Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 648: Into the city

When you get close, this ancient city doesn't have that shaky virtual feeling, but a solid stone city wall. Through the open city gate, you can see the houses inside, the vendors along the road, and the coming and going. Of men and women in Western costumes...


A dull but very majestic voice sounded, and two soldiers over two meters tall, wearing armor and holding swords and axes, came over and stopped in front of us.

I looked carefully, this soldier is also a skeleton, but the figure is much stronger than these!

Needless to say, those who are more than two meters tall have a very wide frame. At first glance, they were the kind of figures with big arms and round waists. Having said that, the leader of this team of Skeletons is also larger than the others. He should be a strong man when he is alive, so he can be the captain. But compared to the soldier, it was still not enough.

And these skeleton soldiers, their bones, are not white, but black! The same scorched black burnt by the fire!

Such a color...

Gold and silver flashed in my eyes, and I glanced at the huge skeleton soldier, and sure enough, they had the attributes of fire.

Not to mention that general fire attacks are useless for them, and they themselves will use fire spells to attack.

Sure enough, no ordinary person can serve as a doorman...

Seeing them blocking the way, the skeletons of this team were also obviously used to this. They stopped and waited quietly. The leader of the team stepped forward and explained: "We went to collect, and the camels behind this were carrying Fresh blood, pigs and sheep, and living people to be dedicated to the Lord of the City."


The soldier raised his head and looked at the camels, without seeing him check, he just glanced, then nodded, stepped aside, and said they could pass.

But the captain did not leave immediately. Instead, he turned his head and shouted at us: "Take off your hat and enter the city!"

After speaking, he took the lead in taking off his hat, revealing a bald skull, and walked into the city.

Behind them, one by one, they naturally took off their hats, and one after another, the smooth heads were exposed one after another. No one had hair. Obviously they would do this every time they entered the city.

And immediately, this behavior came to me. Under the gaze of the huge skeleton soldier, I did not hesitate to stretch out my hand to pull off the hat, and what was exposed was not my head, but the same skull!

The transfiguration mask previously brought from Li Cunhao was destroyed by Huang Zhengnan during the previous Maoshan Incident. However, even if there are, I shouldn't be able to become a naked skeleton.

But don't forget, the me at this time is not the me at the time, the me at this time is the pinnacle of the earth fairy! Level thirty-nine strength!

And the most important thing is that in my system, before level 60, you can unlock a new skill every three levels. From twenty-nine to thirty-nine, thirty, thirty-three, thirty-six, thirty-nine! I got four skills at once!

And that first-the 30th level acquired skill is this technique of change!

It’s no longer like that mask that can only change for adults. All living beings, birds and beasts, flowers, fish, insects, spirits and ghosts...everything in the world is in the process of change!

It's not a problem to fool that little skeleton soldier!

I followed them and entered the city with ease, without any hindrance at all. Only when I entered the city did I feel the atmosphere of the real ancient city of the Western Regions in this city!

The dome of the earth wall is very conspicuous. The men wear thick headscarves, while the women wear scarves to cover their faces. The tea house and wine shop on the roadside sell milk tea and milk wine, and they are sold in the stalls made of logs. It's earth-colored clay pots, and various fruits.

In such a city, except for the kind of backpackers who can be seen everywhere in this street-people from all over the world who come here to see the beauty of the Western Regions, the others are almost the same as those in the northwestern cities that have already been commercialized. .

In this way, it seems that this group of black-robed people is a bit out of place, but when they walk on this bustling street, neither they nor the surrounding residents and vendors have any expressions, not even a second glance. , Obviously this is daily life in this city.

I looked around, not just this main road, but from the fork roads around, I could see farther places, extending from left to right to the distance, and there were people coming and going, men and women in an endless stream, and the whole looked thriving. The prosperous Kangtai scene is truly like a prosperous country.

Of course, if they are human...

The countless pedestrians on the side of the street said they were human, but in fact, they were just wearing a human skin!

In my eyes, the two colors of gold and silver flowed, and with the blessing of the two dragons, the yin and yang eyes were upgraded again! Sweeping past, the real bodies of those monsters and ghosts appeared in my eyes!

There are zombies wrapped under the human skins! It's a ghost! There are skeletons like them!

This city is not the kind of prosperous and well-being scene on the surface! It is a dead city that hides the fierce undercurrents under peace!

Who is it, and when did it start to build such a city here? Is it Huang Zhengnan? Did he know that there was such a city not far from his northwest base?

I thought secretly in my heart and glanced to the side inadvertently. Behind the house over there, a woman flashed out as if she should have been there, without arousing anyone's suspicion.

But I know, she just arrived.

I looked at her, made a quiet gesture, and coldly nodded, hiding in the shadow of the house again, and disappeared.

The cold words at this time have become the appearance of a mature woman who is nearly 30 years old, wearing Western costumes that are consistent with those around her, mixing with them, without any violation.

And she was able to enter this city unconsciously, relying on her masterpiece—Tu Escape!

Speaking of which, if I want to enter the city, I don’t have to be so troublesome. I can easily reach the city just by teleporting. The appearance of clothes can be changed.

However, I still chose to enter the city with these black-robed skeletons, not for anything else, just to... be able to go a step further and enter the royal city!

This ancient city is regarded as a whole, but inside, there are divisions. Among the civilians, it is divided into residential areas and commercial areas. The two are separated and do not interfere with each other. The main road is to operate various The commercial district of commerce and trade, and their houses are farther away.

But in addition to this civilian area, there is another, the royal city in the center of the city!

Just like the Imperial Palace in Kyoto, within the city, a city wall was built to build a city within a city. Entering the city, naturally there is no problem, but if you want to enter the royal city, if you only use teleport, I am afraid it is not enough.

And this group of black-clothed skeletons, since they used camels to carry the blood of pigs, cows, and even alive people, they must have entered the royal city. It is better to mix in with them than to break in alone.

The information available in the royal city is always more important than that available in this downtown area. The key is that as a living sacrifice, Hu Jie will naturally be in the royal city!

Thinking about this, I looked down at the ground.

Although the other party does not know the relationship between me and Hu Jie, in order to ensure her safety, try not to act rashly. Even if this city lord is strong, I am confident that I can beat him, but if he uses Hu As Jie is a hostage, I will inevitably be restrained, so I still let Leng Yuxun follow me underground. Once this happens, I will attract attention and she will attack and try to save Hu Jie!

A group of more than twenty people walked through the main road, and in front of them, the appearance of the royal city had appeared.

The white lacquered walls immediately appeared noble among the civilian residences surrounded by countless earthen walls, and the towering buildings inside the walls were complemented by golden decorations, which were numerous and noble.

Above the tall building, on the large balcony, there was no one at this time, but I can also imagine that at a certain moment, a certain king stood on that balcony, looking down at the sentient beings, and having a panoramic view of the entire city! As long as you shout loudly, it will attract the attention of the whole city at that time, and the stars will hold the moon.

This is the royal city!

But this line of teams did not enter through this front gate. As a gathering team, they were not qualified to go through the front gate. There were also nine gates in the Imperial Palace in Kyoto, all of which were useful, and the same was true here.

I followed them around the palace for half a circle, and came to the side entrance, which was nearly half smaller than the main entrance. The four guards at the entrance, all wearing heavy armor and holding spears, were also two meters away. It's a skeleton soldier.

But as the guards of the royal city, the aura exuding from them is much stronger than that at the gate of the city!

As soon as we walked to the door, a skeleton soldier stepped forward, and the captain in black stepped forward again to explain his identity. It was the same as before. After a brief comment, he immediately let him go.

After entering this royal city, I knew how correct my decision was at that time!

In this royal city, along the wall, there are three steps one post, five steps one post! As soon as you entered the door, you could see that there were almost full of people standing on the left and right sides, all strengths were not lower than the four at this door, and they were also skeleton soldiers.

Not only that, not far in front of you, a team of about thirty skeletons is patrolling along the various buildings in the royal city. The distance between them and the one standing on the wall and underground is only a few tens of meters. Once one of them has a problem, the other immediately Will find out.

The most important thing is that there is more than one team like this, and almost the former team has just turned, and the latter team has already turned from another corner! The person standing at the front of the team may still be able to see the bottom of the last person of the previous team.

If the guards so densely came in directly, it would be impossible to avoid their sight, and war would start at that time!

In that case, Hu Jie's situation is not clear.

I nodded, proud of my decision. On the other side, outside a two-story building not far away, a female-looking skeleton was waving to this side, and the black captain immediately took it. The team went over there, and I continued to follow them, waiting for the opportunity.

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