Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

070 Mangekyō By Senju Yuan (Please Subscribe!!!)

At this time, Uchiha Mitsuki was learning about his newly acquired ability. After turning on Mangekyō, he felt that everything in front of him had changed, as if in front of the perspective of looking at the world, the layer of tulle that had always existed before was taken away.

But when he saw Senju Yuan, his pupils shrank.

"Yuan, Master Yuan, your eyes?"

In his line of sight, what he saw was Senju Yuan's special pair of eyes.

On a pair of scarlet eyes, a four-leaf clover-like pattern was outlined. This kind of picture made him feel unbelievable.

But on second thought, Uchiha took it for granted.

Who is the person in front of me?

That's Senju Yuan.

People in Uchiha generally have very firm beliefs. In this regard, whether it is Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Shisui in the original plot, or Uchiha Itachi, etc., it can be said that their beliefs are extremely firm, and even if they are determined, they will have to sacrifice their lives. do it.

Of course, except for Erzhuzi, his brain circuit is different from ordinary people. I always feel that when Uchiha Mikoto gave birth to him, he abandoned the person and raised the fetus and plate. The whole thing is inexplicable.

Far away.

Senju Yuan touched his eye sockets lightly with his hands, and smiled: "Are you surprised by this?"

"Hmm, did Gen-sama also activate Mangekyō?"

Even though he has seen it, Uchiha Mitsuki still finds it a bit unbelievable. You must know that the hardship he endured to open Mangekyō just now is simply desperate, but now Senju Yuan has done this step quietly.

Uchiha is not unconvinced about this, but more curious.

Why can Senju Yuan do it so easily?

"Well, after seeing the process of your eye opening, Mangekyō no longer has secrets in my eyes. It is not difficult to open this thing. The difficult thing is how to get the ability you want at the moment of eye opening." Senju Yuan said.

Not sure, at least Uchiha Mitsuki thinks so.

He swallowed his saliva and asked, "Then, what is Master Yuan's ability?"

After asking, Uchiha Guangxi felt that something was wrong and hurriedly lowered his head.

But I heard Senju Yuan say: "I also have two abilities, the left eye is bright, and the right eye is distracted. Specifically, one is time travel, and the other is copying.

Senju Yuan did not hide anything, and continued: "Myojin can allow me to travel through time and space. I can locate a point in time and reach that point in time, but the time span cannot exceed ten minutes, and the limit is quite large. Luo Shenzai can Copy the ability I saw, well, this ability does not consume pupil power, it can be replaced by your own Chakra."

In fact, when he wanted to activate Mangekyō, he mainly thought of world travel. Since he can travel to the ninja world, is it possible to travel to other worlds at that time?

Out of this idea, his left eye has the ability of myojin.

As for the right eye, it is even simpler. What Senju Yuan thought at the time was to obtain an ability to analyze everything, but obviously, that ability is basically impossible to realize, because it is completely the authority of God, so the ability of the right eye is ultimately Became lost.


Uchiha Guangxi swallowed again, hearing these two abilities, he only felt his scalp go numb.

I thought his own ability was already terrifying, but compared with Senju Yuan's ability, Uchiha only felt that his own ability was nothing more than that.

Senju Yuan thought for a while, took out a blank scroll from the ninja bag, spread it out, made seals with both hands, and said at the same time: "Mangekyō in this state, every time you use it, will burden your eyesight. The result is blindness, unless upgraded to Eternal Mangekyō, but don't think about that for now."

He printed his hand on the scroll, and the dense spells, like ants, covered the entire scroll in an instant.

"However, there is no way to repair it. You only need to replenish the special Yin Dun Chakra in a certain amount. You can take this scroll with you when you leave. Every time you use Mangekyō, use the Chakra inside to restore your pupil power. .The Chakra in the scroll should be enough to use three times, come to me after three times.”

After doing this, Senju Yuan rolled up the scroll and threw it to Uchiha Mitsuki.

Uchiha Guangxi was very moved, and nodded seriously: "I see, thank you, Yuan-sama."

Senju Yuan said again: "By the way, how is the collection of soul breath going?"

Uchiha Guangxi hurriedly said: "I put the beads in the place with the most traffic in the clan, and I haven't looked at it yet."

Senju Yuan rubbed his chin, nodded and said: "Well, it should be almost there, take some time to get it, I will get you a good weapon.

ask for flowers...

"Yes, Master Yuan."

Senju Yuan waved his hand: "Okay, go back and take a rest first, I don't care about the rest, whether the Uchiha clan can get out of this incident smoothly depends on how much you can do."

Uchiha Guangxi knelt on one knee and added weight: "Thank you for everything Master Yuan has done to me, I will not let Master Yuan down.

Senju Yuan shrugged: "I won't be disappointed, anyway, it's just out of interest, I'm looking forward to you can bring different changes to Uchiha, go."

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Guangxi didn't say anything more, stood up and went straight out of the room.


Seeing this, Senju Yuan was thinking secretly.

"Sharingan's eye-opening and evolution mechanism is no longer a secret for me. It's a pity that the ability obtained when opening Mangekyō did not meet expectations after all, but..."

He touched his left eye.

"Myojin's ability should not be as simple as traveling through time and space. There can be parallel worlds in this world, and the ability to travel through time and space is not unique to me. Perhaps, I can develop this ability to the extent that I can enter and exit parallel worlds."

In fact, Senju Yuan had already experimented with the effect of Myojin's ability just now, but Uchiha Guangxi didn't know it.

The conversation between the two actually happened twice just now. Without Uchiha Guangxi's knowledge, Senju Yuan just returned to the beginning of the conversation between the two after three minutes.

At this point, he understood the true effect of this ability.

Using Myojin's ability in this world will only make him return to a certain point in time, he can only go forward, not backward, but for others, Senju Yuan can be regarded as being able to predict what will happen ten minutes later, because he can at any time From ten minutes later more and more.

And all this, others do not know.

"Unfortunately, this ability is not very effective for me. If I can find other timelines, then I can travel to parallel worlds."

While thinking about it, Senju Yuan had frequent inspirations in his mind, and felt that if this ability is developed more, it is very likely to achieve the expectations he imagined.

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