Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 200: If I Had Known, I Would Have Fired More Shells!

One of the warriors roared loudly. This warrior was considered to be the most powerful being among them and had a certain status. Therefore, the people next to him were also very obedient and dispersed one by one.

Then several light waves flew past them in an instant, and they narrowly escaped this attack.

But then they soon discovered that one of the beams hit the previous unit's spacecraft, and the spacecraft immediately began to explode, eventually forming shock waves one after another.

Several other spacecraft seemed to have been affected by this shock wave, and the entire hull began to shake.

Wu Shi had already noticed this. When the energy beam was about to attack, he jumped into the air, quickly dodged these attacks and arrived at another spaceship.

After he stabilized his body, his face showed an unprecedented serious expression.

"It turns out that this is a very mysterious force, which is unknown to us. No wonder so many companions have been unable to bring corresponding results after they came to the earth.

He looked at the spacecraft next to him that had long since become fragments, and suddenly couldn't help but sigh.

The companion on the other side frowned slightly, then took a deep breath through his nose and felt the energy around him.

"This energy does not contain any Chakra. Instead, it seems to have a very powerful life force."

After saying these words, this companion even began to feel uncertain.

After all, in his impression, this very vital energy is usually used to heal wounds. When could it be used as such a powerful weapon?

"This is really interesting! It seems that this planet still has many secrets that we don't know. When we successfully conquer this planet, we must get to know the group well!"

A smile appeared on Wu Shi's lips and he stroked his beard with his hand.

The companion on the other side looked back at the Ōtsutsuki who had laughed at him before, with a sneer on his lips.

These guys really don't know how high the sky is. Now they have finally seen Shiyu's extremely powerful methods, right?

He was actually a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that after more than a year, Shiyu would have so many powerful abilities and be able to launch attacks from such a far away place. It was an unheard-of method.

It's no wonder that he had such thoughts in his mind. He originally thought that this was a ninjutsu developed by Shiyu, and had no idea that it was actually a high-tech product. This is why he did not have this concept in his mind.

The other side.

Shiyu looked at the signal on the radar, frowned slightly, and shook his head helplessly.

"I didn't expect that these guys would all disperse. If I had known that when I launched the first attack, these few targets would be enough. Maybe I would be able to eliminate a few more enemies by then." "

He also felt very regretful in his heart. After seeing the power of the Chakra cannon, these enemies will definitely be prepared in advance. It is no longer that simple to hit them!

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