Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 642: egg?

"Boss! Boss!"

On the mountain road, two scarred snow monsters ran fast. The one in front was wearing a hat and holding a long knife, like a knight, holding his own weapon in his right hand, and limping with the other snow monster in his left hand. Ran towards this side.

Behind him, the one he was pulling was almost in a coma, but it was still a little awake because of being pulled.

In front of them, dozens of steps ahead, Huang Zhengnan was surrounded by a dozen big monsters, rushing towards them.

"That is……"

"Boss, that's our person, it's the snow monster that lived around here before." Fu Haiyu explained beside him.

"I know, I remember him, or I let them come back to this neighborhood." Huang Zhengnan said grimly, glaring at him, as if disgusting him for talking too much, stepped forward and looked at them coldly: "You what's happenin?!"

"Old... boss, help! We..."

When the two snow monsters saw Huang Zhengnan and the dozen big monsters, they felt a little emboldened, and then they stopped, panting, and talking intermittently.

Hearing their vague words, Huang Zhengnan frowned, and glanced at the direction they were running from, it seemed that it was the Tanggula Mountain Range, which was the source of the heavenly power before!

"What are you talking about?! What do I ask you to do?"

"Ha...Ha...Huh?" The Snow Monster was still panting, and when he heard Huang Zhengnan's question, he was also taken aback, raised his head and looked at him suspiciously.

"Didn't I ask all the monsters nearby to find the escaped person and the female mage? What are you doing?!"

"I, we...we are looking for them!"

This is nonsense.

Although Huang Zhengnan holds ten thousand demon banners and can give orders to them, how could the small chieftains in these places, the great demon who practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, listen to him who is not yet thirty? More or less, they are not very disciplined.

And to be honest, although Huang Zhengnan can order them and want to kill them, he can easily do it with Ten Thousand Demon Banners. But after all, it's not that the law doesn't blame the people. Huang Zhengnan is alone and can't monitor them. If he is in the north, how can he control the people in the south?

Therefore, because of this, they obviously received Huang Zhengnan's order to search for me and Leng Yuxun, but they still did not implement it, but went to find the cave that used to be.


What's more unexpected is that this time, another hit and collision...

"Oh—? You mean that the injuries on your body are because you met them?!" How smart is Huang Zhengnan? Guessed the truth directly.

Although the two snow monsters don't know this is the truth...

"Ah...Yes! They are in Tanggula Mountain! In a cave! We can't beat them!" The Xia Ke Xuekai thought for a moment, and said affirmatively immediately.

"They? The fat man and the woman are there?"

"...Hey! Ah that...Yes, it's all here!"

He said this before because he couldn't help it, and he was forced to get here. Whether it was true or not, it was only when Huang Zhengnan mentioned it that he remembered it, right, isn't it a fat man and a woman? I go! That is not true, is it!


The snow monster immediately gained confidence. Looking at Huang Zhengnan, his back was straight, and he nodded heavily: "Yes!"


Huang Zhengnan looked at him suddenly feeling confident, so why did he suddenly feel confident?

But at this time, what is the need to manage those?

"lead the way!"



On the other side, inside the cave...

The snow monster fled, and Leng Yuxun had to ensure safety and could not pursue it. There was no threat outside at this time. She was really curious, so she walked in and took a look. It was only because the distance in the middle had collapsed and the bottom had become a bottomless abyss. Ahead is where I am, gold and silver are boiling.

Cold words were afraid that they would affect me in the past and that they would harm me, so I didn't dare to come close, so I could only stand on the other side of the pothole and look at me from a distance.

On the other side of the pothole, the mouth of the two dragons faced each other, and I was floating among them.

The two-color circulation of gold and silver, from the beginning of each sticking to one side, becomes intermingled with each other. The gold and silver blend into one, and become a strange color that cannot be described. It is a little strange and beautiful. It turns into a huge An egg-shaped sphere, and I am in this sphere.


Leng Yuxun looked at the "egg", frowning with some worry. Because in her sight, the strangely colored egg seemed to be slowly consolidating. From the original only had a shell, it seemed to be solid, and even the color became deeper and deeper!

" it okay? Can't you be suffocated..."

Leng Yuxun looked at the egg floating in the egg, still closed his eyes, his limbs hanging down weakly on me, obviously deeply worried.

But her worries are useless. She can't help anything, and she will never be able to intervene in this grand "ceremony". All she can do is watch.

Watching the strange color getting deeper and deeper, watching the egg, from the very beginning, looked like a colored transparent film, turning into a solid ball with nothing in it.

And the two dragons, after vomiting all their essence power, suddenly made a loud noise, and then instantly circled around the egg that contained my body. The bodies overlapped together, and their beautiful postures flew up and down, like one A whirlwind of gold and silver!

Leng Yu Xun was originally a woman who loves beauty, and she was a little stunned when she saw this gorgeous scene, but the next moment she was stunned, a powerful wave hit her by surprise!

"I go!"

Leng Yuxun couldn't stand firmly, and was thrown a somersault, and fell heavily to the ground. Then he touched his **** and cracked his teeth and mouth, although it might not hurt that much.

"Oh my God, there is no preparation at all, what's the situation? This..."

Leng Yuxun stood up while complaining, and glanced at the wall suddenly, but was a little dazed. All around her—the mountain wall, the ground, and the top, were all covered with a film of the same color as the egg. !

From the deepest part of the cave, the double dragon play ball... where the play egg is, it spreads to the entrance of the cave!

Leng Yuxun looked back and saw that at the entrance of the cave, a convex protective film covered the entire cave, sealing the entire cave under the light.

Leng Yuxun is in this mountain, I don't know what to say, but if you are in the outside world, especially not far away, just outside this cave, you can find that the original power that penetrates the sky and earth is gone! Not even a single trace of it!

Not disappeared, but blocked.

This protective film isolates this power from the world!

And then I realized that it was because of this protective measure that some higher levels of power hidden in the dark, only felt the breath of that moment, but failed to further discover my existence. So he didn't make trouble at this time.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be the finale here...

Leng Yuxun looked at the egg still floating in the air, and the Ssangyong still hovering around the egg, hesitated for a moment, turned and ran, reached the entrance of the cave, and stretched out his hand to probe.


This is Leng Yuxun's only feeling. It is not a soft membrane that bursts with a finger, nor a balloon full of elasticity. It seems to be compacted to the extreme like a ball, a little soft, but unusually hard.

Leng Yuxun tried again. Although she didn't dare to use too much force for fear of causing any accidents, she was also confident that this palm could split a wall, but the protective film did not move.

It seems that the defense is still good.

Leng Yuxun felt a little relieved, and returned to the pothole, looking at the egg.

In her eyes, the egg hadn't changed at all, it just stayed there quietly, only the two outer dragons were constantly flying.

And inside, my feeling is completely different from her!

Inside the egg, my divinity was completely retracted into my brain, where there is another world!

Like a dream, like an illusion, and like a mirage. I was there, with all the shadows, without any shortcomings, with a full real experience, but because of this, it was even more terrifying!

I am standing there at this time on an isolated island...Ah no, I can't be called an "island" anymore, but on a small piece of land and a flat boat! The land has no roots, it moves with the waves, and its size is only limited by the width of my body.

And around me, there is an endless golden ocean!

Squall! The huge waves are terrifying! This is not a quiet sea, but a stormy sea! It is the sea of ​​natural disasters that can take the lives of hundreds of people at any time and is regarded by the sailors as the wrath of God!

But the sky, the silver sky, is constantly raining fire! A silver lightning as thick as an arm! Intensify the churning of the ocean!

And all I have is a small boat...

The only thing that can make me feel lucky is that in this small piece of land, there is a small tree that will never collapse, which can be held by me so that it will not be thrown into the sea.

But the nightmare scene and the 100% immersive feeling are suffocating! Make every pore of me tremble!

So that I didn't even know at that time, whether all this was to get me some kind of benefit, or to kill me...

Later, I asked Leng Yuxun what I looked like in her eyes, and her answer was like an egg, from virtual to real.

Yes, eggs...

That's not an egg, an egg, it's just the most suitable expression to express, it's one of the metaphors.

That thing is the fetus of a newborn!

The change from virtual to real is like the process of a child's growth in the mother's body.

And that violent miraculous natural disaster is the difficulty of growth.

Such a change can only show one thing, that is, after this level has passed, I will-get a new life!

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