Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

048 Captured White Zetsu (Asking For Flowers, Scoring!!!)

Uzumaki Kushina came to Konoha, Senju Yuan didn't care about what happened before that, and what were the pros and cons, anyway, it didn't affect him, and living in the Senju land was just a lot to him Only one person of the same age.

As for how he feels about Uzumaki Kushina himself, Senju Yuan can only say that the current Uzumaki Kushina is a little bit better than Xiaodouding Shizune, but it is also limited.

Senju Yuan has only one idea from beginning to end, that is to be Hokage's man.

Tsunade wants to become Hokage, this goal is clear, Uzumaki Kushina also wants to become Hokage?

That line, Senju Yuan will not refuse.

Well, the above are all Senju Yuan's own thoughts.

As he imagined, Uzumaki Kushina was taken to meet Uzumaki Mito. When he saw a grandma with red hair like her, Uzumaki Kushina's nervous heart because of coming to a strange environment suddenly disappeared. settled down.

Especially after seeing Mito's warm and kind smile, Uzumaki Kushina let down a lot of guard against the outside world.

"Is your name Kushina, your hair is more colorful than mine when I was young, so beautiful." Uzumaki Mito praised.

Tsunade and Senju Yuan were also present. They would also visit on weekdays, but after all, they are old. Mito vortex seldom walks around now, and more often rests and recuperates. Nine Tails Chakra, so Tsunade and Senju Yuan will not bother you on weekdays.

Senju Yuan has a good impression of Mito, a kind and kind old lady who is very reassuring when she is around.

Uzumaki Kushina held back tears, held Mito's hand and bowed his head in silence.

"Good boy, this will be your home from now on. I will ask that child, Tsunade, to take good care of you. Don't worry about staying here. Come and see grandma when you have time."

Uzumaki Kushina nodded solemnly, with a crying nasal voice: "Well, I will."

Vortex Mito nodded with a smile, and said to Tsunade: "Go back first, this child will live with me first, and I will let her go to your place after she is familiar with the environment here."

"Got it, grandma."

As she said that, she took Senju Yuan away. Both of them knew very well that Mito had something to say to Uzumaki Kushina, fearing that their presence would make Uzumaki Kushina feel pressured.

"It's good, you will not feel lonely at home with your peers by your side."

On the way back, Tsunade said.

Senju Yuan just smiled: "I don't feel lonely, anyway, sister Tsunade is by my side."

Did you see, the provocative words come out of your mouth.


Tsunade rubbed Senju Yuan's head, smiling nicely.

"How are you mastering those skills recently?" She asked again.

"It's not difficult, it's easy to master." Senju Yuan said.

"Eight Inner Gates and Feilei Shendu mastered?" Tsunade asked again.

"Yes, Flying Thunder God has been mastered proficiently. The Eight Inner Gates is incomplete. The above is more theory and assumptions. I will complete it when I have time."

Tsunade seemed to have thought of something, and sighed softly: "When Second Grandpa developed this technique, it happened to be when the first Ninja World War broke out. If you can complete this technique, it can be regarded as making up for this regret."

"I will, don't worry, sister Tsunade."

The two of them went all the way back to the mansion like this, daily life is like this, and Senju Yuan enjoys it in general.

Tsunade is very busy on weekdays, especially after she spends more time practicing Wood Style, basically leaving early and returning late. Even Senju Yuan doesn't know where she practices, so it should be very secretive.

On the second day, Senju Yuan planned to go to the laboratory near the Death Forest, where Senju Yuan dug out an underground area, and after the transformation, it gradually looked like a laboratory.

He has arranged more than ten kinds of sealing techniques outside the laboratory, and there are even spells for white-eyed clairvoyant detection, which are extremely safe and concealed enough. It is mainly used for experiments on gourmet cells, and it is more used for dissection research on some animals and plants on weekdays.

But today, something unexpected happened.


Ever since Senju Yuan walked on the street, he felt a vague feeling of being spied on. It was very hidden. If it weren't for Senju Yuan's keen five senses, it would be difficult to detect.

He walked down the street calmly, then headed in one direction.

At the same time, Senju Yuan activated his white eyes and began to look around.

"There is no one around, and there is no one lurking underground. It feels like the line of sight is from the rear, so it shouldn't be close."

Senju Yuan turned around and even used the Transformation Technique, but he still couldn't get rid of the peeping eyes.

"The conventional method didn't get rid of the other party, so the problem should be on me. What kind of traces did the other party leave on me?"

Senju Yuan closed his eyes slightly, and directly transformed his own energy. In an instant, Chakra became a spiritual child, but there was no energy fluctuation at all. Then, in this state, his soul came out of his body and began to observe his physical body.

"found it."

Under the powerful spiritual perception of this state, Senju Yuan discovered the clue.

"It's not my problem, but the particles floating in the air. Are those... spores? That's how it is."

Senju Yuan's soul returned, and he went forward again without any hesitation, but he had already begun to analyze the tiny spores that were stained on his body.

"White Zetsu appeared in Konoha, and the target was me, did I attract Uchiha Madara's attention?"

Thinking in this way, Senju Yuan quickly left the village and headed towards the death forest.

Finally, after going deep into the forest, Senju Yuan stopped suddenly.

I saw him undoing the seal with one hand, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"Caught you."

Senju Yuan walked back along the way he came from, and finally found the guy who had been following him at the edge of the forest.

In front of Senju Yuan, a gap opened on the ground, and countless spells spread through it, and in that gap, a pale figure showed a head, and his body was also covered by dense spells. Lost movement.

White Zetsu didn't die, but the five senses were sealed by the spell arranged by Senju Yuan.

"It's a good experimental material, and it was delivered to the door by myself."

Senju Yuan smiled.

(Ask for flowers, ratings!!!)

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