Rebuilding The Kingdom Of Whirlpool And Exploding Troops At The Start Gotei 13

Chapter 82 Kyoryu: You Are Not Worthy To Be In The Same Frame As The Soul King

"This is the first time we meet, please give me some advice~"

Kyoraku Shunsui's slightly frivolous tone sounded in the conference room.

Captain of Division 8?!

The eyes of everyone present suddenly froze.

He's not the mysterious Spirit King from the Kingdom of Whirlpool?

Instead, only one captain was sent to attend the meeting?!

Simply arrogant!!

Which one of you here is not the shadow of a village? You, the country of whirlpool, just use a captain to deal with them?!

For a moment, almost all the shadows present and their guards were furious.

He glared at Kyoraku Shunsui.

Only the old gods Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru were there, seemingly indifferent.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was used to being bullied by the Uzumaki Country, so he thought it would be okay for a captain to come and talk to them.

Which captain in the Kingdom of Whirlpool is not at the same level as them?

Does this make you angry?

The Third Raikage was a bad-tempered person, and was the first to complain: "The Kingdom of Whirlpool is so majestic. For such an important meeting, they only sent out a mere captain?"

"Extremely arrogant!!"

With a bang, Third Raikage slammed the table and glared at Kyoraku Shunsui.

That look in your eyes seemed to tell you what level you were, and you were in the same position as me?!

Others were silent, wanting to see how Kyoraku Shunsui would respond.

Kyoraku Shunsui seemed not to feel the atmosphere in the conference room. He slowly took the wine bottle from his waist, took out a wine plate from somewhere, and filled it with wine.

Kyoraku Shunsui's actions made their blood pressure skyrocket.

Especially Third Raikage, I was so angry that my chest was wheezing.

How dare this old boy take Laozi's words as fart!

Kyoraku Shunsui looked around, picked up the wine plate filled with wine, and said lightly: "Everyone, do you want to have a drink with me?"


Third Raikage slammed the table angrily, stood up directly, and said angrily: "Are you treating us like fools!"

Fortunately, the Kingdom of Iron is a country of craftsmen, and the tables are of good quality.

It suffered two heavy blows from the Third Raikage and showed no signs of falling apart.

Kyoraku Shunsui still didn't care about the Third Raikage who looked like an angry lion.

He slowly put the wine glass into his mouth and said, "What a delicious wine. It's a pity that you don't know how to enjoy it..."

Except for Third Raikage, several people looked at each other and could see the meaning in each other's eyes.

Who dares to drink this wine of unknown origin?

You might as well go straight to heaven at 23 in one bite.

And this captain really doesn’t take Third Raikage seriously!

Third Raikage almost shouted in his ear, but he just ignored it.

"Damn it!"

The Third Raikage glared angrily and punched Kyoraku Shunsui's face that didn't deserve a punch.

Kyoraku Shunsui still looks that lazy.

He calmly stretched out a finger and touched Third Raikage's fist.

Finger bump!

With a bang, Third Raikage's fist was shaken as if it was hit.

The person's right leg couldn't help but take half a step back.

With just this hand, the eyes of everyone present instantly changed and they began to pay attention.

Don't look at it. Third Raikage doesn't seem to use all your strength, it's just a simple punch.

But Kyoraku Shunsui is obviously very calm and calm.

Moreover, the physical fitness and strength of the Third Raikage are recognized by the ninja world as the strongest in the contemporary era!

Even if it is a simple and straightforward punch, not everyone can easily block it!

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru had witnessed several scenes of the Uzumaki Country captain taking action.

So I was just a little surprised and then returned to normal.

After all, the captain of the Whirlpool Kingdom is so unreasonable.

But Third Raikage Third Kazekage and Two Scales Onoki are different.

Whether it is the Kingdom of Whirlpool or the captain of the Kingdom of Whirlpool, they have always only lived in their intelligence.

This is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes.

And this fight made them understand that this captain and the country of vortex behind him are not simple!


No wonder the Kingdom of Whirlpool dared to send only one captain to such an important occasion.

People are arrogant because they have the capital to be arrogant!

Moreover, I heard that there are thirteen captain-level figures in the Whirlpool Kingdom!

If this information is true, then I'm afraid...

Sooner or later, the structure of the ninja world will change.

Of course, it's just a little physical confrontation, but nothing can be seen.

But it also gave them a little bit of recognition for Kyoraku Shunsui.

But Third Raikage didn't think so. He just felt that he had lost face.

The majestic Raikage of Cloud Shinobi Village couldn't even defeat a captain from the Country of Whirlpool?

Then how can we compete with the Spirit King of the Kingdom of Whirlpool?!

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flashed with anticipation.

In my heart, I was looking forward to a fight between the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

This will not only divert the attention of the Kingdom of Whirlpool, but also take advantage of the opportunity to develop.

Third Raikage, he has humiliated you so much, please don’t restrain yourself!

But it was obvious that Third Raikage was not a fool. He suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice:

"Why doesn't the Spirit King of your country come to participate in the Five Shadows Conference? Does he look down on our other four countries?!"

In one sentence, the other three countries were dragged into the water and used the momentum to put pressure on Kyoraku Shunsui.

Mad, there is no simple person who can become a shadow!

Several others cursed in their hearts, but at the same time they also wanted to hear Kyoraku Shunsui's answer.

Kyoraku Shunsui chuckled lightly and said: "With all due respect, how can these few who are only mere captains in our country of whirlpool be worthy of joining the ranks of the Soul King like me?"



“Don’t talk too much!!!”

In one sentence, it offended three countries.

Only Sarutobi Hiruzen remained silent.

For a moment, the other three shadows focused on Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Everyone is crusading against Kyoraku Shunsui, why are you sitting here?

What can Sarutobi Hiruzen do? He was recently tortured by the Country of Whirlpool, so he is not qualified!

However, Kyoraku Shunsui was so arrogant that he immediately aroused public outrage, which was also the result he liked to see.

He even wished that Kyoraku Shunsui could be more arrogant and try to get other main countries to send troops to the country of whirlpool!

Just when the atmosphere was deadlocked, Mifune Iridou said: "Everyone, since everyone is here, let's get down to business!"

If the delay continues, the venue fee paid by Raikage will not be enough!

Third Raikage snorted coldly, but did not continue to attack and went down the steps.

After all, he knew the real purpose of holding the Five Shadows Conference.

It's a matter of life and death for the Kingdom of Thunder, so bear with it as much as you can.

When this matter is over, sooner or later we have to find our place!

Two Scales Onoki and Third Kazekage were also silent.

The Third Kazekage is because Sunagakure is currently at war with Konoha and does not want to antagonize the Uzumaki Country and establish a powerful enemy.

Onoki, who has two scales, is because he is old, and even the slightest big movement may cause his waist to slip.

Try not to do anything if you can.

Soon, the Five Shadows meeting was held in a strange atmosphere.

Onoki, the two-person scale, said: "Okay, Raikage, please tell me the purpose of holding this meeting. Right."

He no longer wanted to waste time. He was old and not suitable for traveling far away.

Third Raikage glanced at everyone, and then said: "The main purpose of this meeting is the new creature that has appeared in the ninja world, Hollow!"

Having said that, Third Raikage subconsciously glanced at Kyoraku Shunsui.

He had always thought that Xu was related to the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

Whether it is time and space ninjutsu or the ability to liberate the ninja sword, they are all similar to the country of whirlpool.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Whirlpool is said to be incompatible with virtual power.

But if there was no evil in his heart, why would the Kingdom of Whirlpool attack Xu?

Perhaps, these voids were produced by some cruel and inhumane experiments conducted by the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

But the country of whirlpool refused to admit it, and he had no evidence, so he had no choice but to let it go.


This word made everyone except Kyoraku Shunsui and Ise Nanao stunned for a moment.

It seems that he never thought that the Third Raikage would convene the Five Shadows Conference so solemnly just for this kind of thing?

Even if Xu suddenly appears and you destroy the Kingdom of Grass, it is not worthy of such attention in their eyes.

Third Raikage could tell what they were thinking at a glance, so he said: "Don't underestimate them!"

"Those ordinary Hollows are fine, but they also have intelligent humanoid Hollows!"

"This Hollow can even wrestle with a tailed beast!!"



"Raikage, if you keep making jokes like this, then there is no need to continue this meeting."

Third Kazekage, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Onoki almost instantly denied Third Raikage's words.

Just kidding, how can there be anyone in this world who can wrestle with a tailed beast?!

Since the deaths of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, there have been very few people who can counterbalance the tailed beasts.

Third Raikage was not angered by their denial.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he probably wouldn't believe it.

Fortunately, a machine called a video recorder has recently appeared in the ninja world. The Intelligence Department studied it and found it to be very useful for recording intelligence scenes.

I purchased one.

It was finally used when Xu invaded the Kingdom of Thunder.


Third Raikage gave an order, and Burubi lifted a machine onto the table in the conference room.

And hang a curtain in front of the video recorder.

They are all familiar with video recorders, so they also understand the meaning of Third Raikage.

Soon, the picture of the Kingdom of Thunder appeared.

Several people watched with concentration.

The Third Raikage has no reservations. Since several major powers are invited to jointly crusade against the Hollow, sharing intelligence is inevitable.

When the scene progressed to Grimmjow capturing the second tail, the faces of several people finally became solemn.

After seeing Yammy wrestling with Eight Tails, their hearts suddenly sank.

"It turns out to be true..."

Third Kazekage spoke first.

How could such a creature that could rival a tailed beast appear in this world?!

Ohnogi, who had two scales, had a sullen face, not knowing what he was thinking.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also remained silent, seemingly digesting the facts of the matter.

Orochimaru's eyes shone, and he seemed very interested in this creature called Hollow.

Kyoraku Shunsui was still lazily drinking a small drink and seemed not interested in the pictures in the video recorder.

Third Raikage glanced around, saw everyone's expressions in his eyes, and then said: "I believe you all understand the seriousness of the matter, right?"

Third Kazekage hesitated and said: "If there are only two of them who can fight against the tailed beasts, it doesn't seem to matter."

Just treat them like tailed beasts.


Third Raikage Raikage cursed angrily.

"Didn't you notice the numbers on them?!"

After his reminder, everyone discovered that every person with that type of intelligence had a numerical number.


Third Raikage crossed his arms and said: "Yes,

This powerful creature is more than that!"

“And they are organized and disciplined!”

"Think about it, if one person wanted to bring the nine tailed beasts together, what would happen to the ninja world?"

Several people were lost in thought.

If it were someone like Senju Hashirama, the ninja world would be more peaceful.

But if it’s Uchiha Madara…


Obviously, these virtual beings are extremely aggressive!

Several people finally realized the seriousness of the matter!

Third Kazekage said: "How many of these can fight against the tailed beasts?"

Third Raikage shook his head, but he set his sights on Kyoraku Shunsui and said: "Although we don't know it, isn't there a representative of the Kingdom of Uzumaki here who claims to specialize in dealing with Hollows?

"I believe that the Kingdom of Whirlpool must have enough understanding of these Hollows, right?"

Kyoraku Shunsui swung the wine in the wine saucer and didn't mind telling them some information.

"These intelligent beings are called Arrancar."

"And if the number is less than ten, we call it Espada."

"In the video recorder, they are the 0th blade, the 6th blade, the 7th blade, and the 3rd blade.

Third Raikage's pupils shrank sharply, the country of whirlpool really knew something!

Two Scales Ohnoki mused.

In other words, there are still 6 that have not appeared.

If these creatures can fight against the tailed beasts, then this force called Hollow may cause unimaginable destruction to the ninja world!

Sarutobi Hiruzen has a headache. There are really more and more strange things in the ninja world.

Even beings of the same level as tailed beasts appear?

Still in the same force?!

Tired, destroy it!

Third Raikage said solemnly: "I believe everyone has realized the seriousness of the matter."

Several people were silent.

Third Raikage continued: "I propose that we form a ninja coalition immediately to defeat this imaginary force!"

"Although they are suspected to have the same level of power as ten tailed beasts, as long as our ninja world unites, we will definitely be able to destroy them!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen and Third Kazekage looked at each other silently.

Then look towards the Third Raikage.

you sure??

The Third Raikage was also a little embarrassed. It was indeed impossible for Sunagakure and Konoha to temporarily put aside their hatred, but there was really nothing he could do.

Two Scales Onoki said solemnly: "If this force really has ten tailed beast-like creatures, it will indeed be a catastrophic blow to the ninja world.

The Ninja World and other major countries can fight no matter what they want, but if there is an existence that can destroy the Ninja World, it will be different.

"However, the matter of the Ninja Alliance still needs long-term consideration. Why don't we form a pilot team first and hunt these virtual ones?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was the first to respond: "This is a good suggestion. It is impossible for ninja villages to trust each other. Let's conduct the experiment with a small team first."

The battlefield in Konoha hasn't ended yet, so how can he bring his troops back to form a ninja coalition?

What should we do if Sunagakure switches sides?

Third Kazekage has the same idea.

Third Raikage said, "Then it's decided!"

He doesn't care what happens to other villages. First, let's use the whole team to eliminate the virtual ones in their Kingdom of Thunder.

If this continues, the Kingdom of Thunder will be consumed sooner or later.

He suggested: "Our Kingdom of Thunder happens to have a lot of voids, so let's start a pilot project from our Kingdom of Thunder!"

The conference room suddenly fell silent.

Several people suddenly came to their senses.

That’s so!

What a movie with thick eyebrows and big eyes, this is actually the plan!

Want to prostitute their ninja for free?

When it comes to interests, everyone falls silent.

Obviously he didn't want to let the Kingdom of Thunder take advantage in vain.

the other side.

Kyoraku Shunsui saw that the wine pot was about to bottom out, so he stood up and said, "Oh, I thought it was something interesting, is this it?"

"Allied Ninja Army, we from the Country of Whirlpool are not interested, so leave!"

Just kidding, although they hate Xu, can they not know where Xu came from?


The Third Raikage stopped Kyoraku Shunsui in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Since you claim to be incompatible with the Hollow, you have the obligation to destroy the Hollow for us!"

"First of all, it is not our obligation to purify the void, we are paid."

Kyoraku Shunsui stretched out two fingers and continued: "Secondly, your Kingdom of Thunder has been blacklisted by our Kingdom of Whirlpool and is not within the scope of help!"

Third Raikage's face was as gloomy as ink.

"Okay, okay! It's okay for the Kingdom of Whirlpool not to join the Ninja Alliance, but Hollow has already endangered the Ninja World!"

"Since the Kingdom of Whirlpool has the means to deal with Hollows, then we should share these technologies to benefit the ninja world!"

See you in the picture!

As soon as these words came out, several other Kage also looked at Kyoraku Shunsui, ready to make a move.

They have been eyeing the abilities of the Whirlpool Country for a long time.

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