Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 105 I, Asuma, Will Definitely Live Up To Your Expectations Of Me.

But Yan Guiyan,

Neither Shiyu nor Nara has any intention of relaxing the policy.

In the past, Sarutobi Hiruzen used the favor method to attract votes, so all the blame was naturally thrown to the Uchiha clan.

Those that the Uchiha clan didn't want to memorize, so they directly used their roots to hide them.

So here in Sarutobi Hiruzen, you are either innocent or missing, there is basically no middle option.

Until the Uchiha clan was destroyed, many ninja clans surrendered to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After Anbu took over the security work in the village, he began to gradually improve the village rules and disciplines.

At that time, Anbu had expanded to include all ninja clans, so the blame for strict law enforcement naturally did not need to fall entirely on him, the Hokage.

But Shiyu and Nara don't need to win over these civilians,

Konoha was divided by Sarutobi Hiruzen, but it was still far safer than other ninja villages.

Moreover, Shiyu's main purpose is to develop the Uchiha clan. Common people are not uncommon in the ninja world.

If you don’t want to stay, most of them want to move here.

Especially after Konohagakure became an ordinary village, they found that with the development of commerce, their living standards began to improve significantly.

Once the ninjas have a stable salary, they begin to seek fixed consumption.

With fixed consumption, the villagers will naturally make more money by supporting food, drink and fun.

After making more money, the villagers naturally began to build more supporting facilities to supply the ninjas.

In the few months since the processing plant was opened, the villagers have almost made as much money as they made last year.

Although Konoha Village will be accompanied by inflation, villages and countries other than Konoha Village will not make so much money.

So a large number of merchants sensed business opportunities and began to gather in Konoha Village.

The ninjas of the Five Flowers Eight Gate also began to set up a place similar to an embassy in Konoha.

In the past, Konoha, as a ninja village, naturally had to guard against these ninjas from other villages.

But now that Konoha is a commercial center, the more this group of people come, the better.

The more they come, the more liquidity they have, and the more liquidity they have, the more the village earns.

In the ninja world, money can communicate with the gods. At least in the era after Kaguya, the ninja world is a deformed world dominated by capital. The status of a rich person is more noble than that of a powerful person.

The only drawback is probably that assassinations are part of the normal course of business competition.

This led to the emergence of the strange product of Ninja Village.

Obito avoided Kakashi's suspicious glance, with anger flashing in his eyes.

At this time, Konoha was in a prosperous and harmonious state, as if the battle in the ninja world had completely disappeared from the village.

"Damn it! Damn it! Why didn't this happen earlier! If it had happened earlier, Lin wouldn't have died, and I wouldn't have to kill my master and my wife!"

"Huh, but it's all false. Behind them are ninjas fighting for them to pursue the so-called peace. Only by creating a peaceful world with Lin can it be real!"

Suddenly Obito frowned,

"Just now... Kakashi's eyes didn't have Sharingan?!"

Obito suddenly frowned, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, "Sure enough, are those Kamui's eyes?"

With the existence of White Zetsu, Obito is not too surprised by cloning technology. After all, Hashirama cells were cloned, and Mangekyō does not seem to be impossible to clone.

"Damn Kakashi!"

Obito cursed in his heart, "Those are my eyes!"

Nowadays, Kamui is like a TM cabbage, making her heart run wildly like a mud horse.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on? Why did the Uchiha clan suddenly become so powerful, Uchiha Shiyu..."

The face that looked down on him appeared in Obito's mind again. He touched the Uzumaki Zetsu on the side and a glint flashed in his eyes.

"Absolutely! Leave my body in a moment."

The mask on his face opened to reveal an ugly face that was almost disfigured.

"Huh? Why? Are you going to poop? Is it difficult for you to maintain the seal without my body?"

Uchiha Obito sneered:

"Why? Of course I recognize my ancestor and return to my clan. I am the hero of Konoha! My name is engraved on the commemorative monument!"

That's right, because it's hidden in the city!

Since Kirigakure can't stay any longer, he might as well return to the Uchiha clan.

No one knows the identity behind them, and no one knows what they have done.

You can return to Uchiha, use the power of the current Uchiha clan to develop yourself, and then take the opportunity to accumulate strength to secretly collect tailed beasts and realize the great dream of Infinite Tsukuyomi!

A wise smile flashed across Obito's face, and he strode directly towards the Hokage Building.

At this time in the Hokage Building,

Uchiha Shiyu, Nara Shikaku, and Sarutobi Asuma are gathering together.

Although in terms of status, the three people have the same status, one is external, one is internal, and the other is domestic affairs.

But it is obvious that Nara Shiyu now follows Shiyu's lead, and Asuma, as a little kid who has just turned 17, can only follow orders.

And this is actually the case,

His father took away most of Anbu's elites, and there were only a few left, and those who were later added were from the Shifa and Ninja series.

If Shiyu hadn't gone to stand up for Asuma, he might be in such a miserable state now, and it's not impossible for him to be criticized.

Because of this, Asuma directly regarded Shiyu as his benefactor, and even worshiped the slogans of democracy, harmony, and win-win posted on the village as gods.

Regarding my image of strict and severe law enforcement, I don't feel that this is a trap for me.

He only felt that he was now burdened with the important mission of maintaining peace in Konoha.

Shiyu smiled and praised Asuma:

"Asuma, you've done a great job. I was right when I put you in this position."

The entire urban management brigade is an unidentified Anbu, and only Asuma is the person in charge who stands on the surface.

Almost all the conflicts and emotions caused by the reform were vented on Asuma.

Although the civilians and ninjas did not dare to resist on the surface, they did not know how to arrange Asuma secretly.

Today, he is basically isolated in Konoha.

Asuma patted his chest with excitement:

"Don't worry, Shiyu-sama! I, Asuma, will definitely live up to your expectations of me!"

Shiyu nodded:

"I believe you! But I recently heard that the daimyo had a deep misunderstanding of us, especially your father who doesn't seem to want to return to Konoha, and there are even some extreme remarks coming out."

"Well, I hope you can persuade your father not to let him go down the wrong path. Peace in Konoha was not easy to establish. Look at how difficult it is for the village to live and work in peace and contentment now."

"I will send you as Konoha's envoy to talk to the Daimyo. We Konoha just want to do business quietly and have no intention of conflict with them."

Sarutobi Asuma was so ashamed that he immediately raised his head and said loudly:

"Don't worry, Master Shiyu! I will definitely advise my father! No one can destroy the peace of Konoha!"

Shiyu had a teachable expression on his face when he heard this.

The next second, a tribesman appeared next to Shiyu with a whoosh and whispered:

"Shiyu clan leader, Uchiha Obito is back."


ps. A relative in the family has passed away. There will be funerals in the next two days, and there may be fewer funerals. I'm sorry. Please pay attention to your health and remember to go for more physical examinations.

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