Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

158 Blocking Of Sage Of Six Paths (Please Subscribe!!!)

It was the first time for Senju Yuan to show such an expression on his face.

There is no other reason, it is just because something that I was fully sure of was blocked by a person abruptly. No one will be happy if this kind of thing is changed, especially if this matter is related to whether Senju Yuan can control the entire universe, it is also related to Follow-up plans to Senju Yuan.

Thinking about it this way, it is easier to understand why Senju Yuan's face is gloomy.

"Kicked out? Who did it?"

Senju Hashirama was a little dazed.

Uchiha Madara frowned, thinking, but couldn't think of a clue.

"Hehe, an old thing who has been dead for hundreds of years, I didn't care much about him at first, but now it seems that I still underestimated him." Bing Zhengyuan said.

"Old stuff?" Senju Tobirama repeated.

Senju Yuan didn't hide anything, and said, "It's Ōtsutsuki Yuyi, the Sage of Six Paths in Legendary."


Senju Hashirama was shocked at this moment, he did not expect that things would develop in this way.

Uchiha Madara said in a deep voice: "Is it confirmed?"

Senju Yuan nodded: "It's not wrong, there is an existence in Huangquan that has the ability to maintain itself, and can achieve this step. There is no one else except Ōtsutsuki Yuyi. The spirit son I condensed just now, after entering Huangquan, there is no It was rejected at the first time, but Que was retained in it."

As he spoke, he smiled.

"You summon the Second Generation."

Uchiha Madara asked: "Should we continue?"


Naturally, Senju Yuan would not give up, but said: "I didn't check it just now, but I won't do it next time. After all, Huang Quan is special. With Ōtsutsuki Yuyi's ability, it is already the limit to be able to do that step just now."

He didn't explain in detail, because the two of them wouldn't understand too much.

In the underworld, it is not difficult for Ōtsutsuki Yuyi to be able to maintain himself through Chakra, otherwise, in the original plot, Ōtsutsuki Yuyi would not have cheated on Ming Zuo in the end, after all, Chakra has the ability to reverse life and death.

However, the particularity of the Underworld restricts Chakra from playing other roles. Yin Dun can indeed create from nothing, but it cannot create all things, unless the Chakra Creator is in the Underworld, and may be able to create.

But in that case, the premise is that the Creator must die first, so that he can fully understand Huang Quan's concept.

As a proto-organism in this universe, it is obviously impossible for the Chakra Creator to understand such a conceptual thing. There is an innate limitation there. Look at it all from a perspective.

Not to mention, Senju Yuan is still hanging, which is the most important thing.


Uchiha Madara didn't talk nonsense, he bit off his finger prints, and used the Summoning technique to Summon a White Zetsu.

Then he took out a mask from his bosom and put it on, and then cast Impure World Reincarnation.

For an existence like Uchiha Madara, it is not difficult to use this Forbidden Technique without injury.


The sound of shaking paper sounded, and the sacrificed White Zetsu was quickly submerged in ashes, and then the ashes solidified and turned into the image of Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.


Green smoke came out of Senju Tobirama's body, and then he opened his eyes.

"What just happened?"

These were the first words he said when he woke up.

Senju Yuan said: "This should be the question I want to ask you."

Senju Tobirama frowned, seemed to be thinking about it, and then said: "After I returned to the underworld, there seemed to be a force sweeping through me, and I don't know the rest."

Senju Yuan nodded: "That's right, it's as tender as I thought."

"So, it's a failure, right?"

Senju Yuan nodded, and then said: "It's okay, just try again, it's not too difficult.

"Do you have another method?"


Senju Yuan didn't talk nonsense, and condensed the spirit particles again, but this time the number of spirit particles condensed was especially large, forming a ball with a diameter of three meters.

With a wave of his hand, the ball of spiritual particles turned into a stream of water, completely enveloping Senju Tobirama, and at the same time he said: "Don't resist, I will completely transform your soul into spiritual particles. The spiritual particles of the living will be absorbed That person rejects it, but he can't do anything about the spirit son of the dead."

Senju Yuan is very sure of this, and the reason why Ōtsutsuki Yuyi was able to do that is mainly because the previous spirit sons were controlled by the living Senju Yuan, and Huangquan allowed the souls of the dead to remain in it.

It's not that Senju Yuan is not clear about this, but he just didn't expect Ōtsutsuki Yuyi to do that. Although he still doesn't know why the other party did this, since he has already done it, there is nothing to say.

The spiritual sons controlled by the living also conform to the rules of the underworld. Without artificial resistance, it is not a problem to enter the underworld.

And Senju Yuan did this in order to open a special passage to Huangquan, so that he could send more spirits into it.

But the result also told him that in that case, someone would be a hindrance.

So now to change the method, Senju Yuan believes that Ōtsutsuki Yuyi cannot be as before, because the spirit son this time is the soul of Senju Tobirama itself.

No matter how powerful you Ōtsutsuki Yuyi are, you can still expel the souls of the dead?

That's impossible, the rules of Huang Quan are there, and Ōtsutsuki Yuyi has no power to resist the rules.

Hearing this, Senju Tobirama did not resist. His soul was penetrated by the spirit son little by little, and then replaced. The whole process lasted for a long time.

. Chakra is replaced by spirit particles to form your soul. In this way, you will lose Chakra, so the techniques you have mastered in the past can no longer be used. But this is not a big problem, because to build a Soul Society, your soul itself has to be replaced with a spirit, even if you are familiar with it in advance. "

Senju Yuan explained in this way, Senju Tobirama over there didn't say much (Zhao Li Zhao), and more attention was put on the replacement process at this time.

Lingzi and Chakra are two different power systems, as Senju Yuan said, the process of replacement is also a process of getting familiar with the new power system for Senju Tobirama

Finally, all the spirit sons entered into the soul of Senju Tobirama, others could not see it, but in the realization of Senju Yuan, they could see it clearly.

At this time, the soul of Senju Tobirama is no different from the previous state, but the most basic thing has been changed from Chakra to Spirit Son.

Seeing this, Wang Ziyuan nodded in satisfaction.

"Almost, let's start." He said.

Senju Tobirama nodded.


In the same process as before, Senju Tobirama's body collapsed, and his soul instantly returned to the underworld.

The next moment, the corners of Senju Yuan's mouth curled up.

"It worked."

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