liu Ding is the Yin God, Liu Jia is the Yang God, these are the twelve Tai Sui Gods who are in charge of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches! Together with the four-valued master, they are in charge of the change of time between heaven and earth. Although they are inferior officials in the divine position, their role is enormous!

They... are Liu Ding?

I looked at the old man, his eyes gradually became weird, and Xiu Shu beside him frowned and looked confused.

The old man saw that I had misunderstood, and immediately said: "Don't think too much, we are not true gods, but with the help of divine power, and we are in the position of six Ding, therefore, being selected as a protector is nothing."

"Oh, yes yes... so that's it, that Liujia..."

"The ancestor's precepts are clear. The divine power we inherited is bestowed by the loess. The emperor can only use Yin Shen Liu Ding, not Yang Shen Liu Jia, but the village chief of this world is arrogant and wants to make money. Qi Liu Ding Liujia selected twelve White God Envoys, and the result...huh!"

"Then only have six, there are two here, and there are only four over there? Can you beat them?!"

The old man suddenly smiled when he heard what I said, looked at each other with the big guy, then looked back at me and said: "Little friends, don't worry, with their strength, there is absolutely no possibility of an accident. If you don't believe it, just follow me!"

After finishing speaking, the old man suddenly waved his sleeves, and a white whirlwind on the ground instantly engulfed all the four of us.

In an instant, the world is spinning!



At the entrance of the village, the two village chiefs had already flown high above the sky. The yellow and white lights were like two bullfighting bulls, wrestling with each other for a while. On the ground, the two parties also fought!

"Go together! I see how he can beat the two of us!"

The two split-head assassins rushed forward with a treacherous smile, very fast, like two rabbits, they had jumped in front of their opponents in the blink of an eye!

And their opponent is the center of another world, different from the two here, there is only one, shaped like a thin monkey, but holding a big sword in his hand, his eyes are half-fit, and his clothes are not. The appearance of waking up is severely devoid of spirits, but a bit of languidness. Seeing that, it is impossible to capture the two assassins, but at this moment...

"Come on."

Suddenly, the thin monkey's eyes lit up, his right leg was used as the axis, his right toe touched the ground, his left foot was off the ground, and he immediately rotated his body, driving a big knife with his body, and slashing it!

Clang clang——!


Two huge crisp sounds followed by screams.

But it turned out that the horizontal split just now swept across three sides 270 degrees, and it actually separated the attacks of the left and right people at almost the same time! Two short knives landed immediately!

"How is it possible? So fast?"

The two split ends immediately withdrew, the right hand holding the knife was completely numb, and both were shaking at this time. But before they slowed down, they saw the person in front of them and stopped spinning. Then, the sword was lifted high and slashed directly after the previous rotation!



The Daguan Knife looked like a guillotine, and the blade shone with cold light. It swung a silver wheel in the air and slammed it to the ground. In a short time, the ground tore! A long ravine stretches for more than two meters!


The skinny monkey grinned and shouted, the voice fell, and the wind rose!

The two people on the opposite side, in an instant, their feet blown by the strong wind took off from the ground and flew out!

This is... the gap in strength!

At this time, another figure rushed forward. The thin monkey looked up, but it was the bully and brawny. With a jump of his eyelids, he hurriedly defended, but he only had time to raise his knife to defend. With a sound, a huge fist hit the knife shaft.


The big man was powerful. Among the twelve white gods, six of them did not meet the requirements of the protector of the gods. They were only found by the village chief Baiguang to make up the number. But this big man was really solid. The two of them wrestled and retreated at the same time. Get out.

The big man staggered a few steps and withdrew his right leg back. With his own horizontal training, his physique was amazing and he immediately stabilized his figure.

The skinny monkey used a knife stick to penetrate the ground, which stabilized his body.

"Oh, it still doesn't work." The skinny monkey smiled wryly and looked at his opponent.

In fact, six are all imaginary, and there should be only five in itself. He is just picking generals from the lame, and at the request of the number of people, he barely passed. Against a real master, although you won't lose out, it's hard to win if you want to win.

On the other hand, the flower **** wearing a big flower jacket, with one person's power, actually blocked the attack of the other four women! Although it seems to be strenuous, it is much better than my own.

And the beggar, a tiger dancing with an iron rod in his hand, competed with the opposite self for several rounds, and suddenly saw a flaw, shook his opponent, but looked up and saw the air, the old man slapped his head and his feet. When he came down, he was shocked, and quickly stepped back to dodge.


The old man's palm was printed on the ground, and there was a palm-shaped pit with a depth of six or seven centimeters on the ground. Several white gas like water vapor scattered all around, supporting the old man's body to rotate in the air, steady Steady landing.

"One person is still a little embarrassed to deal with two, it's Di Zhong, it's only one and a half fights..." Then, he turned his head and glanced at the thin monkey among his companions. Suddenly, a trace of his face appeared. sneer.

"But it's more than enough to deal with you two!"

After that, the beggar turned his head and saw that the second general opposite Haha had already rushed over, staring at himself, and shouted.


Two blows, burst out instantly!

But before he walked three meters, he was suddenly beaten to pieces by the flying iron rod!

"Ah?!" Before the two people could react, they only exclaimed. The iron rod had already arrived in front of the two and hit their stomachs severely!



The two of them were not great characters at first. They were beaten and flew out and fell to the ground. However, the iron rod also flew back with this counter-shock force and was caught by the beggar again.

And it was at this time that a white whirlwind flashed away in the distance, but four more figures appeared on the ground.

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