Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

027 Give Hyuga A Choice (Ask For Flowers, Score!!!)

"what happened?"

Ikeuchi Yuta stepped forward and asked in doubt.

Hyuga Kanren has bulging veins on his face, obviously trying to move himself, but unfortunately, no matter how hard he struggles, his body only trembles a few times at most, even if his face is flushed red.

"I was blocked by him." After a while, Hyuga was powerless.


Ikeuchi Yuta was taken aback, and suddenly felt that things were a little numb.

How to solve this?

He is also just a Chūnin teacher, unable to solve the problem in front of him at all, otherwise, he would have become a Jōnin long ago.


Hyuga let out a sigh of relief, and then said: "It's okay, there is not much Chakra left after he blocked my acupuncture points, and it shouldn't be long before I can regain my mobility."

"Okay, but speaking of it, you really don't make people worry."

After about five minutes, Hyuga Kanto swayed, almost unsteady, and staggered twice before regaining his footing.

"Finally recovered."

Talking to himself, Hiroto Hyuga ignored the surrounding discussions, just nodded to Ikeuchi Yuta, and then walked back to the classroom directly.

In the classroom, Senju Yuan still looked like he was catching up on sleep, as if he didn't care about other people's gaze at all.

Hyuga Kanto had a complex expression on his face, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Those students who came back were talking in a low voice, their voices were very soft, as if they were afraid that Hyuga would hear.

"As expected of Senju, he is really good. First he defeated Uchiha Mitsuki, and then he defeated Hyuga Hiroto. He should be the strongest in our class, right? I couldn't see how he did it twice."

"It's over, with such a guy here, the actual combat class will be uncomfortable in the future."

After saying this, many people had complicated expressions.

Most of the ninjas with complicated faces are ninjas of the ninja clan. Whether it is a big ninja clan or a small ninja clan, they are basically told by their families before coming to school to strive for good grades in school. On the one hand, it also represents the face of the family behind it.

But now it is clear that the possibility of trying to fight for the first place is gone, and it is frustrating to think about it.

Hyuga Kanto returned to his seat, his expression returned to indifferent, he just lowered his head, no one knew what he was thinking.

Uchiha Mitsuki, who was defeated yesterday, stared at Senju Yuan at this time, with a face full of dissatisfaction.

Only Namikaze Minato looked normal in the field, but looked at the three of them with faint worry.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it was time for school to end in the afternoon. Everyone officially went to school today, and it was indeed a novelty at the end of the day. They chatted in small groups after school, and they seemed very energetic.

Of course, there are also different types in the group, there are three different types, the leader is Senju Yuan, he walks aside on his own, completely ignoring the eyes of others, walking towards the way home.

On the other side are two people, Uchiha Mitsuki and Hyuga Hiroto.

The former gritted his teeth, and finally turned his head and left without saying anything.

As for Hyuga Hiroto, he glanced at Uchiha Mitsuki's back, and then followed Senju Yuan without any hesitation.

Senju Yuan walked all the way, looked left and right on the road, and stopped to look at something interesting, and finally spent money to buy two strings of meatballs, and ate them while walking.

Not long after, he came to an alley, walked in a few steps, and stopped with his back against the wall.

After a while, footsteps came.

As soon as Hyuga walked into the alley, he met Senju Yuan, and neither of them was surprised to meet each other here.

"What's the matter?" Senju Yuan asked.

Hyuga Kuanren stared at Senju Yuan, and said in a deep voice: "What you cast at noon is the advanced ability of Gentle Fist, empty palm! This is a technique that only Hyuga with profound white-eyed ability can perform, and only Senju Yuan can master it, you How did it happen?"

Senju Yuan chuckled when he heard the words: "You followed all the way here just for this matter?"

Hyuga said leniently: "Answer me, the empty palm is not something that people with foreign surnames can master. Without white eyes, it is impossible to use the empty palm. And..."

As he said that, his expression became serious: "The moment you raised your hand, I seemed to see a change in your eyes, although it was only for a short moment, but I am sure that I was not dazzled at that time. "

Senju Yuan's smile didn't change, he tilted his head slightly, staring at Hyuga Kanto, and didn't speak immediately.

The atmosphere froze for a moment, before Senju Yuan chuckled and said, "Your observation is very keen. As a branch house, at this age, you can master Gentle Fist to the level of eight palms, which is pretty good. And I can I can feel that the purity of your white eyes is good, but unfortunately, Caged Bird restricts all of this."


Hyuga hit the wall with his fist and said angrily, "Don't mention that word."

"Ugh, it's so scary, are you angry? That's right, whoever knows that your future life has been finalized will probably be angry, not to mention your Hyuga clan, who is not a good person, there are many branch houses Are you oppressed?" Senju Yuan calmly asked.

Hyuga gritted his teeth and glared at Senju Yuan.

"Well, don't be angry, then, look at what this is."

While speaking, Senju Yuan's eyes changed from pitch black to white, with a faint blue light emerging from the white.


Shocked, Hyuga took a step back subconsciously, which shows how restless his heart is at this moment.

Senju Yuan just looked at him quietly, with pure white eyes, no emotion could be seen.

"I'm curious, right? Then if I tell you again that Caged Bird is not unbreakable, what will you think? Or... what do you want to say?"

The corner of Senju Yuan's mouth curled up, quietly waiting for the answer.

He was giving Hyuga time to wait for a choice, or an answer.

(Ask for flowers, ratings!!!)

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