"What did you say?!"

Urashiki's eyes transformed into Rinnegan, activating the ability to travel back in time.

Shiyu raised his eyebrows,

Teleporting to the front of Ushiki, he punched out, and Ushiki dodged easily.


Shiyu frowned, and without stopping, Muji used Rasengan and pressed it towards Urashiki.

At Shiyu's level, ninjutsu is basically no longer limited to form, especially with the emergence of Rinnegan's fusion, even blood successors can be easily used.

However, Ushiki's eyes flashed with green light, and he once again stepped back in advance leisurely.

Then a black space portal opened behind him and disappeared into the door.

"I'll just say hello first this time. I won't let you go so easily next time."

Shiyu watched Urashiki leave with cold eyes and did not stop him,

Middle-aged Sasuke and others were relieved that Naruto was not taken away by Urashiki.

Jiraiya stared at Shiyu with a look of disgust on his face:

"Aren't you going to chase me?"

Shiyu also extended his middle finger with a look of disgust,

"Why the hell didn't you chase me?"

Jiraiya chuckled and said:

"I don't have any information about Ura Shiki. Obviously you otherworld visitors are more familiar with him.

Shiyu rolled his eyes and said in a flirtatious tone:

"It's too much trouble for me. I haven't watched a few episodes of Bibo Ran."

Jiraiya: "Huh?"

Shiyu waved his hand impatiently, and a black portal also opened behind him.

Middle-aged Sasuke and Boruto exclaimed: "Be careful!"

Shiyu chuckled: "This is mine.

He waved his hand and stepped straight into it.

Middle-aged Sasuke looked at the direction Shiyu left with a shocked expression:

"He actually knows the same time and space ninjutsu as Urashiki?!"

Boruto pursed his lips and muttered: "Is this why you said he could keep each other?"

Jiraiya nodded: "According to what you said, it can make you dare not move. How could it be ended in just two actions?"

On the other side, Shiyu came out from the Uchiha tribe,

"Time backtracking? It's such a troublesome skill."

The same attack was repeated dozens of times before hitting Urashiki, somewhat similar to a neutered version of Doctor Strange's Time Stone's ability.

0…Please give me flowers…

It is similar to converging countless parallel worlds generated at the same time to achieve the effect of predicting the future, but this effect cannot affect itself, and will even produce a superimposed state due to the continuous damage received during this period.

Jiraiya is stuck in the poisonous mist for 3 seconds, allowing him to use time to rewind, so that the toxins from various parallel worlds are superimposed on Urashiki's body, making him extremely poisonous.


Shiyu narrowed his eyes,

"Continuous damage skills? No, it should be a must-hit skill to restrain him."

"Sure enough, the range skill Ninjutsu is still needed, even the smallest damage will become very serious after being superimposed countless times.

"Thinking about it this way, Konan's 600 billion detonating talisman really has a very good effect on these fancy skills.

At this moment, a black portal suddenly opened again in the sky,

Ōtsutsuki Urashiki slowly floated out from the Hirazan Mountain.

A ferocious smile appeared on his face:

"I didn't expect that there was an unexpected gain. Compared to Nine Tails, I seem to be more interested in the Chakra on you."

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