Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 669: Attacked!

Serve the soul curse!

Directly enslave the soul, as long as the opponent's strength is weaker than me when casting the spell, then the spell will be successful! And in the future, even if the opponent's strength surpasses me, I won't be able to break this spell!

She is not as good as me now...

"Hehe!" I smiled, let go of my hand, and leaned back in the chair very relaxed, looking at her with arms around my chest.

"You...what did you do?!" The Skeleton Queen asked loudly, feeling her own changes.

"Can't you feel it yourself? Don't tell me your perception is so bad." I said.

She must know, but dare not admit this fact.

" are not afraid that I will kill her? I have said that if you rush me, I am sure..."

"You can try." I said, my tone was very calm, my expression was very awkward, and the whole person was very indifferent.


"I just said, your perception ability should not be so bad, right now, I want to kill you easier than just now, I am afraid you will be wiped out by me before you start."

"...You can't stay with her all the time, I can kill her right away!"

"I also said, if you kill her, I will kill you immediately! No matter when I learn about her death, if I move my mind, it will be a thousand miles away, and it will kill you! But don't be nervous. , If I want to kill you, I have already killed, adding this spell is just insurance."

I said, showing a smiling face, with two rows of teeth on, leaning over, looking at this familiar face and the strange eyes.

"Huh! You don't want to kill me? You just want to control me! You won't be threatened by me, and I won't be threatened by you! If you want to order me, I will kill her immediately, even if I fail to death in vain Will not compromise."

"Well, I have the backbone, I think so too." I nodded, showing a look of approval.

"...You have no problem with your mind."

"I'm fine, I didn't intend to control you, I said, just to be on the safe side."

"...What do you mean?"

I looked at her who was still confused and hostile again, shook my head helplessly, and let out a sigh of relief: "Huh-let me explain to you, as I said before shaking hands, you cherish this body and your own life. I do cherish this person, but I will not be threatened by you. You cannot have both fish and bear paws. When I am threatened, I will completely destroy you, no matter whether you kill her or not."

"I think so too." The Skeleton Queen issued Zhang Fei's answer.

"Yeah, now, there are three results, one is that you threatened me, so I killed you, may kill her, or maybe not. Two one, I want to control you, you break the can and I kill With you, she will most likely die. Three one, we are in peace, and we all protect this body and this person, okay?"

As I said, I raised my eyebrows at her.

And at this time, she finally reacted to an obvious problem in it——

"Wait, if it's the second case, you have to do it first, you can't just kill me but not her, so whether you attack me before or after I do it, it's a situation where I die with her!"

"Yeah, that was the case just now, not anymore. With that spell, I can just kill you but not her."


The soul-serving curse is only aimed at the soul, but most people have only one soul, so that soul is dead and the body is naturally dead. But she wasn't. This guy died and Hu Jie officially took full control of her body. It's gratifying, everything returned to normal.

Before that, the second situation was really unfavorable to me, but she didn't react. It's all right now, it's perfect...

"you you you--"

"I am me, don't me, what do you do now? Now, there are three situations. The first two are that Hu Jie has a probability of death. Of course, one is bigger and the other is small, and you are bound to die! But the last one, You can all live, and you will not lose everything if you lose it. You should be a smart person..."

As I said, I turned my head slightly, stretched my face over, and stared at her with a single eye. There should be something very uncomfortable in the eyes.

And sure enough, the skeleton queen began to tremble with my remarks, her fists clenched, and she felt that the bed would be broken again in the next moment!

Anyway, I am not afraid of her hitting me...

"... Maybe I'm not a smart person?!"

"You can try!"

As I said, my right hand suddenly lifted, making a virtual grip.

That empty hand held her soul, her life! If she changes at this time, I will kill her immediately!

"Thousands of years of waiting are just for a body like this. It's better to live as a skeleton for so many years. It's over. Are you willing?! Resurrection after death, such a strong cultivation base, seven elements You just gave up on your control ability, are you willing?!"

"I will not threaten you or control you. What I want you to do is very simple. It is the same as what you originally wanted to do. It is to protect her and protect this body! I don't care if you are smart or smart. I advise you to be a smart person, don't let your millennia of hard work and waiting end today, and don't let our half-day conversations go in vain!"

A word, loudly and loudly.

After speaking, both of me fell silent.

It's not just silence, the two of us didn't even move, we just looked at each other like this, only the eyelashes were slightly shaking unnoticeably.

It took a long time before she spoke again, loosened her fists briefly, and then tightly grasped the quilt on the bed, with wrinkles all around the grasp.

"I can protect her, but you have to understand that it is definitely not for you, but for me! If one day, you are in danger and you ask me to save you, I will never give up and protect you!"

"Whatever you want, I don't need you to worry about it, I am much better than you." I said angrily.

A joke, Lao Tzu is the one who opened the door!

Before the trip to Tanggula Mountain, I was still a contender, and when I should admit counsel, I should admit counsel, but now I feel that I seem to have opened a terrible hang...

Except for the really serious accident, or it's my death, there shouldn't be any danger... right.

"What if one day you want to control me?"

"I said, no."

"Who knows?"

"...Well, maybe it will, but my mind is not bad, I remember what you said, shattered, shattered, right."

"Yes!" she said. "As long as you remember, I will protect her, just protect the body, no matter what's between you and her, get it."

"Well, I understand. Don't forget what I said. I can kill you whenever I want to. As long as I hear Hu Jie's death, you will die immediately. Do you understand?"

"...Boy, the abacus is really good!"

"I'm afraid that you won't work, and I'm also afraid that you will find another body when I am away. Then you will change the place and kill her with the backhand. Be sure of yourself," I said, turning my head and taking a look outside.

It was early in the morning, and it was completely dark outside. Except for the street lamps on the road that were still emitting light, illuminating the winding road, all that was left were the stars and the moon in the sky.

I hate this guy. It's so beautiful and quiet at night. Hu Jie and I have just warmed up again. At this moment, we should kiss her in the bed and hug her to sleep. Why am I here to talk about such a thing with you for so long, betting and gambling, if it weren't for you in Hu Jie's body, I would have done it so early!

I turned my head back and looked at her: "So, don't you plan to go back? There is no danger now, she doesn't need your protection, you can go back."

"Huh?" The Skeleton Queen glanced at me, maybe she could see my thoughts, smiled unkindly, and said, "No plan, I finally came out once, why? You still want to do it. What? Huh! Impossible, I want to protect this body. What you do is hurting her."

"What the hell... I, you, what's so special... Come and I will kill you now! I don't need you to protect her, I now think your existence is too special!"

At that time, I was furious and frustrated. What's so special? I had always protected the advantage before, so how come I made her fight back for a while? !

And she looked at me, who was beginning to speak incoherently and turned into anger, and she didn't worry, but smiled as if a child had succeeded in a prank.

"I... you wait!"

I want to say something more, but at this moment, I suddenly had an idea in my heart. It was a call from the headquarters of Tongzhou Club!

After Dixian, this system and mobile phone were integrated into my body. Now whether it’s a text message or a phone call, I don’t feel any ringtones or anything when I come. It’s just a whim, like the sixth I feel the same, I feel strongly that there is a call coming, and I can know where it came from...

"It's me, what's wrong, why didn't the previous contact return?"

I glared at the guy, then turned and walked to the window to ask.

The voice on the other side, coming from the depths of consciousness, is no different from using the system to conduct a spiritual dialogue.

"Uh, uh, what?! You...impossible, how could it be possible! No, no! How could he... uh, uh, I know, I'll go back right away."

When I hung up the phone, I turned around again, my face visibly cold.

And the Skeleton Queen also saw that I was wrong, and lost interest in quarreling with me, shook her head, and said: "You should do your own thing. It's still the same sentence, everything is in peace, everything is peaceful, you If you have to make an inch of it, then you will break the pot, and I will go back. Whatever happened to you two, I will not mix things up, and before... I was honest, and you were very gentle."

After speaking, she suddenly fainted, and she collapsed on the bed in an instant weakly.

Then, because of this fall, I fell a little bit harder and woke up again...

"Ceng Yu Xun! Gongsun Shu, Lang Feng!"

"Yes, sir!"


Three figures appeared in the room again, all seemed to be ready at any time, and I rushed over as soon as I called.

And Hu Jie also woke up because of this fall.

"Why, what's the matter?" Hu Jie rubbed her head and sat up again, this time really Hu Jie herself.

"I can't wait for tomorrow, so I will go back to Jicheng... No, go to Yancheng first." I said.

After saying this, Leng Yu Xun Xinjin didn't know the meaning, Gongsun Shu and Lang Feng looked at each other, both guessing what happened, and tentatively asked: "Sir, it's Yancheng..."

I glanced at him, his face became more gloomy, and said in a cold voice: "Just got rewarded. At the same time as you conquered the Blue Eagle Society, Huang Zhengnan's people also attacked the two Tongzhou Clubs at the same time, and the Jicheng headquarters was attacked. Fortunately, the damage is not big, but Yancheng..."

"Smoke City...what's wrong?"

"The Yancheng Branch... a traitor came out and was hit hard! Senior Sikong... was killed!"

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