Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

160 Zanpakutō By Senju Tobirama (Subscribe!!!)

What Senju Yuan is doing now, only he can see it. If it is Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, they can't see these pictures at all. All they can see is Senju Yuan waving his hands in the air and then sneering.

The two looked at each other, somewhat strangely.

But neither of them bothered, they just waited quietly.

Senju Hashirama has a big heart, and he doesn't want to think about many things, which has something to do with his personality. But when facing Senju Yuan, he still treats hand addiction more with the mentality of treating a genius junior.

But Uchiha Madara is different. Now he is really convinced by Senju Yuan. In terms of his character, it is impossible to convince someone, but when Senju Yuan really shows the power to suppress everything , the reality will also force him to succumb.

But Uchiha Madara is Uchiha Madara after all, even if he agreed to Senju Yuan's solicitation, the mentality at this time is more of a wait-and-see attitude.

Senju Yuan doesn't care much about such details. Anyway, in his concept, as long as he agrees to follow him, he is his own person. He can be generous, but sometimes he has to let people know his identity.

Far away.

At this time, Senju Yuan is focusing on the means to deal with Ōtsutsuki Yuyi. After all, it is Huangquan, not his home field. As a living person, he cannot end in person, and all he can do is borrow Senju Tobirama's hand to deal with it. all of these.

But enough.

That piece of light has a color similar to the background of Huangquan, which is difficult for ordinary people to find, as if it is integrated into the background board.

But Senju Yuan was keenly aware of the danger. It was an attack with the rules of Huangquan. The dead itself.

With a thought in Senju Yuan's mind, Senju Tobirama clasped his hands together, and his aura soared, that's Reiatsu!

Everything around seemed to stop at this moment, Senju Tobirama invoked the spirits all over his body, and Senju Yuan's words came to his ears again: "The diversity of the spirit system is no worse than that of the Chakra system, now you use the Water Style method To display my ability, I will assist by the side, and remember this state."

Without any hesitation, Senju Tobirama used the method of casting Water Style·Water Barrier to mobilize the spirit, and then there was water flowing around him.

Create something out of nothing!

The water flow appeared out of thin air, wrapped Senju Tobirama and the handful of loess in a circle, turned rapidly, and then turned into a big wave, rising more than ten meters, tightly protecting it.

With Senju Tobirama's ability, he naturally couldn't display this kind of Water Style directly, but with the assistance of Senju Yuan, he easily constructed all of this with spirit particles.

The water flow can no longer be called Water Style, it is more appropriate to call it Kidō now, and it is still the Kidō without singing.

The next moment, that ray of light hit the water wave.


There is no sound and no sound, because Huangquan has no matter, so naturally there will be no sound. The final result of such a collision is that the water waves collapse and the light is annihilated.

That kind of light is not some kind of magic, but Chakra's appearance under the rules of the underworld, and its function is also very simple, that is, to expel the attacked thing from the underworld.

But now it is a pity that there are spirit sons in the underworld, and the spirit sons are allowed under the rules of the underworld, so the collision between the light and the water flow is purely a collision between two power understanding systems.

It's a dead end.

But that's enough.

"Did you see the enemy?" Senju Yuan asked.

Senju Tobirama frowned, looked around carefully, then shook his head: "No.


Senju Yuan nodded slightly, his eyes could see through life and death, but in the ninja world, the world of the living, it was still a little bit reluctant to see through Huang Quan thoroughly.

In particular, Ōtsutsuki Yuyi is a dead person. He hides under the rules of the underworld, and it is inevitable that he can do more than the living.

But it doesn't matter, Senju Yuan's methods are more than that.

"Hold Zanpakutō, and then I need you to sense the soul breath in it with your heart, have a spiritual dialogue, complete Zanpakutō's Shikai, and give birth to Zanpakutō's ability." He said.

Hearing this, Senju Tobirama held Zanpakutō's handle in one hand, retracted it and stared at it.

Then, Senju Tobirama closed his eyes, and began to sense carefully according to what Senju Yuan said.

He has never done this kind of thing, but Senju Tobirama is not a mediocre person, just listening to what Senju Yuan said, he has already understood the key points.

...asking for flowers...

Induction is second, communication is the first.

In this way, Senju Tobirama began to call out from within.

I have to say that Senju Tobirama is indeed capable, and the environment in Huangquan is too superior, especially for the Zanpakutō system, it is almost a natural fit, and supplemented by the fact that Senju Tobirama is a dead person. Let him complete the communication with Zanpakutō in the shortest possible time.

The next moment, I saw light blooming on Zanpakutō, and the shape of the sealed state changed, and in a burst of light, it became a big sword with a long and narrow blade.

The blade is at least two meters long, and the handle is about half a meter long. The whole body is as smooth as a mirror, shining with silver light, with a tassel-like tail on the end. It looks very beautiful overall.

"Bloom your divine splendor, Yin Ji!"

Subconsciously, Senju Tobirama spoke Shikai.

After regaining consciousness, Senju Tobirama had a smile on his face, stroking the blade of Zanpakutō Yinhime, with a look of love in his eyes.

It can be seen that he is very satisfied with his Zanpakutō.

Senju Yuan said: "Do you know how to use Zanpakutō?"

Senju Tobirama regained his senses and nodded after hearing the words: "I understand, it's incredible, is this the power of Zanpakutō? It feels like she is a living thing."

Senju Yuan said: "Of course, to a certain extent, Zanpakutō is indeed a living creature, but it is just a different kind of intelligent existence. More precisely, you see it as the manifestation of a special ability, or Or a carrier."

"I see, I see."

"Can you tell me about Yin Ji's abilities?"

Senju Tobirama did not hide anything, nodded and said: "Of course, Yin Ji's power is very simple, that is, to bloom light, and all the existences that are illuminated by the light will be endowed with time and space characteristics, and will be controlled by Yin Ji."

"So, it's simply space control, right?" Senju Yuan asked.

"Yes, it can be understood in this way."

Hearing this, Senju Yuan smiled.

"Very good, this ability came just in time.

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