Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 111 ChūNin Examination, The Background Of Cloud Shinobi Village

"Welcome to you all to take part in the first joint Chūnin exam since the Third Ninja War.

Shiyu smiled and looked at the Genin in each ninja village below and shouted through the loudspeaker,

"This Chūnin examination is held exclusively under the sponsorship of Uchiha Group Co., Ltd."

"This Chūnin exam is held in the spirit of friendship first, competition second. Regardless of whether they can become Chūnin, the top three winners will receive a set of scientific ninja tools, several ninjutsu scrolls, and a Summoning Pokémon sponsored by our group. Only!"

As soon as these words came out,

The ninjas below were in an uproar, and everyone stared at Shiyu with excited faces, eyes shining.

Summoning beast!

Or Pokémon Summoningmon!

You must know that Charizard's performance on the battlefield has already spread throughout the ninja world.

The terrifying combat power comparable to that of a tailed beast shocked everyone.

A Cloud Shinobi ninja couldn't help shouting:

"Summoningmon? Is it the fire-breathing lizard of your Uchiha clan?"

Shiyu smiled and shook his head,

Cloud Shinobi Genin flashed a hint of disdain, it wasn't a Charizard, it must be some rookie Summoning Beast.

In their opinion, everything except the Charizard is garbage.

Shiyu smiled crookedly:

"Although it's not a fire-breathing lizard..."

Shiyu suddenly threw three Poké Balls towards the clearing.

A burst of red light flashed,

A Jōnin-level monster, a Chūnin-level bird, and a Genin-level rock snake appeared in front of everyone.

"This is the reward for the top three in this exam. Together with the scientific ninja tools and scrolls, it is enough for you to surrender this Summoning beast and sign a contract with it!"

The four-armed monster roared and punched the ground.

The originally flat land was instantly smashed into a large crater by huge force.

Everyone took a breath,

This power is already comparable to that of a taijutsu Jōnin!

You must know that they are just a group of Genin,

Even those who take the Chūnin exam with some hidden strength are definitely not up to Jōnin's level.

If I could make a contract with this monster, wouldn't I instantly have Jōnin-level strength?

This is a reward that is hard to refuse for any Genin.

The Konoha Shinobi clan watching the ceremony showed a hint of jealousy in their eyes.

This is a Jōnin-level combat power, and he sent it away as soon as he said it.

If it is controlled by your own ninja, it will be treated as a treasure. After all, Summoning beasts are extremely rare.

They simply couldn't understand why the Uchiha clan could find such a large group of Summoning beasts.

Although the Uchiha clan has released the qualification to purchase Summoning beasts to their former Konoha Shinobi clan.

However, the official price of a Jōnin level Summoning beast from the Uchiha clan is as high as 50 million ryo!

This is already something you need to complete 50 of the lowest S-level missions to afford.

Even these ninjas are reluctant to spend so much money and directly buy a Jōnin-level adult Summoning beast.

Nowadays, most ninjas spend a million ryo to buy the lowest level Genin-level baby Summoning beast and then cultivate it themselves.

According to the Uchiha clan, as long as they are properly trained and given advanced medicine, they can upgrade themselves.

It only costs about 10 million to cultivate a Jōnin Summoning beast, which is much cheaper than buying the finished product directly.

What a pity they don’t know is,

Although the Uchiha family claims to be much cheaper,

But in fact, Pokémon after the contract need special feed and evolution stones to upgrade, cultivate, and train.

If you want to be stronger than other people's Pokémon, you naturally need to learn matching skills and develop attributes on the move learner.

These all cost money,

The cost of cultivating a baby Pokémon to adulthood is more than 50 million. If you continue to take the high-quality route, you will not be able to survive for less than one billion taels.

Shiyu once calculated,

If an ordinary Charmander wants to fill up his race points, and then upgrade to a Charizard, and then add the Evolution Stone, Akashi, and the Giant Wristband, then the cost price of the consumed family reputation alone will be 1.3 billion taels. The transaction amount can be converted completely.

If Shiyu doesn't sell for 13 billion, he can't afford the terrifying power that can push Pokémon to a super Kage-level level.

Although there is only one blow a day,

But buying a Senju Hashirama or Uchiha Madara-level powerful attack for 13 billion is really a good deal, and it's one shot every day. It's so cheap to feel the joy of being the god of the ninja world for money.

In Iwagakure’s team,

The yellow-haired Deidara looked at Guali with disdain and snorted.

"Boring, what's so good about this thing? Only explosions are art. The real power is to pursue the splendor of that moment!"

Little Fatty Chutu on the side looked at the big rock snake with gleaming eyes and said with longing:

"I think that rock snake is very handsome, and it will definitely look majestic when riding on it." "

A yellow-haired kid from Cloud Shinobi next door with the word "hot" tattooed on his arm snorted with disdain:

"Iwagakure, don't be delusional. Now that the Konoha Shinobi are not participating, the top three must be our Cloud Shinobi Village!"

Upon hearing this, Deidara looked at Huang Mao fiercely and cursed:

"Bah! Just because you were beaten out of the shit by Konoha? Laozi will blow you up in minutes!"

Aziyi was furious: "You kid! Are you looking for death?"

Deidara sneered without fear: "I think you are looking for death!"

Both of them are only 7 years old now, but they were sent to take the Chūnin exam this time.

A girl behind Atsui, whose measurements were as good as those of Tsunade, slapped him on the head:

"Shut up Aziyi, calm down!"

She is the iceberg beauty Samui who shines in the Cloud Shinobi Village full of hot-blooded men. She is only fifteen years old and has big breasts that are not inferior to Tsunade, making her stand out among the little brats. Especially conspicuous.

A young man with white hair behind him sighed with a look of despair:

"It's boring. Why do I have to take such a troublesome exam? I finally don't have to fight."

The dark-skinned man on the side frowned and said calmly:

"Stop making noise, you have attracted the enemy's attention."

Shiyu on the podium looked at the commotion below and raised his eyebrows.

Compared with other shinobi villages, this year's Cloud Shinobi Village is almost the mainstay of the future.

Fifth Raikage Darui, Fourth Generation secretary Azabui, Fourth Generation right hand Nozomi, big-breasted siblings Samui and Atsui all appeared in the examination room of this joint Chūnin exam.

If it weren't for the appearance of Deidara and Akatsuki, maybe the top three in this session would have been taken by Cloud Shinobi Village without any suspense. .

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