The ninja on the front line of Yunyin Village returns to Konoha,

The villagers of Konoha cheered,

Tsunade, who was walking in the front, looked dazed,

What's wrong with the world?

Why did I only go for 1 year, and I felt that the whole world had changed.

"Naruto-sama! Long live Naruto-sama!"

I said why can't I see Naruto-sama, it turns out that Naruto-sama went to the battlefield to support. "

"Can Hokage still go into battle?"

"Idiot, wasn't Hokage originally meant to protect the strongest person selected by the village?"

"Oh, Soga, I thought Hokage, like the three generations, needed to stay behind the scenes and command. "

"Huh, isn't that from the Vortex clan?

"That's Lord Chizuru of the Uzumaki, don't the newspapers say that Lord Chizuru single-handedly sealed the tailed beast of Yunyin Village to the lord. "

"Shhh, tailed beast, won't run away, doesn't it mean that the previous Nine-Tails Rebellion is..."

"Idiot, that's all a lie, didn't the newspaper say that someone in the dark department leaked the news of the production of the human pillar force, so it led to the invasion of the enemy, and took advantage of the weak human pillar force to release the nine tails. "

"That's the dark part, how can anyone still leak the news?"

Look at what kind of crooked dates are those dark parts of the urban management brigade now, eating and taking cards all day long, if it weren't for Lord Asma, I don't know how many people were hacked by them, I heard that every hundred and eighty thousand in the dark department would not be released at all!"

"Shhh~! There is such a thing?!"

Waitingza was inexplicably led to the Hokage Tower,

Uchiha Tokiyu, Nara Shikahisa, and Sarutobi Hinata had long been waiting at the door to greet them.

Lu Jiu stepped forward respectfully with the posture of the Dragon King's return:

"Welcome Naruto-sama back. "

Tsunade turned his head to look at Shi Yu, who was behind him with a mocking face, and glared at him fiercely,

She turned her head to look at the ape flying sun,

Looking at the face of the old "nine two three" of Ape Flying Sun, she suddenly had a feeling of great revenge, and then she remembered the days when her second grandfather was not dead and was taught by Ape Flying Sun.

Tsunade snorted coldly and turned his head towards the Hokage Building.

When everyone came to the conference room, Shi Yu motioned for Tsunade to sit on the main seat,

Vortex Qianhe stood behind Shi Yu, with a somewhat restrained expression on his face.

When she was suddenly proposed by Shi Yu, the whole person was blindfolded.

Uchiha Shiyu said that this is a kaleidoscope of abilities, and only people who are members of the Uchiha family can use the architectural effect, and she thought that Shiyu was lying to him.

But thinking that he was under the eaves and that he was bought back by Shi Yu, he nodded and agreed.

Who would have thought that what Shi Yu said was really not a lie,

With the help of that magical training ground, it only took a few days to master the Blood Succession Limit and Sealing Technique in his body.

She is different from Naruto's side branch that basically does not inherit much vortex bloodline,

She is a pure-blood vortex with a huge vitality that she can heal other ninjas just by absorbing Chakra.

It's just that her Chakra talent is not enough to control the yang in her body, and she can only rely on passively using this energy by biting herself.

However, after experiencing the training of the Uchiha training ground, she not only successfully learned the King Kong Blockade and the Four Elephant Seal, but also successfully controlled this huge vitality and awakened the immortal body inherited from the bloodline of the Great Tube Mu Yue!

That is, the passivity between the thousand hand pillars, the cure without seal!

It can be seen from the fact that Xiangli relies on himself to bite his own blood back that the Vortex family is the direct bloodline that truly inherits the immortal body.

The reason why the Senju clan can compete with the Uchiha clan is purely because the Chakra of Asura has been reincarnated in the Senju clan.

Shi Yu even suspected that the Vortex clan had split from the Thousand Hands clan,

Perhaps it was Asura who kept his descendants away from strife, and he used the division of the thousand hands to constantly resist Indra's revenge.

Judging from the clan system of the Hyuga family left behind by Otsuki Haji Village, Asura, as the heir of Otsuki Hai, may not have done so.

After all, inherited from the culture of the native people who lived well in a small life, they still value the bloodline very seriously.

On the contrary, the Uchiha family pays attention to meritocracy, speaking with strength, the higher the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Indra's original way to solve Otsuki's trial was to use ninjutsu to help them solve the problem directly, although it was not to teach people to fish, but it was the mentality that a superior should have.

Later, Uchiha also held the same Yide to persuade people, and subdued other countries, and the world was at peace.

And it has proved to be a more conducive way to a relatively long-term peace.

Where there are people, there will be fights,

This is human nature and the driving force of human progress,

Persuading others to achieve peace based on human understanding is pure wishful thinking.

Even in the finale of Shippuden, Naruto achieved peace like the Pillar Period thanks to the deterrence of Sasuke, the strongest ninja in the ninja world and the second strongest ninja.

Confucius also knew that with De's sword, he led three thousand little brothers to reason everywhere.

Peace through human understanding alone?

Isn't that nonsense?

So Uchiha Shiyu felt that he wanted to achieve true peace in the ninja world,

The most realistic way is to create an ultimate forbidden technique (nuclear bomb) that can destroy the Shinobi Village, as Nagato planned.

Then put the world under a nuclear deterrent that can destroy at any moment, and the scale and number of battles will be minimized.

Pillar Ma originally did the same, he found the tailed beast as a nuclear deterrent, but unfortunately this thing is too weak, the deterrent is there, but not strong.

Nagato's planned ten-tailed beast jade is okay for ordinary ninjas,

But Uchiha's super-shadow-level deterrent is not enough.

So if you want to really achieve nuclear parity in the world,

It is necessary to appear an ultimate attack method that exceeds the six levels as a deterrent.

Throughout the history of the ninja world, only the least number of people died in the thousand years ruled by Kaguya Otsuki, and there were only 100,000 deaths because of her in thousands of years, and the wars in the Warring States period were more than that.

It is a pity that the death and destruction of the planet by the sacred tree in this way is obviously unacceptable to the natives.

That's why there is the story of Toad Pill fooling Otsuki Yue as a big filial piety and sealing his mother.

It can only be said that the great filial piety behavior of Uchiha Itachi is hereditary, after all, their ancestor is the first great filial son who was fooled into destroying his relatives.

After everyone is seated,

Shi Yu slowly stood up and looked at the high-level of many Konoha and slowly spoke:

"I won't say more nonsense, this time we in Konoha achieved an unprecedented victory, not only annihilating thousands of ninjas on the other side, but also successfully capturing the strategic weapon of Yunyin Village, the second tail. "

"During this period, Naruto-sama rescued many wounded people on the battlefield, and this should be publicized in time after the meeting. "

"In addition, the logistical assistance of the village chief has been completed very well, and after this battle, the prestige of the Konoha Ninja Village will completely crush the other four major ninja villages. Everyone applaud!"


Under Tsunade's question mark,

Warm applause came to mind in the room.

Tsunade looked at Sarutobi and found that he was pretending not to hear with his head bowed like a dead daughter-in-law.

Originally, he didn't want to come, but he was worried that Shi Yu would bury the pit at the meeting, so he had to bite the bullet.

At this time, Nara Shikahisa handed over a document to Shiyu, which was Konoha's internal affairs report since this time.

Ape Fei Sun's eyelids jumped twice, have these two people's py transactions been too lazy to cover up?

Who said that it was necessary to prevent one family from being monopolized and specifically engaged in the separation of powers?

Sarutobi suddenly felt that the plan he had made was a piece of shit, and he personally gave up the power in Konoha's hands.

If they had been a little tougher at that time and put on a posture of dying together, those ninjas would definitely not dare to turn their faces with themselves.

But now regret is too late, and the ape flying family, which was originally in an advantageous position, has completely become a weak one.

The most important thing is that the strength of the Uchiha family does not know why it has skyrocketed continuously in these months,

Especially Uchiha Shiyu, obviously an ordinary shinobi in intelligence, but as a result, he has not even fought his son.

Ape Fei Ri Chop hated in his heart, but at this time, his face had returned to that amiable look.

In this regard, Tsunade only felt that the sun hit the west and came out, could it be that the conspiracy theories that Shiyu told him before were all false?

Otherwise, how could the old man be so relieved to hand over power to Shi Yu?

You must know that Shi Yu is not a wave feng shui gate,

Wave Feng Shui Men can choose not hesitation between children and human pillars to sacrifice themselves to leave the village with the Nine Tails and keep the tailed beast balanced.

But in exchange for Shi Yu, he will definitely choose the child without hesitation and give up the Nine Tails.

At this time, Shi Yu put down the report in his hand and spoke again:

"In addition to leaving the necessary vigilantes, the rest of the defense forces have temporarily returned to daily life to assist the village in solving the surge in mercenary tasks.

In addition, the price of the village charging the escort commission will be increased by 30%, and by the way, the commission for the assassination mission of our Uchiha clan will be reduced by 10%. "

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up,

This time the war will inevitably make the name of Konoha ninja circulate in the ninja world, and the powerful strength of the Uchiha clan will also be recognized by the ninja world.

The assassination mission is reduced by one percent, and the guard mission is increased by three percent, which is a blatant threat to those rich businessmen, celebrities and the like, if they do not want to be assassinated by the Uchiha clan, they will honestly come to Konoha to hire ninjas.

Although this would arouse the disgust of the other Shinobi villages, I am afraid that they would not dare to come to trouble at all with the power of Konoha now.

Because at this time, Konoha has the terrifying power to subdue the tailed beast,

It's like everybody has the ability to strike a nuclear bomb.

As a result, a country suddenly announced that they could crack a nuclear bomb strike, which is not scary. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Let's talk about Konoha's defense,"

Shi Yu asked people to take out the same Konoha map that Sarutobi Hinata and Danzo had a few months ago, and he pulled out a stick and pointed to a corner on the map and smiled:

"Given that the dark part of the chengguan brigade did not perform well some time ago,"

"In the future, the enchantment squad and the guard team will be under the management of the village chief, and the urban management brigade will only be responsible for the security issues within the village, so it will be temporarily relocated here to stay here for inspection. "

This is the outermost periphery of the real edge of Konoha Village that the fourth generation and Kushina chose specifically to prevent the Nine Tails from running away.......

At the beginning, because Jiu Xinnai was a human pillar force, after Bofeng Shuimen and Jiu Xinnai got married, they were still arranged in the forest far from the village.

Now he was arranged by Shi Yu to the urban management brigade.

The temporarily appointed dark commander suddenly slapped the table excitedly and stood up:

"Master Shi Yu, the urban management brigade is a police force that maintains law and order in the village! This place is too far from the center of the village!

Shi Yu smiled crookedly:

"When there is an urgent mission, the Ministry of Defense will be dispatched. "

Uchiha Tetsuhuo, who was also present at the meeting in bandages, grinned and said:

Isn't this forest just right for you to set up a practice ground, and didn't our Uchiha clan come here in the first place? "

The temporary captain of the dark department looked at the gloating Uchiha Iron Fire, and the corners of his eyes jumped,

He didn't know that this was obviously revenge for Konoha F4 for letting the Uchiha family relocate in the first place.

Shi Yu slowly looked up at Ape Feiri and patted his head and said:

"Oh, I almost forgot, the Ape Fei clan in charge of the urban management brigade also moved over together, I remember that you are still borrowing the clan land of the Thousand Hands clan, alas, it's all the fault of the organization, I forgot to arrange the clan land for you, remember to move over with the grave." "

The ape flying sun's forehead showed a series of green tendons,

He forcibly held back his anger and spit out a word from the slit:


Many of the patriarchs of the ninja clan gloated as they watched the ape flying sun who was about to pull out his teeth and crush it, and his heart was very happy.

At the beginning, he also arranged for everyone to move separately at will.

Now the present newspaper came so soon.

Shi Yu nodded in satisfaction and continued:

"In addition, in view of the busy work of the Dark Department, in addition to the enchantment class and the guard force, the position of the ninja school will also be held by the Uchiha clan temporarily, and the Uchiha clan with the Sharingan can better find out the shortcomings of the children, right?"

The ninjas looked at each other and shook their heads repeatedly: "No, no!"

Anyway, in the past, it was also Sarutobi who controlled the teacher qualification of the ninja school,

Now the Uchiha family is going to dig up the roots of the Ape Flying family.

"In addition, in the future, all children of the appropriate age must go to the ninja school for compulsory education, which needs to be urged by all the ninjas. "

Although the ninja school has been established for a long time,

In fact, there are only 3 or 40 ninja school students enrolled each year (when Kai was enrolled).

Even if three generations have worked hard to develop civilian ninjas, the number of students enrolled today is only 100 per year (Itachi Phase 84).

This is all because the ninja have their own cultivation mechanisms within themselves, and many of them already have the strength to be ninja when they are in school.

The most basic knowledge taught in the ninja school has no effect on them, and the only role is probably how great the three generations of brainwashing are in the daily ideological and moral class, and how the will of fire should dedicate itself.

This is also why red beans and red people basically graduated around the age of ten.

Because for them, ninja school is basically a waste of time. 4.1

Therefore, except for the orphans in the clan, basically no ninja will send children of the appropriate age to ninja school.

But now Shi Yu stipulates that school-age children in the ninja tribe must go to ninja schools to study, and his Sima Zhao's heart has reached the level of everyone knowing.

Sarutobi Hinata achieved this level 3 years later, and only after forcing Hinata Hinata to death through the Yunyin Village Peace Treaty did he let the ninjas throw rats, completely gave up resistance, and sent the Yan family to the ninja school as a son.

The patriarch of the Yueyue family asked with a somewhat ugly face:

"Lord Shiyu, I don't think it's necessary, ninja school is enrolled at the age of 6, and our ninja children basically have the strength to graduate when they are 6 years old. It's no use wasting six years going to school?"

The rest of the Moonlight Family, the Kato Family and other small clans have spoken out in response.

Some occult clans such as Pig Deer Butterfly looked on coldly and did not speak, they always felt that things were not so simple.

Shi Yu pressed his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet,

"You all mean that?"

Many of the patriarchs of the ninja clan couldn't help but nod their heads in disdain,

They didn't want the clan to waste time going to the ninja school,

Second, I don't want my child to be brainwashed by the will of that sand sculpture fire.

Shi Yu nodded and said:

"In that case, let's have an entrance exam, and I will let the children of civilian age enter school for one month first and pass the knowledge training learned in school." "

"If a month later, the ninja child wins, this matter will be settled. "

"If in a month, the child of the civilian ninja wins, you will give me an honest school, so it's okay?"

Several patriarchs looked at each other and asked:

"Lord Shi Yu, didn't you let the children of the Uchiha clan end?"

Shi Yu smiled contemptuously:

"Don't worry, children of civilians, and it's up to you to find school-age children. "

Several patriarchs' eyes lit up, and they immediately nodded excitedly:

"Really? In a word!!".

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