Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 203 Obviously This Person Is Anbu’S JōNin Xi Yan

Although the current technological development is also very fast, the number of enemies has also increased to dozens. In fact, Ohnoki cannot guarantee whether he can win the final victory.

Shiyu was not so worried, and finally stretched out his hands, and under Rinnegan's anti-gravity, he quickly flew in the direction of the army with a few people around him.

At this moment, hundreds of "840" figures were flying towards the sky, and from time to time, the sound of Chakra cannon attacks could be heard from behind, covering the progress of these hundreds of people.

Ōtsutsuki, who was in outer space, had already felt very agitated, mainly because the continuous attacks of the Chakra cannon seemed to never stop.

Unless you have extremely strong defense capabilities to resist, even if you can resist successfully, it will cause a certain loss of Chakra on your body [then it will be very difficult to face the enemy attacking in front of you.

It is precisely because of this that these Ōtsutsuki are very embarrassed to avoid the attack of the Chakra cannon, fearing that they will be hit by the attack of the cannon.

However, at this moment, one of them couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and then he shouted loudly.

"I seem to have discovered the aura of Chakra. Apparently a large number of enemies are coming!"

After hearing the word Chakra, the surrounding Ōtsutsuki couldn't help but feel some shock in their hearts.

Especially the very tired Ōtsutsuki, who had been hiding nearby for a long time, couldn't help but light up when he heard that an enemy was coming to attack. He finally stopped dodging everywhere like now.

I can finally have a fun battle with these people, at least I won't be as frustrated as I am now.

At this moment, one of the ninjas wearing an exoskeleton rushed over first. This man had a very delicate face. The exoskeleton helmet covered his entire head, leaving only the back part. The long purple hair floated out from the back area of ​​the hair at this moment.

At this moment, if some careful people can find out, it is obvious that this person is Anbu's Jōnin Xiyan

Logically speaking, this person who was once very loyal to Konoha should not be working for the ninja world at this moment.

But in fact, after he saw that Shiyu had brought such prosperous peace to the entire ninja world in recent times, his thoughts seemed to have changed.

Perhaps in order to show his role as much as possible, he chose to be the vanguard of the army at this time. He was not afraid of the Ōtsutsuki in front of him at all. He picked up the weapon in his hand and rushed forward.

"He's just an ordinary person, let me deal with this guy."

One of them, Ōtsutsuki, who had only one eye, stepped on the void and quickly flew towards the direction of the opponent. 3.7 Xi Yan couldn't help but frown, and then the powerful Chakra in his body began to explode, and he used his own ninjutsu.

In an instant, countless phantoms holding weapons appeared around him, which was actually a characteristic of his ninjutsu. He combined all the swordsmanship and disadvantages he had learned together, and finally formed such a scene!

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