Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 605: Two worlds

"Me? Almost killed...Huh?!"

"Okay, you definitely don't know, but Lord Village Chief, you must be able to see what happened, his ability just now."

As I said, I turned my head to look at the only remaining village chief, and said with a smile: "If you can, by the way, explain the situation here. Parallel Space... really opened my eyes. Hey, by the way, I haven't consulted the village chief, Mr. Gao, please ask..."

"You're welcome, Menggui's surname is Gao, Gao Yunchan!"

The village chief walked up to me, glanced at me, snorted and said: "Lao Lu told me that you are an extraordinary person. I didn't believe it at first. I didn't expect that even the ghost emperor could be right. You are in favor, huh! It seems that you are not an ordinary person. Come with me, go back and rest, I will tell you all these things."

With that, the village chief patted me on the shoulder, turned and left.

I stood behind him, looked at his back, but did not move, and suddenly asked, "You belong to that world, if I pass, can I come back?"


As soon as he finished speaking, the village chief's footsteps stopped suddenly and frowned.

"You... have never left this village before."



Gao Yunzhuan did not speak, and the other six guardians of the Dharma were also speechless for a while. After half a minute, Gao Yunzhuan slowly said, "I have been out of the village and been to the city."

"Are you sure?" I asked unceremoniously. "Did you go to a city in your world, or a city in our world? Are there really other places in your world?"


There was another silence, and the scene was terribly quiet, as if a storm was brewing.

About a minute later, Gao Yunzhuan turned his head, his face gloomy: "Boy, you are really extraordinary!"

"I think it's a bit perfunctory to praise a person three times in the same sentence."

"Do you think I wouldn't dare to talk to me like this?"

"No, it can be said that I didn't think you would do anything to me. Although you brought people to save me, it was definitely not from my heart, but for other reasons, Lao Lu, right, you just mentioned Have been to him, who is he?"

"It's just an old acquaintance of mine, you don't need to know."

"Then I don’t ask this, I just want to know about things here. I’m here because someone is doing cult sacrifices here. It’s you in this world... You guys, now they are all dead, and my mission is over. There is no need to oppose you. So now I am no longer hostile, how about you?"

I was talking about "you", but in fact my line of sight was only on the body of the village chief Gao Yunzhuo. These six people, I dare not say that they are completely fond of each other and hate each other, but at least they are not so purely hostile to me. As long as the old village chief does not say that they want to **** me, then it will be fine.

Gao Yunchan looked at me, his face getting darker and darker, and he seemed to be ready to do it soon, but in the end, he said: "For nothing, we will not do anything against you. We sacrifice to my emperor and will never harm human life. It's not a cult. You and I are not enemies now."

"Then it will end!" I spread my hands. "Then you can talk about the next step. What is going on here? And judging from your reaction, I was right just now. This so-called parallel space does not parallel the entire space, but only here. As for what the situation is, I asked Senior Senior to give me guidance."


There was another silence, and the cold wind on a winter night blew by. Suddenly, the Gao Yunchan snorted and sat down on the ground and slammed the ground hard: "Why do I hate you so smart and assertive Where is the child?!"

"Maybe it's because you were like this when you were a kid." I said with a smile, and when I got to the ground, I stared at him not too far away. "Okay, please speak."

"...You are right! On our side, there is indeed only my village."

"Sure enough." I was finally relieved when I heard these words.

If there really is something like parallel space, it won't be a bad thing? If there is one, there are two, if there are two, there are three, and the layers are endless...

so far so good……

"But..." At this moment, Gao Yunchan said again. "It’s not always like this. I remember my parents took me to the city once when I was very young. Although my memory is vague, I don’t think it’s a dream, but when that happened After that, our village was quarantined."

"Which thing?"

"Naturally, people in our two worlds can walk through each other." Gao Yun gave me a white look. Maybe he thought the question I was asking was too silly, so he continued: "That was when I was seven or eight years old. At that time, I was naturally not the identity I am now, just a child of ordinary people, but I can already see that white light descend from the sky and into the forest, followed by a violent earthquake!"

"Since I was young at that time, I was frightened to face this situation. I was seriously ill at the time. Later, the village chief at the time came to rescue me personally, using my emperor's power to deter the illness and let me recover. I came here. And because of this, I became the most pious servant of my emperor, and because of this, I was selected as the heir to the village head, and later, I succeeded the village head."

"Then this parallel world..."

"The white light at the time was the intersection of these two worlds!" Gao Yunchan said, narrowing his eyes slightly, and there was a trace of anger in his sight! "In other words, the intersection was opened by mistake."

"From then on, have you been able to travel to another world with each other?"

"Of course not!" Gao Yunzhui gave me another white look. "Only those who have received the protection of our emperor and who have mana can go, that is-only the village head and the Liuding Dharma protector can go."

"At the time, I was young, and I got sick again, so I didn’t know. After I recovered, I didn’t have any thoughts in this regard. I only knew that our village chief would often go out at the time, and then I learned that I was always shuttled here. In both worlds, I only know everything when I truly become the village head."

Having said this, Gao Yunzhui suddenly surged in blood, unable to sit still and stood up from the ground, and said angrily: "It turns out that the white light fell into the woods for us, but for that world...or rather It is this world, but it directly took the life of the village chief at that time!"

"Huh?" I frowned. "Wait! That means that when you see your village chief traveling back and forth, one person is actually managing these two villages?"

"Well, you finally got smarter." Gao Yunzhuo pointed at me and said, "But there is a problem in it, can you tell it?"

"You became a devout believer because of a serious illness and the village chief used divine power to treat you, but there is no such village chief over there."

"Yes!" Gao Yunchan nodded me again. "Not only that, in this world, I saw with my own eyes that the village chief who is usually respected by everyone died under the white light, and my heart here has also changed."

"Longing for the strong, longing for the strong." I said the original reason that caused a person to diverge in the two worlds.

"I don’t know what that white light is. When I know it, I’ve grown up already and understand a lot of things. I can naturally distinguish between good and evil. And here I have seen this white light when I was so young. Strong, so at that time, he abandoned our emperor and began to believe in this so-called white god."

"With the passage of time, the old village chief abdicated and passed away within two years. I inherited his position and began to select a new batch of six guardians of the Dharma. But in this world I, the white **** he believes in, is really It's cheap, because he had faith in him, so he lent his power to him when he was young. Over the years, his power has surpassed the last six guardians of the Dharma. Finally, the old village chief died At that moment, he unleashed a chaos and killed the six guardians of the Dharma. It took only two months to completely change the beliefs of the people in the entire village!"

"Two months?" I was surprised at that time. "So short?!"

"So it's a false power. In fact, those who believe in our emperor, although their beliefs are pure, but they don't borrow much power, they can only protect themselves from catastrophes. As long as that guy uses some tricks, he Enough for them to transfer their beliefs."

"Heh, it turned out to be like this..."

Gao Yunchan felt a little embarrassed when he heard me say this. After all, his own beliefs are no match for a little bewitching. Although he has confidence and power, he still feels ashamed. He coughed slightly and continued— —

"Later, when I chose Liu Ding and figured out all of this, it was too late. With my strength, I could only fight with him at best. At that time, the Twelve White Divine Envoys and Liu Ding The gap between Ding Hufa and the gods has not been widened, and there is no way to tell the victory or defeat. Therefore, we decided not to interfere with each other and to be in peace with each other under the condition that no one can do anything. But I found that we can't get out. Our village is now."

"That's because you are a vice world." I said. "Parallel worlds have no priority and subordinates. They only have different perspectives, but this white light should be the white god. It suddenly came and forcibly broke the intersection, which led to the problem of priority and subordination. Now it seems that my world, That is to say, those who believe in the White God are the main world, and you are the sub-world exposed because of the breaking of the intersection."

"Huh! No matter how much he is, under the agreement, we can enter this world and go to cities in this world, and they will not care about us. Of course, we don’t like to see them either. Through the village, I don’t know how long it hasn’t happened when the two meet like today."

"But it's fine now, and there will be no more in the future. Without that bastard, the method of eliminating the bewilderment is no effort for me. Soon, this world will become like mine."

"Hehe, as long as it doesn't endanger humanity, social order, and the world outside the sandstone castle, everything is fine." I shrugged, and said indifferently.

"Huh! Of course I know this! My emperor is kind and loving, how can I do this kind of thing? Don't worry, I will regulate this place, but I will only regulate this place and will not promote it outside. This is for me It’s not good, no matter who asked you to come, go back to life."

"The feelings are good! Then I can rest assured, hey, right, you yelled'My Emperor' and'My Emperor' from the beginning, and I know that they believe in, it is the White God of Rao Shizi, what about you? What the **** is it?"


Gao Yunchan heard my words and suddenly became interested. He glanced at me, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Do you want to know?"

"You are not going to sell it."

"Huh! Of course not, my emperor's name is like Lei Guaner, you can't not know, but I'm afraid you don't believe it, don't be scared when you hear it!"

Of course I sneered when I heard this, and waved my hand: "Cut! I have seen a lot, and I have some understanding of all kinds of gods. You said, who is the one you worship? ?"

"God? Saying that it is a god, insulting my emperor's might! My emperor is not by the side, but one of the three emperors, the human emperor! Eastern emperor Taiyi!"

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