Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

115 The Concept Of Information Projection (Please Subscribe!!!)

What catches the eye is a tall building, which already has the shadow of Senju Yuan's previous life, but the foundation of the two worlds is different, which also leads to the same high-rise building, and Konoha has a sense of fantasy.

In the city of Senju Yuan's previous life, there are many buildings and wide driveways.

But Konoha is different. The streets are slightly narrower, and the shapes of the tall buildings are also different. There are even bridges connecting the tall buildings, making it more three-dimensional.

"Very beautiful." Senju Yuan commented.

Adult Senju Yuan showed a slight smile when he heard the words: "I didn't develop these specifically. I just guided the people of Konoha and invested some energy in the basic subjects. Now it seems that the basic subjects have achieved results, and other things will naturally follow. develop."

Senju Yuan nodded: "That's the truth, the foundation is very important, it seems that people in this world have realized this.

Adult Senju Yuan sighed, turned his head to look at Senju Yuan, and said: "Did you find that characteristic on your body.

Senju Yuan nodded and smiled slightly: "I have already discovered the uniqueness you mentioned."

"Well, I thought I was the only one at first, but after I met you, I realized that you are the only one, and I can only be your information projection at best. How about it, do you want to merge with me?" Adult Qian~hand asked the source.

Senju Yuan thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "No, it doesn't matter if you merge or not, after seeing you until now, I know what I should know.

"It's true, but it's a pity that I don't have your ability. I thought my talent was superb, but now it seems that I'm not as good as you." Adult Senju Yuan sighed.

What the two said may not be clear to others, but they know each other well.

The uniqueness in their mouths, to put it bluntly, is the system, as well as the various abilities endowed by the system.

For example, Senju Yuan's understanding talent, concept level, this talent is not available in adult Senju Yuan, and at the same time, adult Senju Yuan does not have a system in his body. He can achieve this step purely because of his talent.

"You are my information projection. Although you don't have the ability I have, that kind of talent is also a kind of information projection. Even if it is not as good as mine, it is unparalleled in the ninja world. You can do it This step even surprised me." Senju Yuan said.

Adult Senju Yuan shook his head slightly: "I can do this step, which is basically the limit. You should know what I want to do. The current level can only be regarded as the initial stage for that plan."

Senju Yuan laughed lightly. He couldn't pat his shoulder because of his height, so he patted his arm as an adult and said, "Don't belittle yourself. To be able to do this, to be honest, I was rejected at the very beginning." I was taken aback. But the idea of ​​looking for the Otherworld, I have to say that it is worthy of me, it is just an idea to me, but you have already started to practice it, it is amazing."

This praise is sincere.

He knows that the self in this world does not have his advantages, and what he has is only the potential under the projection of his own information. To be able to do this [it is really amazing.

Speaking of this, we have to explain the concept of information.

The uniqueness determined by the two is the uniqueness of information. This uniqueness can regard Senju Yuan as real, while he in other parallel worlds is false, but this falsehood needs to be enclosed in quotation marks.

He in other worlds is the information projection of Senju Yuan. Since it is information, it carries and records something in itself.

These things may be powers, talents, or other things. As long as Senju Yuan has it, he in other parallel worlds will also have it.

But the system and the capabilities endowed by the system are not among them, which is uniqueness.

What these people have is at most the information contained in Senju Yuan's conceptual talent, not the conceptual talent itself, which is also unique.

Take him in this world as an example, as Senju Yuan's information projection, he has no system and no conceptual talent. Some are Senju Yuan's identity as a traveler, and some are alternative projections of conceptual talent.

It's a bit unclear to explain this way, but in simple terms, he in this world has the same information as Senju Yuan, but he just doesn't have the conceptual talent. But after Senju Yuan acquired the conceptual talent, this information could not be projected onto Senju Yuan in this world.

However, because Senju Yuan possesses the conceptual talent, his understanding has improved, and the improvement of his understanding can still be regarded as information. So in the end, Senju Yuan in this world possessed the extraordinary talent born under the influence of Senju Yuan under the influence of concept talent even though he was unable to obtain concept talent.

It should be clear with this explanation, right?

To put it simply, the Senju Yuan in this world possesses the strongest understanding talent under the conceptual talent, it's that simple.

…ask for flowers………

It is also because of this that Senju Yuan, who is an information projection in this world, can have the same behavior as Senju Yuan at a young age. After all, it is a parallel world, and many things in the two worlds are the same or similar.

"It's difficult. Parallel worlds are easy to find, but Otherworlds are hard to find. I don't even have a clue until now. After all, there are different worldviews. If you want to really find Otherworlds, you can't do it without special encounters." Adult Senju Yuan road.

On this point, Senju Yuan is clear. It is precisely because of this that this kind of idea has always remained at the conceived stage, and Kaishouyuan did not start research rashly.

"Don't worry, maybe this possibility happened to me." Senju Yuan laughed.

Adult Senju Yuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then revealed his choice.

"Yes, uniqueness. If my existence is a miracle, then you are the miracle itself. It seems that this plan may really succeed one day

Senju Yuan didn't say much, but said: "I have to trouble you to prepare a copy of the various materials you have used for research over the years for me."

"Of course, I have backups of all the experiments, and you can just take them with you when you leave. After all, are you really not merging with me?" asked the adult Kaishouyuan.

Senju Yuan shook his head: "There's no need for that. After all, there are two worlds. I can't come here often. It's just right for you to stay here. Besides, haven't you already let go of your own information? What's the difference between this and fusion?"

Adult Senju Yuan shook his head slightly: "Okay, that's it for now."

Senju Yuan is the information itself, while adult Senju Yuan is the projection of information, the two can naturally be fused, and after the fusion is still Senju Yuan, because he represents the "Qianfengyuan"


At this moment, a call came from a distance, followed by a gust of fragrant wind rushing over.

Senju Yuan smiled unconsciously, and then his eyes darkened.

"Haha, Yuan was cuter when he was a child, wow, I really miss it."

The visitor was dressed in green robes and a Hokage hat. After appearing, he took Senju Yuan into his arms without saying a word.

None other than the people of this world.

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