Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 138 Don’T You Want Your Mother To Live A Happier Life?

"I'm sorry!"


The pineapple head was instantly slapped to the ground by Shiyu:

"Children, don't use bad words."

Uzumaki Boruto looked humiliated, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

Shiyu shook his head:

"I just want to make friends with your mother. Bah, no, she's not your mother yet. Do you know it's fair competition? Although she looks like your mother, has the same body, and has the same genes as your mother, The soul "977" is the same as your mother, but she is really not your mother. You have to be more open-minded. Don't you want your mother to live a happier life?"

Uzumaki Boruto nodded subconsciously, but he always felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't tell what was wrong.

But Sasuke on the side understood it clearly.

As long as this guy exists, the future will probably be the same as before.

"Who are you? Why do you still need to travel through time and space if you know it so well?"

This strong sense of rejection of being a stranger in a foreign land made Sasuke look extremely ugly.

And Shiyu knew that he could never go back to his original world, but he still carried out time travel. This guy is probably a member of the Ōtsutsuki clan!

However, Shiyu calmly shook his head and bared his teeth:

"I'm different. I come from the past. I can go back to the past and continue moving forward at any time. Then the line I walk on will always be my own timeline.

Li Li couldn't help turning his head and glanced at him,

You made these two people so disgusting, but you are here to gloat about it. This guy is really cheap.

Sasuke couldn't help but slashed at Shiyu with his knife.

What a bully!

However, his long sword slowly passed through Shiyu's body.


Sasuke's expression changed:

"How is that possible! Are you Obito?"

Shiyu rolled his eyes, whoever told you that he could use Kamui must be Obito.

He chuckled and teased middle-aged Sasuke and Boruto:

"You should think about how to integrate into this New World. Maybe you can also go back to the original time through that tortoise, but there may be two Sasukes existing at the same time. It's quite fun to think about it. .”

Shiyu gloated about the use of Kamui and left the place,

The talk about his own Wood Style clone in the Hokage building should have been almost completed.

Sasuke and Boruto were left looking at each other,

Boruto asked middle-aged Sasuke with a motherly expression on his face:

"Master, what should we do now? Do you think what he said is true?"

Sasuke frowned, then shook his head:

"I'm not sure, but I know that even if we return to the future to confirm it now, the world will probably have changed dramatically. After all, that guy has made it clear that he is not prepared to protect the past history..."

"And that guy didn't reveal his identity in the end, Mangekyō..."

Sasuke's face looked a little ugly. If his Chakra hadn't been taken away by Urashiki, there would be no need for him to talk so much nonsense to that guy. He would arrest him first.

"Anyway, let's find a place to stay first and then collect information."


In the Hokage building on the other side,

Tsunade looked at the silver 1.7 on the ground with a confused face:

"What did you say? You want to buy land?"

Mu Dun's clone took a leisurely sip of tea and said:

"That's right, I didn't come back as a member of the Uchiha tribe this time, but as a businessman.

"So since I want to settle in Konoha, I naturally need to buy a piece of land in Konoha. By the way, I also want to develop the Uchiha clan. I remember that the land of our Uchiha clan is still vacant, right?"

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