Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 159 Are You Very Confused As To Why I Can Change The Future?

Ura Shiki was shocked.

He has clearly seen the future. As long as this move continues, Shiyu will definitely die.

But for some reason, the future he saw was completely opposite to what was happening now.

This feeling made his hair stand on end.

Could it be that this guy in front of me is already strong enough to change the future?

This is absolutely impossible!

Just as Urashiki stabilized, Shiyu's figure had already arrived in front of him.

Hit his chin with your elbow and push him away.

A trace of blood spurted out from the corner of Urashiki's mouth.

The expressions of doubt and fear in his eyes were mixed together.

Shiyu stopped, looked at Urashiki with cold eyes and said:

"Are you very confused as to why I can change the future?"

As he said this, Shiyu raised his middle finger.

"Because you have already fallen into my trap."

"The future you just saw was just created by me using illusion.

Hearing this, Ushiki's eyes widened.

This was beyond his cognition.

Urashiki still wanted to stand up and resist.

The next moment, Shiyu raised his middle finger slightly upward.

A huge green dragon emerged from under Ura Shiki.

He immediately took Urashiki into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the green dragon burst into flames.

Thick smoke suddenly rose from hundreds of miles around.

Urashiki was directly blown into the sky.

Urashiki was so frightened that he screamed. This was the first time he had seen such a terrifying attack method.

Everything within a radius of a hundred miles was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.

Ushiki was horrified, and his screams were all around him.

However, the next second, Shiyu's middle finger slid down.

Urashiki fell from a height of 10,000 meters.

Falling to the ground with a crash.

Ushiki was so frightened that he almost peed, his face turned pale, and he stepped back.

However, at this moment, the surrounding environment changed.

The ground, which had been bombed into a mess, now returned to its original state.

That's right, it was just an illusion used by Shiyu.

Urashiki's face was sweating profusely and he looked at Shiyu in horror.

He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:

"In the final analysis, you can only play with these magic sky blacks.

"In terms of true strength, you are far worse than our Ōtsutsuki clan!"

As he spoke, Urashiki relaxed his guard, but in the next second, Shiyu's figure had already arrived in front of him.

In Ura Shiki's horrified eyes.

Shiyu's entire body went straight through Urashiki's chest.

Seeing this, Ushiki couldn't help but frown, then showed a sad smile and said:

"This must be another illusion. How long are you going to use this kind of magic to deceive me?"

With that said, Urashiki turned around, and as soon as the Rinnegan opened, he was about to attack Shiyu.

But the next second, he felt something was wrong.

Threads of blood slowly flowed down.

Pu Shi bent over, vomited a mouthful of blood, and looked horrified.

He didn't expect that this time it was actually 697.

Urashiki struggled desperately, but finally fell down.

Gritting his teeth, he looked up at Shiyu and said:

"How is this possible? You are just a weak and despicable species. How can you be compared with our Datongmu clan!"

Hearing this, Shiyu's eyes turned cold, and he looked at Urashiki and said:

"Have you ever thought that you are actually too weak?"

Pu Shi's heart froze when he heard these words.

Of course, he has no heart anymore.

Ura Shi gasped for breath, but every time he took a breath, he vomited out a lot of blood.

Shiyu slowly turned around, took two steps forward and said:

"It's better to save some energy and write your last words."

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