The more proficient Orochimaru becomes with Reanimation Jutsu, the more Orochimaru can appreciate the amazing talent of Second Hokage.


Currently, for him, this Reanimation Jutsu still has quite a few flaws.

Because the original purpose of Second Hokage was just to use Reanimation Jutsu with another Forbidden Technique Tandem Paper Bombs.

Being able to summon people's souls from the Pure Land world is also an unexpected joy.

But it is precisely because of the original intention of Second Hokage that even summoning the deceased back to the limit has some serious flaws.

For example, the strength of the summoned characters is currently far less than the strength they had during their lifetime.

And the more powerful a person is, the harder it is for him to control him, and he may break away from his control at any time.

The only advantage is that the person who has been Reanimation Jutsu Summoned will most likely have unlimited Chakra and an immortal earth body.

Apart from that, he also tried Summoning Senju Nawaki.

Although Nawaki's body was blown to pieces, some body tissue was still left behind.

Impure World Reincarnation is therefore also possible.

He wanted to confirm whether the souls taken away by the Kingdom of Whirlpool could be summoned back through Reanimation Jutsu.

Experiments have proven that Reanimation Jutsu cannot summon the souls taken away by the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

Orochimaru's eyes flashed strangely.

He didn't know whether this was because the soul did not go to the Pure Land, or because of the special characteristics of the Country of Whirlpool, or because the green tree had become a Shinigami.

All kinds of mysteries still need to be explored in depth.

But for now, let’s study Reanimation Jutsu thoroughly.


The coffin in front of Orochimaru was suddenly closed.

The mark of a ‘beginning’ flashed by.

at the same time.

The Country of Thunder, Cloud Shinobi Village.

In the conference room of the Hokage Building.

The few remaining senior executives sat in their seats and remained silent.

On the conference table, the seat and the two auxiliary seats on the left and right are empty.

These locations were none other than the Third Raikage that I later publicly executed.

As well as Mr. Ai, the candidate for the Fourth Raikage, who went to the Country of Whirlpool to rescue the Third Raikage, but never came back, and Mr. Todai, the general staff officer of Cloud Shinobi Village.

The entire conference room was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

Everyone's eyes were staring at the three empty seats involuntarily, with some sadness on their faces.

I am also thinking in my mind, if the Third Raikage had not attacked the captain of the Country of Uzumaki at the Five Kage Conference, would Cloud Shinobi Village not have reached this point?

But there is no regret medicine in this world, and there is no chance to do it again093.

Things have happened, so let’s think about what to do in the future.

The situation of the Kingdom of Thunder is very embarrassing now.

Because of the loss of Third Raikage and the film after the alternate. In the huge Cloud Shinobi Village, there is no suitable candidate for Raikage.

In Cloud Shinobi Village, in order to become a Raikage, in addition to strong strength, the most important thing is tough skills.

At this point, the Yeyue clan is a perfect candidate for their Raikage.

Therefore, the Raikages of the past dynasties were all headed by the Yeyue clan.

But now Third Raikage and Ai died suddenly.

Even the Yozuki clan would not be able to send two ninjas as powerful as Third Raikage or Ai to Cloud Shinobi Village again.

Therefore, this time the movie can only be selected from Cloud Shinobi Village.

But until now, they have not found a suitable candidate.

So much so that Cloud Shinobi Village is now leaderless.

Coupled with the virtual threat, the entire Kingdom of Thunder has a feeling that the building is about to collapse.

The people of the Kingdom of Thunder were panicked, and the order was gradually beginning to collapse.

Even the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder couldn't sit still and issued an ultimatum to Cloud Shinobi Village, asking them to select Raikage as soon as possible to solve the domestic threat of virtuality!

But Cloud Shinobi Village has no time to deal with the name of Thunder Country.

Now that they are gathered here, they have simply received the information sent by Huang Tu.

Xu, we are going to take action against their Kingdom of Thunder!

This news gave them a headache.

At the same time, they also learned about the forces behind these hollows and the news that they had declared war on the entire ninja world.

You said you declared war, so why do you have to attack them, the Kingdom of Thunder?

Who did their Kingdom of Thunder offend whom?

"what to do?"

Some couldn't help but ask questions.

The others looked at each other, speechless.

No one can give an answer to this question.

The current Kingdom of Thunder, relying on its numerical advantage and the addition of Eight Tails, can barely withstand the false attacks of the Kingdom of Thunder.

But it also looked like it was in danger.

If there are more falsehoods here, they will really not be able to bear it.

"What do Iwagakure and Konoha say?"

Now, the only solution they can think of is to ask other ninja villages for help.

Besides, didn't they form some kind of ninja alliance?

The Kingdom of Thunder is also a part of the ninja world!

But you can't just ignore it.

"The situation is not very optimistic. The assembly and deployment of the ninja coalition will still take time. They want us to hold them back until their ninja coalition is assembled and then come to support.

By the time they arrive, the day lilies will probably be cold.

The others silently complained in their hearts.

A feeling of sadness came to my heart.

The Kingdom of Thunder, I’m afraid it’s really going to be cold now...

"By the way, Iwagakure said, no matter what, Eight Tails must live!"

"The Ninja Alliance needs the power of Eight Tails!"

Someone couldn't help but said: "But Eight Tails doesn't listen to our orders at all!"

Nonsense, Eight Tails wants to plow the Kingdom of Thunder with the horns on its head!

How could you possibly listen to them!

If Eight Tails hadn't gotten angry with that giant, the country might have been in trouble long ago.

At this moment, Burubi, covered in bandages, walked in from the door.

"Buruhi, are you awake?!"

A flash of surprise suddenly flashed in the others' eyes.

Blubi is also a member of the Yozuki clan, and is also the nephew of Third Raikage.

The potential is extremely high. If Burubi can recover, after a few years of training, he will be qualified for the role of Raikage!

This can be regarded as the only good news for the Kingdom of Thunder in recent days.

Unfortunately, Cloud Shinobi Village doesn't have much time left.

Burubi also knew the current situation of Cloud Shinobi Village, and said firmly: "Re-seal Eight Tails, I will become the Jinchūriki of Eight Tails!"


Everyone suddenly stood up and stared at Burubi, completely shocked by Burubi's words.

"Brubi, are you kidding me? Eight Tails is..."

Bu Rubi's face was expressionless, he knew what they wanted to say.

Because the previous experiments of Eight Tails Jinchūriki all ended in failure.

Those who became the experimental subjects of Eight Tails Jinchūriki were all killed by the rampaging Eight Tails without exception.

But today's Cloud Shinobi Village......

He took a deep breath. His eyes were firm and he said: "We have no other choice."

The Kingdom of Thunder is in urgent need of someone who can calm the situation to step forward!

And becoming an Eight Tails Jinchūriki is the fastest way to increase your strength!

Bu Rubi said with deep eyes: "Don't worry, I won't die..."

He still wants to live to avenge the dead movie and Ai!!


At this moment, a first-level alarm suddenly sounded in the village!

A loud alarm bell rang throughout Cloud Shinobi Village.

Burubi's expression changed, and he looked out at the sky through the window of the Raikage Building.

The torn space instantly filled the entire sky with black!

In the black space, strange creatures walked out one after another, and soon covered the sky of Cloud Shinobi Village.

Burubi stared at the densely packed monsters in the sky, her pupils dilated several times in an instant!

The virtual army has invaded!!


Cloud Shinobi Village, a voice of panic instantly sounded.

But soon, some sounds stopped abruptly.

The masters who made the noise were bitten by these empty mouths!

Burubi clenched his fists and his eyes were bloodshot, but his reason told him not to be carried away by anger!

He suppressed his anger. He grabbed the person on the side and gritted his teeth and said: "Quick! Send me to Eight Tails. I will become Eight Tails Jinchūriki immediately!!"

too fast!

It came too fast!!

Almost not long after Loess sent them the news, the virtual army invaded!

They were not given any chance to deploy at all!

At the same time, they also saw their determination through this virtual invasion! (cdfd)

These virtual forces are really determined to declare war on the ninja world!

They're not kidding!

Blubi had no time to hesitate.

He knows that the only way to break the situation now is for him to become Eight Tails Jinchūriki.

Use the power of Eight Tails to delay time and save the strength of Cloud Shinobi Village while waiting for the support of the Ninja Alliance!

The person captured by Buru also knew the current situation in Cloud Shinobi Village.

As long as you are not careful, you may fall into catastrophe!

So he didn't hesitate and rushed directly with Burubi in the direction of Eight Tails!

The others are responsible for blocking the Xu who is chasing them!

The land of thunder.

On the battlefield between Yammy and Eight Tails.

Same as Cloud Shinobi Village. The dense sky tore open the black space.

One by one, Xu walked out of it.

Ulquiorra stood on the body of an Adjuchas, ignoring the entire Kingdom of Thunder.

He set his sights on Yammy and said, "Too slow, Yammy."

Yammy's movements suddenly stopped, and his empty eyes gradually regained some sense.

"There you are, Ulquiorra Cifer."

Eight Tails Gyūki apparently noticed Ulquiorra as well.

"Humph, is he your companion? Even if there is one more, you are still no match for your Eight Tails uncle!"

Uncharacteristically, Yammy was not offended by its words.

This made Eight Tails Gyūki look surprised.

what happened?

How could this man calm this guy down?!

Having fought with Yammy for so long, Eight Tails Gyūki has fully understood Yammy.

Perhaps because of its ability, this big guy is very irritable.

So it was incredible to see Ulquiorra able to calm him down.

Ulquiorra glanced at Eight Tails coldly, and then said: "It's time to end things here."

Yammy paused and heard what Ulquiorra meant.

It seems that Wang can't wait any longer.

Although I am very reluctant to give up my opponent Baoding Gyūki.

But for a while he really couldn't take down Eight Tails Gyūki.

If the king's important events were delayed because of him, then he would be worthy of death.

After Yammy calmed down, his huge body suddenly shrank.

Gradually, he returned to his normal human body shape and released his sword-returning state.


Eight Tails Gyūki glared and said mockingly: "Why, are you finally bowing down to your Eight Tails uncle and admitting defeat?"

Yammy is unhappy

I clicked my tongue, but for the great cause of the king.


Yammy remained silent and stepped on the Adjuchas flying in the sky like a whale at Ulquiorra's feet.

This time Eight Tails Gyūki was really shocked.

This guy can actually control his emotions?

He had been shouting something unforgivable before, and the other person was almost annoyed to death.

It turns out you can control it!

Ulquiorra stared at Eight Tails Gyūki and said coldly: "So, are you the obstacle to us destroying the Kingdom of Thunder?"

Eight Tails Gyūki's eyes froze.

To destroy the Kingdom of Thunder, it simply supports it with eight tails!

Why is it an obstacle to annihilating the Kingdom of Thunder?

If it hadn't been pestered by the guy next to you who can grow bigger, it would have attacked the Kingdom of Thunder first!

In its view, these voids are the biggest obstacle to its elimination of the Kingdom of Thunder!

Moreover, this guy really makes it unhappy.

That attitude of not taking it seriously.


It's a tailed beast! It's Eight Tails! When have you ever been wronged like this?

Eight Tails Gyūki's bull's-eyes glared, and a tail lashed out unreasonably!


A dull voice suddenly sounded!

Eight Tails Gyūki's eyes widened again.

The tail whipped Ulquiorra's body, but it didn't move at all!

That’s it again!

This physical fitness is like steel!

What did these guys grow up on?

Ulquiorra's face was expressionless, and he raised his left hand slightly, holding Eight Tails Gyūki's tail in his hand.

Under Eight Tails Gyūki's incomprehensible look, Ulquiorra squeezed hard!


The thick tail suddenly exploded!!

Eight Tails ate for a moment, then stared at Ulquiorra closely.

I couldn't help complaining in my heart: "What is going on in this ninja world? Strong men who are not usually seen are appearing one after another."

Just relying on the power of Ulquiorra's hand to crush its tail, it knew that this guy was another person who was not weaker than, or even stronger than, Yammy!

It is the Eight Tails that is feared by the ninja world!

Why does its tail look more fragile than tofu in this guy's hands?!

Where did these guys come from?

Ulquiorra's eyes did not waver, and he used Sound Spin, and instantly reached the top of Eight Tails Gyūki and "jumped down with all his strength!"

Eight Tails Gyūki immediately danced his tail behind him, blocking Ulquiorra's attack!

Bang bang bang!!

The sound of fists hitting the flesh kept ringing between the two of them!

Ulquiorra's eyes flickered, and she finally understood why Yammy was in a stalemate with the giant bull with an octopus and a tentacle tail in front of her.

However, this level is not enough.

Ulquiorra raised her index finger forward, her green Reiatsu flashed, and said coldly: "Cero.


The green light on the index finger suddenly shined, and the green light beam shot straight towards Eight Tails Gyūki!

Eight Tails Gyūki's eyes widened, and he quickly formed a small Tailed Beast Bomb with his hands!

With a snap, it was instantly photographed on the green light beam!


The violent explosion blasted a huge bowl-shaped pit into the ground between them!

Ulquiorra stood in the sky, looking down at the unharmed Eight Tails Gyūki, and said: "It seems that with this state alone, I won't be able to take you down for a while."

After finishing her words, Ulquiorra slowly pulled out the knife from her waist.

Eight Tails Gyūki stared at Ulquiorra's movements, and his heart skipped a beat.

Does this guy have other forms?!

At this moment, Ulquiorra's cold voice sounded from the sky.

"Block it, Black Winged Demon!".

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