Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 178: In The Face Of Absolute Strength, Your Only Fate Will Be Death!

Ōtsutsuki Momo turned around in an instant, and looked at Shiyu with a golden eye on the top of his head, and his two white eyes were sunken.

Immediately afterwards, Shiyu felt his body suffocate and stayed in place unable to move.

Under Tao's white eyes, Shiyu's entire body's meridians were clearly exposed.

Immediately afterwards, Ōtsutsuki flashed in front of Shiyu, placed his thumb directly on his critical point, and pushed him away.

Shiyu suddenly felt numb all over, "817" and then activated Izanami.

This way he won't be killed by one blow.

Shiyu stood on a boulder, frowning, already possessing 50% of Saiyan power, but he was still no match for the guy in front of him.

It seems that Ōtsutsuki is still very scary.

This was completely beyond his knowledge of Ōtsutsuki.

As soon as Shiyu Rinnegan opened, he quickly observed the weaknesses of Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki.

Now, the most difficult thing for Ōtsutsuki to deal with is the two Rinnegan in the palm of his hand and the golden eye on the top of his head.

He must get rid of one of these three eyes, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with Tao.

Thinking of this, Shiyu simply closed his eyes and activated Mangekyō Sharingan, and his whole body was sucked into the Kamui Space Minister.

Seeing this scene, Ōtsutsuki Momo gritted his teeth and made a sound.

"Are you playing this kind of hiding game again? It's useless. Even if you can hide, these people in front of you can't hide."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shiyu quickly attacked in Sasuke's direction.

Sasuke was already prepared. He randomly took out a scroll and drew a line on it, and a huge shuriken suddenly appeared in his hand.

Before he could wait, Ōtsutsuki Tao rushed over and threw his shuriken, but his speed was not too slow.

Seeing this, Ōtsutsuki Tao showed a look of disdain in his eyes.

"What, are you running out of energy because of the battle just now?"

Saying that, Tsutsuki Momo directly flicked the shuriken away with one hand.

However, at this moment, the shuriken that was thrown away turned into Naruto.

In Naruto's hand, a huge Rasengan appeared.

He attacked directly towards Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki's back, but at this time, a black rod fell from the sky and penetrated directly into Naruto's shoulder.

Naruto landed instantly and the Rasengan exploded, blowing him away.

Seeing this, Sasuke couldn't help but frown slightly, a solemn look appeared in his eyes, and he instantly activated Mangekyō Sharingan...

However, at this moment, the golden eyes on Ōtsutsuki Tao's head turned.

In an instant, Sasuke felt his whole body stiff and unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, Ōtsutsuki Momo turned around and came to Sasuke's side.

He kicked him in the head. If this kick hit him, Sasuke would definitely die.

However, the next moment, countless black rods attacked in the direction of Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki, and instantly penetrated his whole body.

Ōtsutsuki Momo's three Rinnegans instantly activated and chipped away at these black sticks.

At this moment, he also located Shiyu's exact position, and he dodged and caught Tokiomi in the air.

Then he clasped Shiyu's shoulder with his left hand, trying to absorb 1.8 of his Chakra.

"Inferior races are inferior races. It's useless to play any tricks. In the face of absolute strength, your only end will be death!"

As he spoke, he began to absorb the Chakra from Shiyu.

Shiyu's Chakra continued to flow into his body, showing an expression of enjoyment.

"I didn't expect you have quite a lot of Chakra. It can be used as my fuel."

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