Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

123 The Structure Of The ŌTsutsuki Family (Please Subscribe!!!)


Senju Yuan felt the aura of a stranger in front of him, this Ten Tails raised his head and let out a roar, obviously like a wild beast, but it gave Senju Yuan a sense of wisdom.

Of course, Senju Yuan knew that this was an illusion, and this happened only because the Chakra was too huge, so huge that when the Chakra were gathered together, there was an extra order in the chaos and wildness.

Ten Tails is a collection of Chakra. When the magnitude of Chakra reaches a certain level, disorder will also become order, otherwise it is impossible for a star to exist.

And this kind of order gives people the illusion that Ten Tails is intelligent, but in the final analysis, it is just the performance of Chakra's order.

So Senju Yuan wasn't surprised when Ten Tails showed anger towards Ōtsutsuki.

"It seems that your predecessor beat this guy too hard." Senju Yuan said.

Ōtsutsuki nodded: "The original body occupied Cixian Mage's body. In order to devour the opponent's soul, he had to continuously use the Chakra of Ten Tails to maintain his own soul strength. Even so, it took hundreds of years. It completely devoured Cixian Mage's soul."

Senju Yuan smiled: "After all, it's still weak. If your predecessor is stronger, you don't need to be so troublesome at all. You can just cover it at the information level. It's a pity that he can't reach that step yet."

As he spoke, he waved, and a Black stick appeared in his hand.

This is the Yin Dun creation, the same substance that Nagato uses to control the Six Paths' body, and it has a miraculous effect on restraining Chakra.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the black stick cut through the air and pierced into Ten Tails' body.

"Ho ho ho ho!"

Ten Tails seemed to feel the pain, roared to the sky, and struggled hard.

But his body was everywhere, and he was restrained by Ōtsutsuki's black 0 stick, otherwise, he would not have been trapped here all the time.

As soon as Senju Yuan's finger moved, the black stick instantly changed its form, turned into a thin thread, and flew out from Ten Tails' body [the other end landed in Yu Fengyuan's hand.

The next moment, Chakra on Ten Tails passed over from the thin Black string.


Senju Yuan closed his eyes slightly to sense, and when he opened his eyes, the expression on his face was somewhat strange.

"I see."

Seeing him like this, Tsunade asked, "What did you find?"

She has some experience of Senju Yuan's miraculous talent, as if there is no problem in this world like him.

Senju Yuan smiled and said: "There are a lot of things to discover, but what can be confirmed now is that this Ten Tails is severely stunted."

"Stunt?" Tsunade wondered.


Senju Yuan nodded and explained: "Ten Tails are the seeds of the divine tree. It can transform into a divine tree. After entering the growth period, it can absorb the natural energy of the planet, convert it into Chakra, and finally bear the fruit of Chakra."

"And then?" Tsunade was very curious.

"Then Ten Tails will enter a mature stage during this process, and it will also retain a huge amount of Chakra. In the end, a new seed will be split, that is, the new Ten Tails will repeat this process again.

As he spoke, he pointed to Ten Tails in front of him and said, "This guy has been slapped too hard by Ōtsutsuki, and the Chakra in his body is only about 30% of what it was originally. Now it's a bit difficult to even transform into a sacred tree."

"Is this a good thing for the ninja world?" Tsunade asked.

Senju Yuan nodded.

"Whether this thing is mature or not has nothing to do with us. Anyway, with Chakra, this thing is not in danger of death. And its life form is different from normal life. Even if Chakra is completely consumed, it will not die, but will fall into silence , into a state of deep sleep. Just wait for Chakra to replenish it, and it will be revived again, very good ability, designed the existence of this guy, and the recognition of Chakra is very powerful."

Tsunade was secretly startled, this level is not accessible to her now.

Senju Yuan laughed again: "Through this Ten Tails, I also discovered one more thing."


"The Chakra Creator of the Ōtsutsuki family used the means to control the universe. He wanted to control the energy of the universe, and then use it to control matter. I have to say that this method is very tricky, but the success rate is very high, very good. safe."

Tsunade frowned, "Then what should we do?"

Senju Yuan signaled her not to worry, and said, "Don't worry, that existence won't succeed."

"Why?" Tsunade wondered.

"Because this process is safe, but it also takes the longest time. I don't know how big the universe is, and I don't know how many living planets there are in it. There are ten points, but I am sure."

Senju Yuan continued: "In this model, it will take hundreds of millions of time to completely control the entire universe, and now, it's just in its infancy."

Hearing this, Tsunade was obviously relieved. After all, what Senju Yuan said was too far away from her, and it was still too reluctant for her to get in touch with those things with her current ability.

Ōtsutsuki said: "Master, the population of the Ōtsutsuki clan is not large, and the total number does not exceed three hundred.


Senju Yuan was a little surprised.

"so little?"

"Yes, there are less than three hundred people from the orthodox Ōtsutsuki tribe. The atmosphere is the main house and the branch house. My predecessor, Ōtsutsuki Yishi, is the main house, and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is the branch house. There is a elders' house in this family, and there are five elders in total. .The one above this is the clan ancestor."

Senju Yuan nodded slightly, then asked: "Do you know where the Ōtsutsuki clan is in the starry sky?"

Ōtsutsuki shook his head.

"All Ōtsutsuki who perform harvesting tasks outside are in groups of two. After leaving the tribe, they will automatically lose the information of the tribe. Only when they return, enter the depths of the starry sky and use a specific method to summon them to complete the final return. .”

"So that's the case. I didn't expect such a powerful race to be so cautious. By the way, apart from the orthodox (Qian Lihao) Ōtsutsuki, how many other Ōtsutsuki are there?"

Ōtsutsuki thought about it for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, my predecessor didn't care about this at all, or the orthodox Ōtsutsuki didn't care about it. Because those mixed-blood Ōtsutsuki are food for them."


"Yes, those are the raw materials that are refined into pills." Ōtsutsuki said in one style.

"Tut tut."

Senju Yuan shook his head slightly. Just from these words, one can hear the cruelty of the Ōtsutsuki clan. This disregard for life has exposed the true nature of the Ōtsutsuki.

"By the way, master, besides Ōtsutsuki Ishiki and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, there are also Ōtsutsuki Momoji, Ōtsutsuki Jinshi, and Ōtsutsuki Urashiki in this star area recently. There is also a supervisor, Ōtsutsuki Longshijie."

Senju Yuan nodded, feeling nothing, but Tsunade's heart tightened.

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