Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 240: The Terrifying Killing Move Reappears, A Very Strange Weapon

What happened just now, and why did the captain have this strange expression on his face?

They had no way of knowing why, so everyone's face was very confused.

Mainly because it was too far away from the battle scene, and there were so many golden walls, so they didn't see what happened to Shiyu.

Shiyu seemed to notice something was wrong, and then looked in the direction of the captain, frowned and asked, do you know something?"

There was a vague feeling in his heart. It was obvious that the captain in front of him knew some secrets, and he also knew the secret hidden by his eye just now.

The captain took a deep breath, finally chose to close his eyes, and did not answer the question raised by the other party.

Finally, he seemed to have remembered something, and then he exhaled heavily, and then stretched out his hands forward [The last ten light sources that were as big as a seat appeared in the area directly above.

"No matter what, I will find a way to kill you, you damn guy!"

When the captain said these words, his tone seemed very loud, and there was even a vague firmness that had never appeared before, as if he had already made a decision in his heart.

Shiyu seemed to be aware of the change in the other person's tone of voice, and couldn't help but frown for a moment, wondering why this happened.

After he saw the light source directly above him, he shook his head slightly and squinted his eyes slightly, mainly because the brightness of this light source was too bright.

Even under the influence of this light source, no one could bear such a high brightness, and many people couldn't help but close their eyes.

At this moment, the captain's body began to float upwards, and I don't know when a very strange weapon appeared in his hand, which looked like a spear.

Moreover, this long spear is extremely white as a whole, and there is a vague strange pattern on it. If you don't observe carefully, there is no way to discover this.

And the captain himself was not afraid of the brightness of this light source. Instead, he stretched out the spear in his hand, and then let the spear touch this extremely shining light source.

This light source seemed to have reason at this moment, and it rushed into the inside of the spear in an instant.

Shiyu, who had been observing from the side, saw the picture in front of him, but couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart, because he found that there was definitely a big problem with this weapon.

At this moment, the weapon seemed to have been completely deformed, and the intense light was instantly transferred to the spear.

The captain raised his weapon high and pointed the target weapon in the direction of Shiyu.

"Try this trick of mine!"

He raised the weapon high in his hand, then gritted his teeth tightly, and an undetectable trace of red appeared in the corner of his mouth.

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