Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

194 Exercising Hokage Rights (Please Subscribe!!!)

The meeting was held, and when everyone turned their attention to the person on the main seat, their expressions became strange.

There is no other reason, when they heard that it was Senju Yuan, not Tsunade, who summoned everyone this time, they had some guesses. It was just that when Senju Yuan took out the letter of appointment and stated the position of Hokage's agent on the spot, it was somewhat unexpected.

"It's almost like this. I'm temporarily exercising the rights of Hokage, and my position is Hokage's agent. Well, Master Hokage will take a break for a while. The time should be about a year, depending on the situation."

After Senju Yuan finished speaking, the scene was peaceful, no one wanted to speak, it seemed very quiet.

"What's the matter, do you have any opinions?" Senju Yuan asked strangely.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and found that each other's expressions were a little weird, and finally the head of the Nara family asked: "Master Yuan, no, Master Yuan, what happened to Master Hokage?"

Quite a few people lowered their heads. They had already guessed the result, but it was all tacit before, but now it was revealed, and the owner was still present, and the owner was still a twelve-year-old child. weird.

"Well, Lord Hokage is pregnant."

Senju Yuan didn't even think about hiding it, so he said 030 openly.

"Uh, pregnant? Cough cough, good news, congratulations, Nara's family subconsciously said.

"Well, thanks."


A smart person like Patriarch Nara doesn't know what to say at this moment, it's weird anyway.

how to respond

congratulations on becoming a father

They really couldn't say this, especially when they said congratulations to a twelve-year-old boy, they felt even more at a loss.

The scene was very quiet, but Senju Yuan was still surprised.

"What's the matter, do you have anything to say about me taking this position?" Senju Yuan asked.

Everyone looked at each other again, Patriarch Nara regretted that he was the first to speak, and now everyone else was waiting for him to respond, which was a bit of a headache.

"Well, since it is Master Hokage's decision, we naturally support it." He said.

Patriarch Nara directly set the tone for this meeting, and didn't bother to care what other people thought. Since you asked me to answer, I will answer on behalf of everyone.

"Is that so? I'm afraid I can't do well." Senju Yuan said.

"Why, how come, we know Master Yuan's (cgfc) ability. The children who were in the same period as Master Yuan are doing very well now, and this alone is enough to explain Master Yuan's ability." Nara The head of the family hurriedly said.

This is the truth, Nara Luyi is a descendant of their family, and now he is already a well-known genius in the clan. The growth visible to the naked eye has never been seen in the history of the Nara clan.

Furthermore, Senju Yuan is the successor of the Senju family. They have heard about how strong he is. Although they have never seen it, it is not bad to think about it. Coupled with Tsunade's support, they have a problem with their brains to struggle with this issue.

Another reason is that almost all the people present are from the Mesozoic generation. They don’t have as much psychological burden as Sarutobi Hiruzen’s generation, and their mentality is better, so they can accept the news faster.

"Is that so, then I will issue the first order after taking office." Senju Yuan nodded.

Hearing this, everyone cheered up and stayed up.

"Within three days, a six-member team will be formed, and I will be directly under the team. From now on, all matters in the village that should be handed over to Hokage will first be handed over to the six-member team. The team needs to evaluate and solve each matter, and finally submit Come to me, and I will be responsible for the final processing and adoption."

There is no doubt that his move is a cabinet. The six-member team is the cabinet members. There are so many things in the village that are all handled by Hokage alone. Basically, there is no free time.

The task of the six-person team is to classify these trivial matters, then sort them out, and give certain opinions and solutions. Hokage will only be responsible for whether to adopt or correct these handling methods in the future.

In this way, Hokage has a lot to deal with, especially for someone like Senju Yuan, it will save him a lot of trouble.

This move is nothing to Senju Yuan, but it has another meaning in the eyes of others.

Is this...decentralization?

Everyone had this idea almost at the same time, subconsciously, some people objected.

"No, Master Yuan, in this case, the rights belonging to Hokage will be shared." The man said.

Senju Yuan just smiled: "The decision-making power is still in the hands of Hokage, and the six-member team does not have decision-making power, so you don't have to worry about the rights belonging to Hokage being eroded. In addition

The six-person team is only a trial run, and changes will be made in the future depending on the situation.

As he said that, Senju Yuan shook his head and said helplessly: "Don't you know that every little thing about Konoha, even if it's helping the old lady, will sometimes appear on Hokage's desk, which seems unreasonable to me Yes, can everyone understand?"

It is understandable to understand, but would it be too radical to make such a change as soon as it comes up?

They didn't expect that the more intense ones were yet to come.

Senju Yuan took out a document and said: "From now on, Shimura Danzō, Mitokado Homura, and Utatane Koharu will be deprived of their advisory posts, and the village will no longer have an advisory post in the future."


Some people gasped and felt a toothache.

Is this going to be liquidated?

This thought came to many people's minds, and they felt horrified for a while.

"Why don't you talk anymore?" Senju Yuan asked suspiciously.

Patriarch Nara only felt that his head was big. At this time, he really wished he hadn't been here today, because Senju Yuan's eyes had already been cast on him, which made Patriarch Nara a little restless.

"Master Yuan, will this be, um, I mean, will it be a little bad?"

Senju Yuan waved his hand: "It's nothing bad. This position originated from the Second Generation period. There is no need for it to exist now. Master Tsunade is a qualified Hokage, so he doesn't need the help of a consultant. In addition, the position of consultant is in In some respects, there is a conflict of authority with the six-member team, so it is best to cancel it directly."

Everyone thought it was true. In the final analysis, consultants were just people who helped Hokage handle daily affairs. At first, they only had the right to make suggestions, but as time passed, Third Generation handed over unimportant rights to consultants. Only then did the consultant become a position of real power.

"Besides, I don't need others to tell me what to do, especially the old people who can't keep up with the times, what do you think?"

Everyone was at a loss, and didn't know what to say at this time. Everyone could foresee that when the news spread, there would definitely be other voices in the village.

"Okay, since everyone has no opinion, then it's decided like this."

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