Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

030 The Idea Of ​​Designing A New System (Asking For Flowers, Scoring!!!)

After thinking for a while, Senju Yuan stretched out his hand, picked off the unripe fruit, and directly opened his mouth to bite it open.


It doesn't have any taste, and it's refreshing in the mouth. There's no need to bite it. It almost melts in the mouth. He just eats the rest, and then closes his eyes to feel it.

After a while, he opened his eyes with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Sure enough, people who already have the ability in the fruit will not increase their natural ability if they eat this fruit. Even Chakra will not increase or decrease. It is a completely invalid state."

After thinking for a while, Senju Yuan stretched out his hand again, pointed at the tree trunk, mobilized the Chakra belonging to Wood Style, and began to transport it towards the tree trunk.

After outputting almost one Genin's Chakra volume, Senju Yuan stopped.

On another twig, a fruit the size of a soybean grew.

Seeing this, Senju Yuan showed a satisfied smile.

He made seals with both hands, and then patted the ground.


Chakra's light blue light appeared, and then countless mantras appeared, connected one by one, and then all of them rushed to the small tree, and Saitama's densely spread on the surrounding ground, forming a complex sealing technique on the ground .

The sealing technique has no name, or in other words, none of the sealing techniques deployed by Senju Yuan has a name, because he only builds the sealing technique at the right place with the right mantra.

Like this sealing technique, it combines the functions of early warning, blockade, as if, and counterattack.

If the tree is attacked, the warning and defense spells will be activated, and then other functions will also appear. At that time, it will directly isolate the space like the four purple flame formations, which is quite practical.

There is no doubt that this Chakra tree is a treasure, but fortunately, it doesn’t look very good, and it looks like a treasure. Otherwise, Senju Yuan would have to plant it in another place.

After doing this, Senju Yuan observed again, and found that even without his own Chakra input, after the fruit appeared, it was still growing slowly. This time, the small tree absorbed nutrients and natural energy, which Senju Yuan did not Not surprisingly, he was already quite sure that this thing was a product of the Ōtsutsuki clan, so it was normal for it to be able to absorb natural energy.

"The fruit will ripen in about half a month, not bad."

The appearance of this tree has also brought a lot of inspiration to Senju Yuan. Now he has the idea of ​​developing a new system through this tree, a brand new system that is different from the ninjutsu system.

No one would believe it when he said it, but Senju Yuan has such confidence.

"The fruit of the Chakra tree, this thing is inexplicably a bit like Devil Fruit, but that kind of system is not applicable in the ninja world. Ninjas have ninjutsu, which is no worse than Devil Fruit, the only thing that is strange about Devil Fruit. It’s just a strange ability, so you don’t have to think about this path.”

After Senju Yuan finished all this, he left the flower garden and returned to his room, and now he had to sort out his thoughts.

"How about Shinigami's Zanpakutō system? Well, it feels good. In the fighting style of ninjas, the applicability of ninja swords is also very strong. There are also sword techniques combined with ninjutsu in the ninja world. The combined effect of the two is similar to Zanpakutō. The only difference It’s Zanpakutō’s ability to touch the rules, and it seems like ninjutsu can do that too.”

With this in mind, Senju Yuan made a solemn note in the notebook in front of him, and the Zanpakutō system was used as an alternative.

"Is a system too monotonous? What else can be reformed in the ninja world?"

After thinking about it, Senju Yuan made another note in his notebook.

"Animals, cell energy, this can be transformed into gourmet cells, well, it's quite interesting."

Senju Yuan was full of inspiration, so he directly started the preliminary design.

Of course, it is not to directly start designing these two systems, but to list the applicability and commonalities of these two systems in the ninja world first, and he needs to plan carefully.

"The underlying structure of the Zanpakutō system is spirit sons. To make this system take shape, spirit sons, an energy substance, must first be created. Spirit sons also involve soul power. There are indeed some similarities with the power system of the ninja world, but Not many, but as long as they have something in common, there is always a breakthrough.”

"For gourmet cells, it is estimated to be a little simpler. The orthodox gourmet cells are derived from a jellyfish. The cells are extremely active, and the regenerative ability is also extremely strong, and the activity is also extremely prominent. This point, perhaps using Chakra It can be transformed, just want to achieve the effect of the original gourmet cell, maybe it will take some experiments."

Senju Yuan looked at the notes in front of him and nodded slightly.

"Decided, we will focus on the development of these two systems, which just correspond to the Yang Dun and Yin Dun in Chakra. One works on the body, and the other works on the soul. Combining these two systems, it doesn't matter even if there is no Chakra. I want to wait for these two systems to really take shape, and when the Ōtsutsuki in the universe come to the ninja world, I will be surprised, haha."

Thinking of this, even Senju Yuan couldn't help chuckling, he really wanted to see the situation.

"I finally found something for myself to do. In this way, if I want to complete the structure of these two new systems, I have to sort out my own abilities first, especially in terms of body and Chakra. I have to strengthen them as soon as possible. The current The growth rate is still a bit slow.”

Senju Yuan's current body is still in the early stage of development, and Chakra's growth rate is not slow, but it still seems a bit slow for his goal, which is his shortcoming.

But the good thing is that he is not short of time now, and Konoha and even the entire ninja world will not have any major turmoil in the future. This is very good for him, and he can use it for design research with peace of mind.

(Ask for flowers, ratings!!!)

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