Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

035 Development Of Medical Talisman (Asking For Flowers, Scoring!!!)

It was a temporary idea to subdue Uchiha Guangxi, but it was not a boring move. Senju Yuan naturally had his intentions in doing so.

In his vision, the Zanpakutō system required the power of the Sharingan.

Of course, it is not necessary to use the power of Uchiha Guangxi, but to use Sharingan as a blueprint to design the ability foundation of Zanpakutō.

Sharingan has a separate name, called the pupil of spiritual reflection. Coincidentally, Zanpakutō obtains power through spiritual dialogue, in other words, it is also born out of the ability reflected from its own soul.

There are similarities between the two, so Senju Yuan thinks that if he wants to create the Zanpakutō system, then Sharingan may be a good material.

Sharingan's Yin Dun Ultimate change also better corresponds to Zanpakutō's soul system, which is a path that can be followed no matter how you look at it.

So when necessary, Uchiha Guangxi can also become a good experimental subject.

Although it was a temporary idea, at this point, Senju Yuan is not afraid of Uchiha Guangxi's repentance. You must know that he is getting stronger every day. Although it has not been a long time since the time travel, he also has a certain ability to protect himself.

So at this stage, Senju Yuan feels that he can let go of his hands and feet appropriately.

Leaving the laboratory here, Senju Yuan returned home.

Tsunade didn't know that he was going to school every day, and the clone was sent there, just as if everything was normal at school, which Senju Yuan pretended to be very good.

Going to and from school every day is very self-conscious, and there is no need for Tsunade to ask anything, and Tsunade is also busy with things every day. Although she is in a semi-retired state, as the founder of the Konoha Medical Ninja System, she still can't let go of this aspect Things, so sometimes I will come back later.

Just like today, she came back after dinner, looking a little tired.

"Sister Tsunade, is the hospital busy recently?" Senju Yuan asked.

Tsunade has to drink something every night, which has become almost a habit, and is drinking for himself at this time.

"The front line is tight, Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi counterattacked, and the number of injured has increased a lot. We need to mobilize some medical ninjas from the village to the front line. I have been doing training in this area recently, but it will be fine after a while."

As Tsunade said, he drank another double, and said with a reddish face: "That Orochimaru guy, since he came back from the front line, he hasn't seen anyone all day long, and he doesn't know what he's busy with. That guy Jiraiya is also there, and he's still there. On Rain Shinobi's side, I really don't know what he thinks."

Muttering something, Tsunade pouted, then smiled at Senju Yuan.

"It's better to be Yuan, what a lovely child."

As he spoke, he pinched Yuan's small face.

For her behavior, Senju Yuan said that she is used to it and has no intention of resisting at all. Anyway, she will pinch it back at night, and there is no loss.

"If there are too many wounded, why not develop a spell that can be used for healing?" Senju Yuan said.

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, then smiled and waved his hands and said, "I had a similar idea, but unfortunately it is very difficult to develop this kind of spell. First of all, there are not many spell seals that can be used for healing, and each These are medium and large spells, so it is difficult to simplify them. Another thing is the material, which is different from the detonating talisman. If you want to develop this kind of talisman, you must have materials that can carry Yang Dun Chakra. This material Very Precious Rare.”

As she spoke, she patted Senju Yuan's head and said, "But I'm still very happy if you think so."

Senju Yuan had a normal expression, and took out a charm from his pocket. It was not big, about the size of an adult's palm, even smaller than the detonating charm.

There are dense black incantations on the charm, with a blank circle in the middle, and in the blank of the circle, there is a medical word for medical treatment.

"It's not difficult, sister Tsunade, I have developed one, take a look."

As he said that, he took out Kunai and wiped it on the palm of his hand without any hesitation, and blood gushed out immediately.

Tsunade froze because she saw blood.

Naturally, Senju Yuan couldn't fail to notice this, so with the flash of fire in his hand, the blood evaporated, leaving only the long and narrow wound.

Then, he put the talisman on the wound, and saw a faint green light on the talisman, followed by a burst of steam-like white smoke rising, but within two breaths, Senju Yuan took off the talisman, palm The wound has healed as before.

After finishing all this, Senju Yuan handed the charm to Tsunade, and said with a smile: "Sister Tsunade, look, this kind of charm is not difficult to make, as long as a ninja who can perform the most basic medical ninjutsu can make it independently It’s done. And the materials are easy to find, you only need to use fresh plant fibers and special techniques to ensure their activity.”

Tsunade was already in a daze, she took the talisman, then subconsciously took Senju Yuan's hand, observed carefully, and found that there was no wound on his hand, so she was relieved.

"You really developed it?" she asked.

Senju Yuan nodded.

"How did you do it? And when did you master medical ninjutsu?" Tsunade asked again.

Senju Yuan smiled and said, "Sister Tsunade, have you forgotten those scrolls you gave me? There are introductions about medical ninjutsu inside."

"Those are just the most basic things. I haven't taught you the more advanced medical ninjutsu yet." Tsunade subconsciously said.

Senju Yuan said: "For me, I only need the most basic things. Now sister Tsunade, take a look, is this thing useful?"

Tsunade took a deep breath, and didn't care about drinking now, and hurriedly checked the spell, and said after a while: "The structure of the spell is so delicate, and it's quite simple, but it's very delicate. Such high talent."

She put the charm on the table and asked, "Did you name it?"

Senju Yuan nodded: "Well, just call it a medical talisman."

"A medical talisman, a very appropriate name."

The next moment, Senju Yuan felt himself flying, and then his eyes went black.

"Hahaha, you are indeed a genius of the Senju family, your talent is even stronger than my second grandfather."

Tsunade embraced Senju Yuan in his arms and smiled happily.

The delicate fragrance got into his nose, but Senju Yuan felt the danger of suffocation.


(Bosses, is anyone watching? It looks like the grades are so bad, the flowers and ratings are too low, let's get some flowers and ratings!)

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