Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 683: Nanyang Association, declare war? !

Declare war!

Moreover, it is a declaration of war on the entire world!

Arrogant! Where do you come from being confident, dare to say such a big thing? !

You know, there are several earth immortals in the current world, not to mention that I am already at the pinnacle of earth immortals, a half-step heaven fairyland at this time! Is he more confident than the earth fairy? !

"It's too big a boast." I looked at him, narrowed my eyes slightly, and moved my fingers lightly.

Although there may be only one in ten thousand possibility, ah no, maybe even this possibility is not even possible, but if it is really true, then...

The monster looked at me, perhaps feeling my emotions and thoughts, and laughed and said, "Hehehehe, my master asked me to tell you that the master has gained the power of heaven! In the blink of an eye, he can conquer the whole world! At that time, whether it is you or you, will die! This world will be owned by our master!"

"But... what use does the master want a world full of corpses and wasteland? So the master is compassionate and gives you a chance. This opportunity is to give you a month. Within a month, those who come to surrender can live. Months later, if you still resist and do not surrender, you will not stay one! All of you will be massacred!"

"Humph! What a big tone!" Mu Nianqing snorted disdainfully.

Not only him, but the others are also disdainful.

conquer the world? Do you think it's a playhouse? The big talk is amazing, but it's a pity that it's just a dream.

If you can win the Earth Immortal, it is possible that there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the sky. But if it is said to kill all the practitioners in the world, it needs an extremely powerful existence and an unusually huge organization!

The strongest organization in the world, although I don't want to admit it, there is nothing better than the Demon Sect, but even the Demon Sect does not dare to say that it has such ability. Could it be that the elders who have been seeing the dragon without seeing the end are coming out?

Everyone sneered, but my brows became more frowning.

boast? Why do you want to do this? Could it be that which lunatic really got a little bit of weak power and went mad from the big ones?

It would be fine if it was really like that, but I'm afraid it's not...

Such a crazy action is indeed the temperament of the Demons, but I have seen the strength of the captain, saying that it is impossible for them to win the world, unless the elders really come.

This is difficult to do... The strength of those elders is indeed unfathomable. If Christine Demon really wants to launch an all-out war, it is indeed a catastrophe!

And this guy...

I looked at him carefully and felt the breath on his body.

This product is different from ordinary zombies. Characters like Luo Peng and Nangong Yu have never had such a breath. What is this? Where did it come from?


Suddenly, my inspiration came. I felt weird when I saw his appearance. At this moment, I finally remembered something I had read in an ancient book.

Could it be him? !

I hesitated for a moment, and tentatively asked: "You take a mouthful of a master, and let us return, hum, then we must know who your master is!"

The monster didn't hide it at all, and said directly: "Master said, just tell you, Nanyang Association, you will know it naturally."

"Nanyang Association?!"

Mu Nianqing was angry when he heard the name, and sneered at that time: "They still dare to get ahead? Heh, a group of fanatics! Where are they, we will go over and kill them immediately!"

"Hehehehe, if you surrender, you are naturally welcome, if you want to do it, hum! I'm afraid there will be no return!" The monster said coldly, looking at Mu Nianqing with a contemptuous look.

"To tell you the truth, I am the weakest one under my master, and it is my turn to spread the word about trivial things. If you don’t believe me, you can try it and see if what I said is true. Still fake..."

"Are you the weakest one? How many are you in total?" I asked immediately with a slight movement from the corner of my eye.

"Twenty! The command of the master! There is also a general, as long as he takes action, he can kill you all in an instant!"

"Twenty?" I was puzzled.

This number is strange. The priests of the Nanyang Association have not reached this number. They have never heard of any organization or team of twenty people before. Is it a newly formed or hidden power before?

But at this moment, after Mu Nianqing heard what he said, it seemed that he suddenly remembered something, and immediately asked: "You twenty are all just like you?"

"Hehehe, ignorant old man, of course we have different forms and strengths. I told you just now that I am the worst, and two of us are similar to me. The three of us are messengers. Come and talk to you ants. Let’s go to war! The two of them are better than me. They go far, and I can only come here close."

After Mu Nianqing heard these words, her face changed a little, and she stopped making a sound.

And I continued to ask: "You said let us surrender, where shall we surrender?"

Seeing that he should have asked everything in this way, then just add a few more sentences.

Sure enough, the monster did not hesitate at all, and immediately said: "The master said, tell you to go to the old place of the Nanyang Association, you naturally understand."

The old place, that was the previous base. When the Shadow Army went there, people went to the empty space. It seemed that they had gained strength and returned.

"Go there and surrender, will you survive?"

"Of course! The master personally made the order, remember, within a month! Within a month, go to the old place, bow your head, and my master forgive you not to die. After a month, my master's army will conquer the world! If you surrender, kill them all!"

This can be said to be very powerful, but the content, how to listen to how it is in the second, looks unreal. But I know what the Nanyang Association is capable of. If you dare to do this, you are either crazy, or you are really confident...

"then you……"

"Well, you have a lot of questions!"

I wanted to ask something more, but this time it was interrupted by the monster: "One month, remember, you only have one month. If you don't return, you will only have this little life..."

As he said, the monster glanced at me suddenly, and suddenly turned around, and slammed the remaining left arm over!


With a sound of breaking flesh, the monster's left shoulder was torn in an instant! A long left arm fluttered in an instant!


At the same time, the stars shined in a flash, and several lightsabers wrung this arm to shatter in the air!

At the same time, more lightsabers ran towards the monster's position in four directions, and many more, flying into the air and falling quickly, like raindrops, covering his 30-meter radius. .

This time, I released all the lightsabers at once, just to keep this guy here!

Although the strength is not good, but one can kill one.

But unexpectedly, that guy didn't even want to run. I thought he was a strong man with a broken wrist, and he used an arm to attract my attention, but he actually wanted to run. That's why I shoot the lightsaber in four directions, and I have to strike indiscriminately with raindrops.

But that guy didn't move at all. Maybe he threw his arm out just to let me do it and end his life.

Under the lightsaber, the monster looked at me with a grin: "Hehe, I'm here, I didn't plan to go back, just kill me like this..."

When the voice falls, the lightsaber also falls! The figure of that guy, together with the land and the number in a radius of 30 meters, disappeared in an instant!

Boom boom boom boom--

In the loud noise, that fellow's breath had long since disappeared. With a sullen face, I kept watching all the lightsabers explode, the dust fell to the ground, and the white ground in front of me turned around, then I squeezed a smiling face and looked at everyone.

"Okay, but alarmist talk. What do you know about the Nanyang Association best, can they turn the tide?"

"Hahahaha, yes."

"It's so mysterious, how much real ability can you have."

"Okay, go back and see how the casualties were this time, oh-this time, the loss is not small."

In the crowd, there are many people who don't know the truth, only when he speaks big words and turns back with a smile.

But when I walked with Mu Nianqing to Mu Nianqing's side, Mu Nianqing suddenly caught me!

"Huh?" I turned to look at him.

"Don't say anything, Yun'er, you and Fengyuntang will deal with this, sir, please hurry up with me, go to Tianya first!"

Mu Nianqing looked at me with a low voice, the expression on her face was extremely serious!

I felt wrong at first. Seeing him like this, I took it seriously at the time and turned to look at Cheng Qianyu: "Qianyu, you continue to stay here. First help them treat the wounded and investigate the damage, and then join the Mu family and King Gu. , The establishment of the Southwest Defense Line, wait for my news."


"Ceng Yuxun, follow me."

"it is good!"

The three of me quietly left Mu's house and went to a quiet place, immediately activated the token, the teleportation circle took effect, and instantly brought us to the lobby of the Tianya Club.

"Mr. Tian Shouzi, something has happened! A big accident has happened!"

As soon as he landed, Mu Nianqing immediately yelled, dragged his tired body and ran to the door, slamming the door, only to find that Tian Suanzi was taking more than a dozen people and was about to come here.

"Senior Mu? You are..."

"Don't worry about me for now, something big! A big thing! Hurry up, gather everyone, and the leaders and elders of the Zhengtian League, I have something to say!"

"Nanyang Association, isn't it?" Unexpectedly, Tian Suzu said.

"You..." Mu Nianqing was taken aback. "Do you know everything?"

"Their people have been here, and it seems that they have sent more than that one." Tian Suzu said.

"What I want to talk about is this. Don't take it as a joke. I'm afraid it's true. Call all of them quickly. I have something to say." Mu Nianqing said eagerly, reaching out and grabbing it. The collar of the sky operator!

"Well, well, I'm going to do this too, but on the northwest side, the Murong League elder is still..."

"Don't worry about this." I walked to the door, looked at them and said. "I'll go now, and in a day, end the Northwest battle!"

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