Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 149 The Correct Usage Of Tsukuyomi

Shiyu smiled,

In fact, he didn't use Tsukuyomi to evolve Itachi's heart, but just let Sasuke go through the next battle in the Valley of the End.

Tsukuyomi is the most powerful genjutsu that creates the genjutsu world. It is used as a spiritual attack to release, so it is somewhat looked down upon.

Ever since the Bloodline Research and Development Center activated Mangekyō to use Tsukuyomi, Shiyu understood that this thing was completely used to assist Sharingan training.

It can make a person feel the pain of losing a loved one, relatives and friends in an extremely real way, thus stimulating and opening the eyes. However, itachi used it to stab a knife, which is a bit of a waste of natural resources.

In the future, when Sasuke becomes more proficient and he can experience Itachi's suicide for him, Mangekyō will definitely be able to do it easily.

Naruto looked at the unconscious Sasuke with some worry and asked:

"Is it okay to give him Sass?"

Shiyu waved his hands indifferently and said with a smile:

"It'll be fine in a few months."

Kakashi was stabbed with a knife for several days and lay in bed for half a month. At Sasuke's level, it took him several months to recover his mental strength.

Middle-aged Sasuke looked at his miserable self without much change in expression.

He nodded to Shiyu and said: "The next step is to meet Orochimaru. If he joins Konoha, it will be of great help to the next war.

"It's just that Orochimaru's obsession is still there, so he may not be willing to join Konoha."

Naruto's face changed drastically when he heard this:


He looked at middle-aged Sasuke angrily and shouted:

"He is the culprit who killed the Third Hokage!"

Middle-aged Sasuke frowned:

"Naruto, there are many issues involved here. You will pardon Orochimaru's crimes in the future. You don't understand it now. You will understand it when you become a qualified Hokage."

Naruto still looked angry: "How can I possibly understand!"

Boruto frowned: "Although Orochimaru is rumored to be scary, Raimon and the others asked Orochimaru for his Ninja's autograph. Is he as scary as you say?"

Shiyu was not interested in explaining,

He just turned around and waved his hands to a few people and said with a smile:

"Now that this matter is resolved, I will withdraw first. I also want to rebuild Uchiha in Konoha. You two, Sasuke and other clans can come to me to report."

After Shiyu finished speaking, the black Yomi Hirazan slowly opened in front of him.

Under everyone's solemn eyes, Shiyu slowly walked into the different space.

By the time he appeared, he had already arrived at the original Uchiha clan land.

At this time, Yamato was sitting in front of a luxurious courtyard door, panting.

There are many wooden houses that have been built nearby.

Shiyu shook his head dissatisfied:

"You can't do it at this speed either."

Yamato's face darkened:

"You can do it, come on!"

Shiyu chuckled,

He lightly stamped his foot on the ground,

193 "Wood Style·Lianzhujia Technique!"

There was a rumble of ground breaking, and rows of buildings rose up from the ruins!

Yamato looked at Shiyu with a shocked face, and let out a high-pitched scream:

"Impossible!? Wood Style?!"

Shiyu patted Yamato's shoulder leisurely:

"Can you look at me?"

Yamato swallowed hard:

"You know Wood Style and what other tasks will you issue?"

Shiyu smiled naturally and said:

"I have money."

Yamato's heart twitched when he heard this.

Then Shiyu opened the building panel,

"System, activate the bloodline research and development center and upgrade it to level 3!".

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