Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 625: Completely defeated


A scream cut through the sky in an instant, and a figure flew out again. The dark sanctuary was also broken at this moment!

"Uh-cough cough cough!"

Huang Zhengnan stepped back, but still did not hold back, a mouthful of blood spurted out again and spilled on the roof of this building.

"It's really a bit capable. I have copied such a strong power, and I have been practicing for such a long time every day... This guy, huh! Anyway, he will die today! This time it seems that there is no such thing as the golden light in the way... Finally used up Right!"

Huang Zhengnan showed a triumphant smile, and with a light tap, his whole body slowly lifted into the air, his body moved slightly, and he hurried towards the direction where I was flying.


Behind the building is a park. People who work in this building sometimes come here to walk during their lunch breaks. Nearby old men, old ladies and some other idle people also come here without incident.

Dancing, Tai Chi, and walking the dog are the scenes that can be seen in every park, and the same simple fitness equipment also exists in every park. However, the design scheme and greening level here are obviously better than others.

But at this time, this place has been abandoned...

Trees collapsed, floor tiles shattered, soil turned out, and those fitness equipment turned into scrap metal. Not far away, there were several dead bodies of people and dogs.

Here, it was also attacked by monsters. Obviously, before this, a behemoth walked through here and completely destroyed it!

The park and this building are built back to back, with a green belt separating it from a fence of the same color as the green belt. The monster passed by, but it was not on this side, so if you look at it from this side, it's pretty good. But they greeted me...

But I have no monsters to fight against!

The small trees and grasses in the green belt are nothing to worry about, but this time, I hit the fence directly!

Click la la la-

The fence couldn't have been made too strong, even if someone kicked both feet vigorously, it could bend it, let alone be slapped flying by the five ghosts! In an instant, almost the entire row of fences were pulled out of the soil and flew into the park. Then, they fell to the ground, rubbed the ground and continued to slide forward, and then slammed into a high On the steps!


The shock from behind made me raise my head, and a mouthful of blood spurted out in an instant!

Almost subconsciously, I stretched out my hand to cover my mouth, and there was a damp feeling on the palm of my hand, and blood leaked from my fingers.


I felt uncomfortable in my lungs, as if I was about to fall apart, leaning on the big steps with my back, looking up at the sky, panting, breathing and cursing.

This is so special, this Dogecoin Huang Zhengnan uses all top-notch spells! Feng Huan's swordsmanship, five ghosts split the palm of the sky, plus his own thunder and lightning... such an opponent, with the power I have now, I can't win at all!

Unless... the amulet is still there. It's a pity that in that small world before, in order to defeat the White God, I used it!

The amulet is used once every seven days. I encountered this kind of thing when I just came back, and it is far from when I can use it again. Otherwise, this battle will surely turn around!

Leaning back on the steps, I thought angrily, suddenly lowered my head and looked at my hand.

and many more!

This hand...!

The hand I saw was different from what I had imagined. It was broad and fat. It was the hand of "Guo Rui" but not of "Earl".

"Fuck! Could it be..."

I quickly reached out and touched my face again. As expected, it was my face. The mask was no longer valid. The appearance of the earl no longer exists. Do not! Or...I can't feel the existence of the mask at all? !

This shocked me. I quickly raised my head and looked around. I saw that there were some white fragments of unknown material scattered not far away...

"Fuck! It's over!"

The mask... shattered.

And at this moment, there was a gust of wind in the air, and when he looked up, Huang Zhengnan had already flown over to the building over there.


I was shocked and I was about to get up subconsciously, but I was dragged back by a strong sense of powerlessness and pain.

That's it!

There is only this thought in my heart.

From my first contact with this guy, or even further, when I contacted his Blue Eagle Club, I discovered that this guy has been targeting me.

I don't know where I provoke him, but he is targeting me. Almost all of the first group of Blue Eagle Club members were people I didn't want from Tongzhou Club. He took advantage of the dissatisfaction of these people to deal with me.

Later, during the basketball game in school and several confrontations, his targeted emotions were really too obvious!

But one thing I do know is that he targeted me, but didn't know who I was. What he was targeting was the president of the Tongzhou Club, the earl, the former Major of the Shadow Army, and the current Lord of the Dark Side! It's not Guo Rui.

Meaning, he didn't know that Guo Rui was the earl!


In an instant, my eyes lit up and I felt the breath in my body carefully.

The mana has been consumed seven or eighty-eight, and it is impossible to fight another round. Even if he wants to run, with his current physical condition, teleportation and Taiming step will not necessarily run past him.

That being the case... Although this trick is dangerous, it is also the last resort!

When I thought of this, I gritted my teeth fiercely and stretched out my hands on my chest. My chest flashed with purple-red light, and the mobile phone that had been in my body flew out instantly and fell into my hand.

"Mo, if I don't contact you in half an hour, come out by myself!"

I only had time to give such an order to Xiao Mo, and then threw the phone out after shaking my hand.

The mobile phone flew by in the air, and accurately fell into a pit that might have been brought out by a huge monster. The soil was smashed out by it, and it was already very soft. When the phone fell, it sank immediately, and the soil on both sides immediately covered it, even if someone wanted to find it, it couldn't be found.

In the next moment, a gust of wind blew beside me, and then Huang Zhengnan appeared in front of me.


"Huang Zhengnan?"

I turned my head and looked at him with a surprised look.

"I remember you." Huang Zhengnan looked down at me, his eyes cold. "Guo Rui, you are by this name. I have been to your school. You and the mages of Zeng Xiujie are friends."

"Ah, indeed, what's the matter? You... why are you here? It's dangerous here, there are... monsters! I..."

"What about you? Why are you here?" Huang Zhengnan asked me instead regardless of what I said.

"I'm here to travel. It was a good day today. I came out and walked around, and I saw a park here. I thought about coming here for a stroll. I didn't expect that the sky would suddenly change. Then... Oh, I'm lucky. Although it was affected, but somehow saved his life, those people are not lucky."

"Really such a coincidence?" Huang Zhengnan looked at me, his eyes gradually becoming bad.

"What do you mean?"

"Huh! I was fighting with a person just now, and that person seems to be flying here, did you see it?"

"No, it's horrible for me to live now. I still help you watch some people?" I chuckled and shook my head, but it was implicated in the pain on my body. My expression suddenly became strange and I could only be obedient. With.

"If you don't want to save me, just leave! Anyway, let me stay quiet for a while. If you want to save me, aren't you also a mage? I heard that you have any healing spells. Give me a shot. It's impossible to send me to safety Make an emergency call from the place, why should I have such a nutritious chat and question with you here...and accept your look?"

I said angrily, closed my eyes, as if I was exhausted, and slumped on the ground, as if I could go anytime.

But in fact, it is similar to this...

It used to have mana body protection to relieve pain, but now that mana is gone, it hurts more!

Fortunately, in the Dark Sanctuary at that time, even though Huang Zhengnan knew my range because he hit me with a punch, he still split into five palms and attacked in five directions for insurance, and his attack power naturally dropped a lot. In addition, the extinguishing fire and black ropes in the sanctuary are also weakened.

Otherwise, I guess I will not be able to survive now.

But it is strange. Although I am so heavy, but I don't know why, there seems to be a force in my body that is repairing my injury. And even now! Having no magic power, I can still feel the existence of this power!

Without waiting for me to think about it, Huang Zhengnan suddenly grabbed my collar. Whether there was mana in his body, he grabbed my so heavy body!

"I'm going! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts—fuck! What are you doing?!"

This passage is not performed, it is true...

It hurts...

And Huang Zhengnan, regardless of my howling, brought me to my eyes, stared at my eyes, and probed the breath in my body with all his strength.

Then, there was a surprised voice——

"Huh? Not a little bit of mana? Impossible, you should have a little mana left. And this feeling is not that you have used up your mana at all, but it seems...that you have no mana at all?!"

How fresh, if there is still my phone is not for nothing?

"What the **** are you talking about? I don't understand at all! It's okay, let's leave when it's okay! Of course I won't stop me if I have to heal my injuries or make an emergency call." I was dragged by him and felt pain. , Two eyes were waiting for him, shouting angrily.

If it weren't for being able to move, I would definitely call it over!

"Impossible... You absolutely have some tricks."

Huang Zhengnan said in a deep voice, suddenly raising his head and thinking about the distant sky.


I saw him suddenly stunned, with some doubts, and he also looked over, but saw a large group of black clouds in the distance rushing here, as if some demon had been released, marching here.

Its aura is so strong that it even surpassed the scale when the Demon Locking Tower was opened!

"It's another accident. It has been planned for so long, and there will be so many accidents!" Huang Zhengnan said bitterly, then glanced at me and smiled: "What if you are not? You are also related to them. ,go!"

After all, Huang Zhengnan just grabbed me and flew away, flying far away!

On Maoshan, Tianliu once again slayed a great demon with one sword, but turned his head to see that black clouds were coming here quickly.

"Is it finally here?" Tian Liu smiled, shaking his wrist, and holding the sword in his backhand instead, turning his head to look at the old master, clasping his fists and arching his hands.

"Sorry, God, I still have something to deal with. If they are allowed to land here, I am afraid that things will get worse. I can only take the first step. The trouble here can only be left to you!"

When the words fell, Tianliu flew directly up and flew in the right direction towards the black cloud.

And the black cloud continued to surging over there, crossing Maoshan, as if chasing Tianliu, and continued on.

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