Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 650: Important information


"what happened?!"

Captain Skeleton slapped the sleeves of his robe, waved away the dust floating around, and listened to the screams coming from him, shouting loudly.

"Captain, one of us is under pressure!"


The answer came from the other side, not the direction from which the scream occurred, but it was obvious that his own casualties were the most important, and Captain Skeleton immediately walked towards the side where his subordinates were speaking.

Sure enough, at the end of the team, a skeleton man in a black robe was crushed under the collapsed earth wall. By coincidence, a huge block of earth and rock hit his head and knocked his skull. The head was smashed!


Captain Skeleton kicked away the earth and rocks, looked at the headless Skeleton Man, looked a little embarrassed, squatted down, reached out and touched him to confirm the situation.

"Captain, this is..."

"The skull was smashed, the soul is scattered, it is already dead, and it is estimated that it will not be able to resurrect in the future." Captain Skeleton sighed, shook his head and stood up.

But at the same time, he was also weird, muttering in a low voice: "The skull was smashed so easily? It shouldn't be, our bodies are all modified, so it should be so hard..."

At this moment, one of the people watching the excitement on the side of the road, watching this scene, suddenly showed an almost unrecognizable smile.

And beside him, a woman walked up from there, leaned in front of him, stretched out her hand and gently took his arm.

That person is naturally me, and this skull whose head was shattered is naturally the guy who was thrown into the system by me before.

The collapse of this house will naturally not be a coincidence, but intentional! Leng Yuxun uses the earth to hide below, wanting to knock down a house and control which side it falls to, it can be said to be easy!

And I, at that moment, took out the skeleton again, and at the same time flashed to the side of the road, and got into the surrounding crowd.

That head was naturally broken by me, so that he could not survive. It's easy for a person or an animal to die. Hemorrhage is enough, but I really don't know how this bone frame is dead. I can only smash his head.

As for what the captain said, of course it is true. I also felt the intensity when I smashed my head. Such a house collapsed, but it was not enough to smash it. But no way...

Captain Skeleton was thinking, but the skeleton man beside him didn't hear his low mutter, and stepped forward and asked: "Captain, what shall we do now?"

"Huh?" Captain Skeleton glanced at him, then groaned again, and said, "Look at his body. Now Lord City Lord is at a critical moment. You can't interrupt. Wait until you find a chance before handing it over. Let me see if it can be resurrected."

"Uh... yes."

Several people agreed and squatted on the ground to pick up the fragments of the head, while the captain walked to the other side again—the direction from which the scream came.

Leng Yuxun's shot was indeed aimed at this team of skeletons, but this earth and stone had no eyes, and it was impossible to follow them all, and there were still many people around.

This time, not only the last skeleton man was pressed, but also a passerby around him.


The people who screamed sternly were frightened, and the few people around were panicking to move the huge stones. With a human body and face, they also have the power to make panic expressions, unlike those The skeleton man, except for his tone, could hardly see emotion.

And the guy who was crushed was actually a skeleton in nature. Before, I was wondering why the status of skeletons in this city is higher than that of ghosts and zombies. Soldiers and people with special positions are all skeletons. The ruler of this city is a skeleton.

And the residents of this city, the closer they are to the royal city, the more and more they are skeletons, and the distinction between high and low levels of races is obvious.

But no matter what they were, they were all covered in human skin at this time. The man who was suppressed, his legs were smashed and purple and big, was obviously dead. The man almost fainted in pain, yelling even when his throat became hoarse.

"The human body is just such a fragile body. It is obviously a body that will be scrapped as long as the flesh is injured, but there are people who want to pursue this. Your Lord, should you give up this body and pursue such a body instead? Huh—"

Captain Skeleton murmured a few more words and waved his hand: "Take him to the temple and strip this body out. If you still want a human form, then wait for the next body. The Lord of the City has already ordered it, temporarily Close the city gate and wait until the city opens."


The people around said yes, and someone immediately went over and supported him, holding him to the front door of the royal city, which should be the temple he was talking about.

And I, at this moment, smiled again and couldn't help but snorted, causing me to look at me suspiciously.

"what's happenin?"

"Nothing, let's go, it's time to find Gongsun Shu them, come on, I'll take you to see you."

Having said that, I turned around and walked towards the depths of an alley, and Leng Yuxun obediently followed behind and walked far away with me.

The street farce this time was originally just a way to get out planned by Leng Yuxun and I. I was worried that they discovered that the black skeleton was missing a plan that one person came up with, although I knew that the strength of the skeleton man was definitely not affected by this. The planting wall was broken as soon as it was smashed, but there was no way.

And after getting out, he didn't leave immediately, but watched the excitement on the side of the road, just to see if they were suspicious, and to see what they would do next.

But I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains!

This time, I got two pieces of information at once.

One is everyone in it, um...too absolute, maybe it should be said that most of them, their human appearance is not cultivated by themselves, but in the temple in the mouth of Captain Skeleton or Where else, in a way similar to seizing a house, the human body was obtained.

This desire for the human body may originate from the fact that they are human beings, after they die, they become zombies, ghosts and skeletons, so for the human body, there is a feeling of nostalgia for first love.

But of course there are exceptions, that is the skeleton captain, maybe this whole team has the same idea, because indeed, as he said, the human body is too fragile, at least for the illusory ghosts, the steel-and-iron zombies and them are inherently hard. And for the skeleton who has also undergone special training, it is indeed the case.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that such an entirely devoid of human team will go out of the city to collect.

And the second piece of information I got is that Skeleton Queen, like most people, hopes to have a human body!

This also means that Hu Jie will not be shaved into a skeleton and then seized of her body as I thought--that would be impossible to save.

Coupled with some information I got in front of the castle, I can probably summarize the situation.

Hu Jie is okay. Maybe she is in a coma. There should be no less meat on her body. The ritual of seizing the house has not yet begun. And seeing what that means, it seems that you need to seize Hu Jie’s body completely. For a long time, it would take three or five days, otherwise, the city gates would not have to be closed.

So now, we have ample time, which is good news. Gongsunshu came earlier than me, and may get more information than me, and discuss the specific rescue plan with him.

Anyway, with my current strength, as long as Hu Jie is not under their control, I can give him a smooth push for this city!


In the ancient city, in a small alley, there is such a family. The courtyard door is not on the street. The opposite door is the wall of another house. You can leave the alley on both sides. There is no debris on the road and it is unobstructed.

In the three houses in the courtyard, originally living here was a family of three—an old couple, and their lonely and elder son, but in fact they are three ghosts. They have not yet reached the realm of ghosts and monsters, but they are considered to have some strength.

But at this time, these people are not the ones who live here.

A day ago, a group of uninvited guests came quietly, meaning that the momentum of the thunderbolt killed these three people instantly and seized the yard. There was no movement and no one noticed that the house had changed owners.

But today, this yard welcomed two more guests...


The courtyard door opened, and the wooden door made a toothy sound. I stepped in, followed by a cold voice. After entering the courtyard, I immediately locked the door and turned back—


Behind him, the empty yard was suddenly full of people! There are twenty or so! The leader bowed his hands and shouted respectfully.


More than twenty people behind him all said in unison.

These people, without exception, are all ghosts, some are ghosts and monsters just like Gongsunshu, and some are not yet, but they are considered masters.

With this configuration, it is indeed easy to kill the original family of three in this courtyard silently.

"Come, let me introduce to you." I said to Leng Yuxun. "This is Gongsunshu, I am a member of the Tongzhou Club! Ghost demon, proficient in spells and various formations. By his side is Lang Feng, who specializes in swordsmanship."

"Sir, this lady is..." Gongsun Shu asked when I introduced him to Leng Yuxun, not knowing her origin.

"Oh, this is cold talk. I was taken away by Huang Zhengnan. Thanks to her, I was able to escape from birth, and I also got stronger strength!" I patted cold talk on the shoulder and smiled Said.

"That's the case!" Gongsun Shu immediately bowed to Leng Yu, then turned to me, looked up and down, took a breath and said, "Mister's breath is really different! Sir, you are now. ..."

"Earth Immortal! Peak!"



There were more than twenty ghosts. At that time, they all took a breath and exploded a foul language, looking at my eyes, just like seeing God. Uh...or maybe I am a **** first.

I smiled and waved my hand, walked in front of Gongsun Shu, and put my hand on his shoulder: "Well, there is nothing to be surprised about, low-key, enter the house, and tell me what is going on now."

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