Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

113 The Meeting Of Two Senju Yuan (Please Subscribe!!!)

Senju Yuan was not surprised that another self would say that, in fact, he had already confirmed this from the first time he saw the roulette wheel.

The arrangement and combination of those incantations is very particular and exquisite. Whether it is positioning time or space, they are very powerful in terms of ability, but there is a function among them that is unknown to others.

That's contact!

To be precise, a connection to Senju Yuan's own Chakra.

In fact, Senju Yuan lied to Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto. The reason why he was able to track them down was that simple. What was really used to locate them was the strange connection on this roulette wheel.

It's just an excuse to use smell to find something, although Senju Yuan can also do it, but he definitely doesn't do it.

In fact, at the moment when Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke cast their eyes on him, Senju Yuan had already vaguely felt the connection, it was very vague, but with Senju Yuan's ability

But very sure.

Then he found the two, and the rest of the conversation was basically a foreshadowing for the two to take out the roulette willingly.

The process is a bit tricky, but it’s enough to achieve the goal.

"Let me guess, it looks like you've discovered more than one parallel world, right?" Senju Yuan asked.

Hearing the words, the other one immediately smiled, nodded and said: "That's true, as expected of me, as expected, nothing can trouble you."

It was an odd statement, but everyone present understood what they were talking about.

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke were dumbfounded, until now, they realized that their trip was "completely under another open-source design.

Thinking of this, the two of them looked at the illusory figure, their eyes became a little bit hostile.

But the two Senju Yuan didn't care much, the adult Senju Yuan said: "Actually, besides this world, I have found five parallel worlds, and I have gradually figured out some rules, but there is one thing that confuses me, you know it is what?"

Senju Yuan smiled and said directly: "I don't exist in those parallel worlds, right?"

"Yes, those five parallel worlds are all very orthodox ninja worlds, you should understand what I mean." The other party said.

Senju Yuan nodded: "Yes, I can understand, so, do you have any conclusions now?"

The other party also nodded: "Almost, I have come to some conclusions, but this is not a place to talk, if you want to know these, you'd better come to my side.

Senju Yuan thought for a while, did not refuse, and said: "Okay, let's go."

He is very decisive, because he has already grasped the skills on the roulette wheel, so he is not worried that he will not be able to come back after the past.

And somehow, Senju Yuan still has a very strange feeling when facing another self, but the other party is not the real body, just a little Chakra remnant, so this feeling is very weak.

"Damn, is this all your conspiracy? Senju Yuan!"

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke spoke suddenly, his eyes fixed on the phantom of the adult Senju Yuan.

Hearing this, Senju Yuan, the phantom, just glanced at him, then smiled and said, "It's not a conspiracy, it's just to use your hands to find another me. Now it seems that my guess is right, I want to find another me. The other me, the key really lies in you."

"Damn it!"

As soon as Uchiha Sasuke raised his hand, Zanpakutō directed Shikai and wanted to attack.

And at this time, Senju Yuan's words came faintly: "If you destroy the roulette, you will not be able to go back, are you sure you want to do this?"

Uchiha Sasuke paused, gritted his teeth slightly, but stopped thinking about doing it.

The phantom Senju Yuan smiled unchanged, and said: "I have no malice towards you, it's just that many people in the ninja world misunderstand me too much. So, put away your hostility, it will only be a waste to be an enemy of me." It's just our time with each other.

As he spoke, he didn't give the two of them time to react, and with a wave of his hand, the roulette shone brightly, enveloping everyone present.

At this moment, Senju Yuan felt the change of time and space around him.

The space was torn apart, and the flow of time began to stop quickly, just like a cassette, and the scenes that happened just now appeared and disappeared like a slideshow.

Immediately afterwards, he felt himself shrouded in darkness, and after the darkness receded, the destination he entered was a forest.


After Xuying Senju Yuan said this, he said to Senju Yuan: "You should be able to sense me in this world, right?"

Senju Yuan closed his eyes slightly, then opened them, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes, he smiled and said: "I feel it, um, he has arrived.

As soon as the voice fell, a gap opened in the air not far from the crowd, and then a figure walked out of it.

The visitor was tall and tall, dressed in a black robe, his long hair was tied behind his head casually by a headband, he wore a Konoha forehead protector on his forehead, and a long knife was slung around his waist, and he just stepped out of the crack , appeared in front of everyone.

Senju Yuan looked at him, the two were tall and short, one was a boy, and the other was a youth, they looked similar, the only difference was that one was mature and the other was immature.

They are all smiling, and they all have a reassuring temperament.

‘Meeting for the first time, another me, it seems that my guess is not wrong. "The adult Senju Yuan said.

Senju Yuan nodded slightly, and after pondering slightly, said: "I probably know what's going on."

"Tell me?"

Senju Yuan's smile remained unchanged, and he said: "You are my projection in this world, right, because after coming to this parallel world, I can already vaguely feel something

Adult Senju Yuan nodded and sighed: "That's true. Originally, I thought I was the only one, but now it seems that the only one is you. And I, strictly speaking

It is indeed your projection, to be precise, the information projection. "

As he spoke, he paused for a while, and then continued: "What you feel is actually my memory, but I have blocked my own information, so you can't feel it (OK). And At this age, you still can’t feel these things directly.”

Immediately after he waved his hand, everyone's eyes blurred, and then the surrounding scene changed, from a forest to a hall.

In the hall, besides them, there are several others.

A black-haired middle-aged man in armor from the Sengoku era leaned against the pillar with his hands folded over his chest.

A young man in a similar attire stood on the other side with a flat expression.

A young man in a Konoha Shinobi vest, with white eyes, stood beside the former.

No need to guess, the one leaning against the pillar is Uchiha Madara, the second young man is Uchiha Mitsuki, and the third is Hyuga Hiroto.

Senju Yuan smiled at them, took a look and then looked away.

"Come on, let's talk about the quilt first.

Adult Senju Yuan said, and left first.

Seeing this, Senju Yuan immediately followed up.

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