Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

073 Qualitative Change Of Vitality (Please Subscribe!!!)

As soon as it touched it, the piece of meat seemed to come alive, and began to tremble violently.

I saw that the fleshy piece of meat split like a hand, wrapped around Senju Yuan's hand, and then the whole piece of meat was directly attached to his palm, increasing the contact surface between himself and the fluorescent light .

Seeing this, Senju Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and didn't feel any discomfort, instead, he waited quietly.

"It really worked."

The behavior of the meat is obviously an instinct. Although the meat has no intelligence, but the state is alive. Since it is alive, it must have instinct, and the instinct of the meat is naturally to want to have more vitality.

The fluorescence on Senju Yuan's palm is the vitality of Ultimate. In order to obtain this vitality in the shortest possible time, the piece of meat directly shows the evolution beyond time. This is the influence of the environment on living things.

Those whiskers are the evolution of the meat, replaced by normal creatures, they will choose to pounce on them to absorb them.

But the piece of meat has no intelligence and no mobility. All it can do is act according to instinct, and instinct tells it that it needs to obtain these vitality in the shortest time, so it chooses to start evolution directly.

This is something Senju Yuan didn't expect, but it also shows the attraction of this group of fluorescence to the meat from the side.

Gradually, fluorescence also appeared on the fleshy lump. At the same time, the fleshy lump began to swell a little, and there were more bumps on it, like sarcoma, which looked scary.

In addition, those whiskers are also twisting, expanding with the growth of the flesh.

In the blink of an eye, the piece of meat grew to almost the size of a washbasin, and this trend has not weakened in the slightest.

As time went by, the fluorescence on Senju Yuan's palm also gradually shrank, and the piece of meat had turned into a meat ball, with many fleshy whiskers on the outside. Just from the image, it looked very scary, but Senju Yuan was very Clearly, that is just a manifestation of too strong vitality.

Soon, the fluorescence representing vitality disappeared, and the movement of the meat ball also stopped, and it just lay quietly on the test bench.

Senju Yuan withdrew his hand and exhaled, feeling a little uncomfortable with the weakness in his body.

Opening the white eyes, the boy watched carefully.

In his line of sight, the meat ball is filled with Chakra, which is the yang escape Chakra that represents the ultimate life, and it is gathering in the center of the meat ball at this time, forming a light ball.


Seeing this, Senju Yuan frowned slightly. He hoped that an energy different from Chakra could be born in the meat ball, but now it seems that this idea has not been achieved.

Senju Yuan thought for a while, stretched out a finger, and tapped on the meat ball.

In an instant, pieces of mantras surfaced on the meat ball, completely covering it in the blink of an eye.

Afterwards, the mantra flickered slightly, and in Senju Yuan's line of sight, he saw the inner light group, which seemed to be under some pressure, and suddenly shrank inward.

Senju Yuan is sure of one thing, that is, the Yang Dun Chakra in front of him has already achieved the Ultimate Nature Transformation. It is impossible for anyone in the ninja world to surpass this point, even in the entire universe.

Now the situation is that the quantity is enough, but the quality has not changed.

The meat ball absorbed the vitality, but only stored the energy in itself, and there was no evolution that Senju Yuan wanted.

This is naturally a failure, but since the meat ball can store this energy, it means that the meat ball instinctively knows the benefits of this thing, so evolution is also possible.

In this case, try to apply some external force to it. After all, the evolution of organisms is derived from the influence of the external environment.

Senju Yuan just overdrawn his vitality, not that he doesn't have Chakra, so it's no problem to cast the sealing technique.

And the main effect of this sealing technique is energy compression. He needs to stimulate the meat ball with external force to make it evolve automatically.

The ball of light shrunk little by little, from the original size of half a fist, to the size of a glass bead, and then continued to compress inward. With the beginning of this process, the meat ball gradually became dead.

I saw that the color of the meat ball's surface gradually dimmed, and then dried up a little bit, as if it had lost moisture.

Yang Dun Chakra, which represents vitality, is being peeled off from the outside bit by bit under the control of Senju Yuan, and finally converges towards the light cluster inside the meat ball.

Now Senju Yuan is forcing the instinct of the meat ball to make a choice, either all the upgrades will be pressed into the light ball, or the light ball will be completely digested to produce a qualitative change.

As time passed, the dry tissues on the outside of the meat ball began to fall off gradually, and the tissues exposed inside were also dried up, turning into debris and falling down, until finally falling off until only the original size of the meat was left. .

At this time, the light cluster inside, no, to be precise, it should be a light spot, less than the size of a grain of rice, but it has already compressed its vitality to the extreme.

The life force fluctuation coming from above was so strong that even Fengyuan had to pay attention to it.

Ka Ka Ka!

Above the laboratory, the ceiling suddenly cracked, and then tree roots hung down, quickly extending towards the test bench.

These are all attracted by the vitality of Ultimate. In order to obtain these vitality, even the most sloppy trees instinctively put their own vitality on the roots

It promotes the growth of tree roots, and wants to gain vitality in this way.

This is how the environment affects living things.

With a wave of Senju Yuan's hand, a series of wind blades appeared, cutting off all the roots that appeared.

But even so, those tree roots re-grow from the break, without the slightest intention to stop.

Senju Yuan was unmoved, but just looked at the little piece of meat quietly.

At this time, the small piece of meat is only the width of two fingers, and the thickness is less than two centimeters, so that those mantras (well-produced) cannot be completely attached to it. Under the control of Senju Yuan, the mantras It surrounds the periphery like a mask, but the effect of compression is not reduced.

Finally, it seemed that it had reached a certain critical point, the meat ball suddenly trembled, and then suddenly burst into a burst of light.


After a buzzing sound, in Senju Yuan's eyes, the energy that had been compressed to the extreme was instantly combined with the remaining tissue of the meat.

At the same time, the spell outside instantly collapsed, and a gust of wind erupted from the piece of meat, blowing everything around it to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the meat ball began to swell and grow rapidly, and almost instantly, it became a huge sphere with a diameter of more than two meters.


The corners of Senju Yuan's mouth curled up. At this moment, he couldn't feel the slightest Chakra fluctuations from the fleshy ball, and some only had the purest vitality left.

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