Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

173 Appearance In One Style (Please Subscribe!!!)

The Ōtsutsuki they are talking about is, of course, the Ōtsutsuki style.

Senju Yuan obtained information about Ōtsutsuki Ichi from the parallel world, including traces of Ōtsutsuki Ichi in the parallel world. The two worlds have differences as well as similarities.

Senju Yuan felt that there should be little difference in this aspect, so he directly informed Uchiha Madara of the information he knew, and asked the latter to send White Zetsu to find it.

Now it seems that the result is indeed as Senju Yuan expected, the difference is not big, and he found something.

As for Uchiha Madara's thoughts, Senju Yuan is not surprised.

After this period of time, with food rich in gourmet cells to replenish vitality, although Uchiha Madara is still in an old state, both physically and mentally, he has recovered a lot, and he is no longer as dying as before.

Lost my dream, no! To be precise, after discovering that my previous dream was just a scam, Uchiha Madara lost his target in a short period of time, so after knowing that there is a powerful Ōtsutsuki in the ninja world, Uchiha Madara belongs to the warlike His genes made him desperate to find a strong opponent.

Obviously, this Ōtsutsuki is a good opponent. With Uchiha Madara's character, he naturally wants to meet him at this time.

Senju Yuan had no objection to this, since he wanted to fight, Senju Yuan simply granted Uchiha Madara's wish.

As for the matter on the Country of Rain, Senju Yuan didn't care much.

Judging from the current results, Uchiha Mitsuki and the others have done a good job. Both the way of action and the result are in line with the requirements of Ganshouyuan, so he doesn't care, just let Orochimaru watch over here.

Senju Yuan took Uchiha Madara to look for the Ōtsutsuki style. He also wanted to meet this guy from the ninja world. He didn’t know if the Ōtsutsuki style of the two worlds were different, but he thought the difference would not be too big.

The Country of Tea is located at the end of the peninsula that hangs alone outside the Ninja World. It is in the south of the Country of Fire and borders the Country of Fire. Because this peninsula is in the shape of an upper character, the Country of Tea is located in the lower left corner of the upper character, in the middle The part and the vertical are the territory of the Kingdom of Fire, and the lower right corner is the Kingdom of Vortex.

And Ōtsutsuki Yishi's base or lair in the ninja world is in the country of tea.

Because the country of tea is a peninsula, facing the sea on both sides, the geographical environment is special, there are many deserts, and the population is sparsely populated. In the position of the ninja world, the strategic value is not great, so the two consecutive ninja world wars have not been affected.

It can be said that this is a country that has been forgotten by the ninja world. No one will go to war for the country of tea, so the social environment is relatively stable, and there is also a ninja village of its own, but the ninja village is not big, and the emperor is not strong.

Hiding himself here, Senju Yuan felt that Ōtsutsuki was very selective.

As far as Senju Yuan knows, during the non-combustible period, a base of the Shell Organization was located in Rain Shinobi Village. As for why traces of Ōtsutsuki Ichi are found in the country of tea now, Senju Yuan estimates that it is because of the current overall environment of the ninja world , Let Ōtsutsuki Ishiki not want to expose himself prematurely.

If Senju Yuan is Ōtsutsuki, it is estimated that he will make a similar choice.

Senju Yuan and Uchiha Madara were the only two people on this trip, and no one else was brought along, because just the two of them are enough. If there is an opponent that neither of them can solve, then looking at the entire ninja world, it is impossible for others to be able to dealt with.

"This country is really desolate"

Senju Yuan lamented that the geographical environment of the country of tea is average, and it is isolated overseas, which makes the strategic value of this place not great, so naturally not many people are willing to come here.

And no one is willing to come, which means that the population here is not large, the entire country has a population of less than 300,000, and it is not even comparable to the Land of Rain in this respect.

You must know that the area of ​​the Country of Rain is less than one tenth of that of the Country of Tea, and the population is indeed more than three times that of the Country of Tea.

It is precisely because of this that the country of tea will appear so desolate.

The desolation in Senju Yuan's mouth is the result of the dual factors of population and geographical environment, which makes Senju Yuan not very interested in this place.

"However, because of the small population here, the spread of gourmet cells here is more stable than in other places. I believe that in a few years, the country of tea will ask for help from other ninja villages.

As far as Senju Yuan has seen, the evolution speed of wild animals here is faster than that of other places in the ninja world. After all, the population here is sparse and the area is not small. Although it is a bit barren, the natural food chain still exists, and the creatures here are not counted.

It is precisely because of such factors that after the appearance of gourmet cells, the speed of biological evolution here is also faster than other areas in the ninja world.

"Well, there are already creatures with a capture level of almost sixty, not bad."

Now in the entire ninja world, as far as Senju Yuan knows, the average capture level is only around forty, which is almost at the level of Genin when it comes to standard ninjas.

Don't think that Genin is weak. No matter how weak Genin is, it is far superior to the Common people. It is easy for a Genin to fight against the Common people.

A beast of this level can be called a beast at all.

"...Gourmet cells? You really developed something amazing."

Uchiha Madara has a deep feeling for gourmet cells. He is very clear about what the appearance of this thing means to the entire ninja world. The pure cell energy has restored a lot of vitality for him and has greatly benefited his body. Effect.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Uchiha Madara to be able to go out for a long time now, and can only rely on Gedo Statue's Chakra to linger and wait for the opportunity.

"It's only the initial stage of gourmet cells. As time goes by, more powerful beasts will appear in the Vice Admiral of the ninja world. And how many of these beasts will evolve special abilities or special existence? Still unknown."

Senju Yuan is also looking forward to the gourmet cells. (Did it?) What kind of species will evolve after this thing is released is beyond Senju Yuan's knowledge. For this unknown result, it is often the most anticipated of.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it." Uchiha Madara said.

The two didn't say much on this topic, but arrived at the destination directly.

"Well, is it also an underground base? It's not too small. I don't know if Shell Organization has appeared at this point in time."

Senju Yuan guessed that there should be a high probability of not showing up.

"found it."

Senju Yuan showed a smile, he has already sensed the Chakra fluctuation of Ōtsutsuki style.

Uchiha Madara frowned, he didn't feel anything special.


After Senju Yuan finished speaking, a figure came out from a gap in space, suspended in the air, looking down at Senju Yuan and Uchiha Madara from a high position.

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