Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 609: coma


It may be that I didn’t take it seriously, and the situation in front of me at this time exceeded my expectations...

"Let you pretend!"

"It's up to you next."

"Your uncle!"

I immediately had a short conversation with the other one, in front of me, among the black balls. A huge vertical eye is staring at me, and around him are countless dark red tentacles! That disgusting, goosebump-like weird tentacles in monster movies!

The next moment, those tentacles all stretched out to us, covering the sky, and there was nothing else in front of them for a while.


I shook my body, and rushed out again with a powerful momentum, and instantly smashed all the hundreds of tentacles!

But after doing all of this, I, who had been sealed with mana, had exhausted all my strength. The effect of the amulet gradually faded, and my own consciousness returned to my body again.

And what made me most desperate was that as soon as my consciousness entered the body and I raised my eyes, I saw more tentacles, dozens of times, hundreds of times more than I did not know before! It is coming to me from the whole world.

In the sea and in the sky, there is not an inch of vacancy. They are all covered with tentacles like that, and they rushed over like me.

Overwhelming! I seem to have used this word earlier, compared to the one just now, this time, it is really...overwhelming!

The next moment, after losing all my strength, I was instantly wrapped up by these tentacles!

Slimy, soft and damp, this is the deepest feeling for me. Disgusting.

But soon I didn't feel anything. I don't know if it was because of the powerful impact, or the suffocation when the tentacles were tightened, or some kind of magic or the inherent ability of the tentacles. In short, I couldn't react at all, so I lost consciousness.

In this way, I fell into a coma, a coma, almost a permanent coma...


In the village, Xiu Shu would go to see the situation of the brazier every day, look at the brazier that has never changed, and watch the flame that continues to burn.

"If he dies, the flame will be extinguished."

This is what Gao Yunchan said, and Xiu Shu also took it down. He looked at the white flame that was still burning every day. Although I didn't come back, he knew at least that I was not dead yet. Fortunately, he was working hard and struggling. , Or fighting.

Just like that, one day, two days, three days, four days...

A week has passed, I have not come out, and the flame has not changed.

Two weeks passed, I did not come out, and the flame did not change.

Three weeks have passed, I haven't come out, and the flame hasn't changed.

Four weeks...

It was long past the time I told Xiu Shu, but he didn't leave, he still had hope, hoping that I would be able to come out soon, but never.

Gao Yunzhuan came to persuade him from the fifth day. He also knew that I was still alive, but he was persuading Xiu Shu to leave.

Perhaps it was because the personnel exchange between the two villages finally ended, but it was not appropriate for Xiu Shu to rely on a house like this.

But what Xiu Shu said is also very reasonable: "The twelve white gods on the opposite side are all dead, so they will have fewer people than you. Arrange the house with fewer people here, and then let these people squeeze the house with others. Go, I won't lose much time."

Why? !

Gao Yunzhuan was speechless at that time. How could he still behave like a rascal after being a monster for so many years? !

Then he proposed to let Xiu Shu live in the house of the dead beggar opposite.

Then this proposal was ignored by Xiu Shu...

But Xiu Shu still makes sense. He is wild after all. After living outside for so long, he would not be unaccustomed to the days when the sky was used as a bed, and he usually spends more time than sleeping. Practicing.

In this way, he continued to wait outside. Gao Yunzhuan also continued to persuade, but he lost the most reasonable reason, and he refused to accept Xiu Shu.

In this way, I had been persuading him for seven or eight days, and Gao Yunchan was too lazy to take care of it. The whole village ignored him.

But today, Xiu Shu felt that he must leave, because New Year's Day was about to come. If he didn't go back and talk to the people in Jicheng, I was afraid that there would be problems.

He hadn't been there before. In addition to having hope for my return, he actually didn't want to deal with them.

It's not arrogant, it's not that they hate them, it's just that they simply don't like to communicate with others. Xiu Shu was born withdrawn. Before that, all his heart was given to the five ghosts of the drama group. Later, it may be because of my superiority, or that I helped him regain his strength and moved him, but he cared for me a lot, which was content.

Let him be like Geng Xi and Li Cunhao as dumb and self-conscious, let's forget...

In this way, after Xiu Shu had finished talking to Gao Yunzhuan that he was leaving for a while and would return soon, he set off for Jicheng.

And in the world over there, I was sitting cross-legged on the black ground, my eyes still closed, and my breath was symmetrical--

How long has it been? I don’t know, it’s so muddy, as if half asleep and half awake, maybe only a second, maybe many days have passed...

Even so, I can still detect any part of my body, but I can't move...

But because of this, I can clearly know that my eyes are closed at this time and have not been opened, but I can see the surrounding situation clearly!


The boundless darkness, like falling into hell, or floating in space, is full of deep darkness.

In front of me, there are huge rocks floating in the air. They are the same black as the surroundings, but they are faintly brown, so they can be seen clearly, especially at the bottom, the rugged rocks are shining with dark red light. , Pushing them like rocket propellers floating here.

But their top surfaces are extremely flat, allowing people to stand, walk, or even sit and lie down cross-legged. I can feel that I am sitting cross-legged on the ground, thanks to the flat ground.

These stones really seemed to be torn and torn on the ground, and turned into several pieces, each with a diameter of about seven meters, and then arranged according to a route planned by someone who did not know. Something like a suspension bridge.

It's just that the way the suspension bridge stays in the air is too metaphysical...

I may be at one end of this "suspension bridge" or at one end, and in front of me, within my sight, at the end of this "suspension bridge", there is a stone that is ten times larger than the other stones. Times the huge rocks!

Above, there is someone!

It was a throne with black wings like a black swan on the periphery. The throne and the people on the throne were guarded in the center by left and right, only a gap that only one person could pass through was exposed. Of course, in addition to letting the people inside come out, this gap can also let my eyes go in.

The black throne should be stone, and it looks very thick. The top is carved with a face that resembles a devil. Underneath is a yellow skeleton-like pattern. The horizontal bones are arranged in parallel, and there is a long one. The long one goes straight down in the middle.

And the person sitting on it, like me, closed his eyes at this time, instead of sitting cross-legged, he just sat on the throne like this, with his hands on the armrests naturally, with his head down, as if sleeping. Up.

But because of my state at this time, I have reason to believe that he is now in the same situation as me. Although he looked like he was asleep or passed out from the outside, he can actually see the outside and know what happened around him. What.

By the way, what is my current situation? I closed my eyes, but I can see? ! what is this? Sky Eye?

I tried it, and my sight can move up, down, left, and right, but the scope is only the area in front of me, no more than one hundred and eighty degrees to the left and right.

This means that I am not able to scan the whole body like a radar, but just as if I am tied here, I can only turn my head, but I can't turn around and can't see behind me. So I don't know if I am at the end of the stone suspension bridge.

I cast my gaze to the front again, this kind of scene has existed for a long time. At the end of my memory, I turned on the amulet. Because I couldn't take out the sword, I simply used the sword finger as the sword to release the sword energy and cut through the world.

Then, there are so many tentacles, and after that, I don’t remember anything.

I have been in this state of being half asleep and half awake since then, but every time I am "half awake", I can see this scene, just like every time I wake up in a daze at home The ceiling of my own home.

How long will this scenario last?

Is it because of that sword that I died with him and fell asleep at the same time? Are you going to wait until one of them wakes up now?

A little boring, tut! Confused again! It seems that we are about to enter the "half asleep" state again, really...

New Year's Day, the beginning of everything, in the cold winter wind, every family on the Chinese land is full of joy.

In the same boat club, the people in the big dining room were reunited here as they did last year, and there were even many new faces. But at this time, no one can hang the pure smile from the heart.

"He didn't come back..."

Hu Jie looked at the wine glass in front of her, her eyes dimmed and said.

Just the day before, they saw Xiu Shu who was going out with me at the time, but he brought an unpleasant news-I was afraid that I would not be able to return in a short time.

The promised New Year's Eve, after all, has not been realized.

But fortunately, Xiu Shu didn't tell them the truth that I went to another world, but only said that things here were troublesome and couldn't leave at all. Because of this, Hu Jie was worried and asked him to come back and help me quickly, and he quickly got away, and there was no such large group of people to ask questions.

"I should have asked a few more questions if I knew it, it's careless."

Only then did Hu Jie react and said quietly.

At this time, Xiu Shu was staring at the heavy snow and walking on a street in Yanjing City.

Not only Tongzhoushe, but also Duan Qingtian. Although he didn't want to yell at people, especially this kind of military mage organization, for so many years, he knew what to do for people.

Not only my friends, they should also be notified.

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