Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

180 Soul Society's First Residents (Please Subscribe!!!)

Uchiha Madara understood Senju Yuan's search for the New World as the search for a parallel world, but Senju Yuan didn't explain much, because now is not the time.

The two left from the country of tea, Senju Yuan returned to Konoha, and Uchiha Madara went to the country of rain, where Uchiha Guangxi and the others needed him to worry about.

After Senju Yuan returned to the village, he focused on expanding and perfecting the Soul Society.

This is a long-term job and requires a lot of energy from him, but it is not too difficult for him.

Time passed, and more than a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Underworld, Soul Society.

Senju Yuan stands on the top of a majestic building, looking up, he sees an environment that is the same as the ninja world.

Blue sky, White Cloud, and gentle breeze.

A round of warm sun above the head illuminates Soul Society brightly and brings warmth.

The sun is not real, of course, but a special existence condensed by Senju Yuan with spirit particles, with enough heat, it hangs outside the Soul Society "Song is putting light and warmth into Huhun Jiechen.

As long as there is the sun, there is naturally the moon. The two go up and down, or one goes left and the other goes right, revolving around the Soul Society.

Because the Soul Society is a world with a round sky, so for the Soul Society, the rising sun means that the sun rises from the east of the Soul Society, then sets in the west, and then circles around the back of the Soul Society at night. circle, and rise again from the east.

The same is true for Qi Liang.

This is more or less a spectacle, but for the current Senju Yuan, it is not too difficult to do this in Huangquan.

And he is now appearing in the Soul Society, and what is here is not his body. To be precise, his soul should be in the Soul Society, while his body is still in the ninja world.

As for how to do it, it is also very simple to say, the Spiritualization Technique can handle it.

Only after being in it can he truly feel the difference between Huang Quan and Ninja World, and the same is true for Soul Society.

At this time, the Soul Society, after more than a month of expansion, has increased from its original size to the current level of nearly ten kilometers in diameter, and the mask is dozens of times too large.

Moreover, the trend of expansion has not weakened, but as time goes by, there is a trend of acceleration.

This is because of the seed of the world, the Soul Society will automatically expand, and what Senju Yuan has to do is to maintain it after the world expands.

At this time, the Soul Society is not as barren as it used to be. Not to mention the buildings, in the peripheral area, there are now trees and other vegetation, and there is even a forest.

These things are not created by Senju Yuan, but evolved by Soul Society itself. Reishi is the basis for building all of this. In addition, the formation of Soul Society has rules set by Senju Yuan in advance, so while the world expands, , Many things in Soul Society will evolve automatically.

The current Soul Society can only be regarded as the initial stage of Senju Yuan's vision.

In his mind, the Soul Society is the kingdom of the dead, so the souls of those who died in the ninja world will belong to it.

Speaking of this matter, it is much simpler than opening up the Soul Society, because the Soul Society itself is in the underworld, and there is no concept of space in the underworld, and the soul is in it, which is equivalent to being in a world that seems to be true but not true, and false is not false. minister of the world.

But now the Soul Society is real, so you only need to open the "channel" between the Soul Society and Huangquan, and the soul will naturally be attracted by the reality of the Soul Society

What Senju Yuan came here to do today is to open such a "channel".

"Are you ready?"

Senju Yuan asked.

Aside, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama nodded with solemn expressions.

"Let's begin then."

Senju Yuan nodded, and then his body burst into radiance, and countless spiritual particles began to gather from all directions, and then one after another spiritual particles shot up into the sky, directly appearing on the world wall of Soul Society, drawing countless figures in it. Qing's peculiar pictures and texts.

That's Kidō.

It is developed by Senju Yuan based on Kidō developed by Senju Tobirama, after completion and enhancement.

That's right, within a month or so, Senju Tobirama has created almost ten kinds of Kidō.

Among them are Kidō for attack and Kaidō for healing. It must be said that Senju Tobirama's talent in scientific research is indeed surprisingly high, and he seems to be born to eat this bowl of rice.

The Kidō that Senju Yuan is displaying now, to put it bluntly, is to let the true breath of the Soul Society spread out, which can be regarded as the king of power at the rule level.

When the true breath is revealed in the underworld, those souls will be automatically attracted and approach the Soul Society.

...asking for flowers...

And when those souls come to the Soul Society, they will go through a round of transformation, transforming their souls from the Chakra form to the Lingon form, so that they can live in the Soul Society in the future.

buzz buzz!

When Kidō was deployed, the space rippled, and an invisible pressure came from all directions.

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama watched all this nervously, the former has now begun to familiarize himself with the spiritual sub-system, and Reiatsu is increasing day by day. The latter has come a long way on this road, and Senju Tobirama's talent is higher than Senju Hashirama's in terms of quality.

Time passed, and half a day passed in the blink of an eye.

Finally, Senju Yuan stopped, and the Lingzi surrounding him also quickly disappeared.

The sky is still as blue as before, but if you sense it carefully, it is not difficult to find that the sky at this time has a sense of illusion.

That's because Senju Yuan opened the wall membrane of the Soul Society to the underworld, tainted with the breath of the underworld.

After doing all this, Hand Source turned his gaze in one direction.

There is a wide open space where Kidō like formations have been laid out.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in that open area, very illusory, but the brilliance of Lingzi soon appeared on his body.

Seeing this, Senju Yuan showed a slight smile.

"It's done."

As he said that, his figure appeared over there, looking at the newly appeared soul in front of him, this soul is the first batch of residents of Soul Society.

The soul gradually solidifies, and the clothes on the body also appear.

This is a man wearing an armor. Looking at the style of the armor, it looks like something that only existed in the Sengoku period.

The man opened his eyes with a blank look on his face.

"Am I dead? Where is this?"

Senju Yuan heard the words, his smile remained unchanged and said: "This is the Soul Society, the place where the soul lives.

"Soul Society?"

The man opened his mouth slightly, but his expression was still blank.

"who I am?"

Seeing this, Senju Yuan shook his head slightly, knowing that this was the reason why the man's soul had been silent in Huangquan for too long and still lost his own memory.

"No matter who you are, in the Soul Society, you are a member here."

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