Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 143: Your Brother Is Still Your Brother, But You Are My Son

Sasuke looked at the photo with a confused look on his face.

Although there are some differences in the facial features, overall it is obviously the same as myself when I was a child.

Boruto on the side looked at Shiyu carefully and couldn't help but ask:

"Are you the master's father, Uchiha Fugaku-sama?"

Shiyu waved his hands with a look of disgust and said:

"What Fugaku, I'm Uchiha Tokugaku."

Sasuke looked at the smile on his mother's face and felt his whole world collapse.

"No, "410" is, that...this, dad?"



Sasuke reacted suddenly:

"You said that people in every world are different, so you have nothing to do with me!"

Shiyu laughed:

"What you said is correct, but in my world, you are indeed my son."

Sasuke twitched his lips, not knowing how to deal with the guy in front of him who was taking advantage of him.

Thinking of his own father and Itachi, he couldn't help but ask:

"What about Uchiha Fugaku? Where about Uchiha Itachi?"

Shiyu pressed his nostrils and laughed:

"Itachi is not my son, he must be with Fugaku."

The eyes of several people around were twitching wildly,

Er? Didn’t they change history and make a few people disappear?

Shiyu touched his chin and said tactfully:

"Your mother and I were in love before you were born, and then we made a private commitment for life. After your father found out, he divorced your mother. Is this understandable?"

"So in that world, your brother is still your brother, but you are my son."

Everyone: "..."


Nima, how do you describe cuckolding in such a fresh and refined way?!

At this time, Sasuke looked ugly,

He stared at Shiyu hatefully and realized how this guy became his father.

"You also went back to the past from the future and changed history?!"

Shiyu touched his chin and chuckled:

"Theoretically you can say that."

"After all, the Uchiha clan was destroyed by your father. When I go back to the past, I naturally want to avoid the tragedy. At the same time, I can save your mother from her filial son, and then enjoy the happiness of family. Isn't this a good thing?"

Sasuke: "Me!%@¥#!"

At this time, Sasuke was speechless and resisted the urge to draw a knife and stab him to death.

But when I think that both myself and my biological mother are still alive,

Suddenly he felt a little happy again, and extremely tangled emotions spread in his heart, leaving him in an extremely tangled state0

Tsunade burst out laughing,

This Sasuke has come back as a father to himself.

Shiyu glanced at Tsunade,


Fun man Tsunade, hey hey twice,

"So you saved the Uchiha clan? Tsk tsk, yes, then who is the Fifth Hokage in your world? It can't be me, right? Haha~"

Shiyu raised his eyebrows and took out the photo of Tsunade and herself getting married:

"Not only that, besides being the Fifth Hokage, you are also the Daimyo's wife. Oh, I am the Daimyo."


Everyone focused on the photo,

In the photo, Tsunade is wearing a wedding dress and standing in front of Shiyu, smiling like a little woman.

Tsunade looked at the photo with a shocked face and Nannan said to herself:

"No way, no way, this is all fake."

Naruto seemed to have calmed down from his 1.4 mood and looked at the photo and laughed:

"I didn't expect Grandma Tsunade to be wanted, hehe~!"

Shiyu looked unhappy and took out another photo with Uzumaki Chizuru and placed it in front of Naruto.

Naruto looked excited when he saw this: "This is my mother?!"

Shiyu took back the photo with a look of disdain:

"Ugly, estranged.

"This is your aunt."

"I am your uncle.".

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