Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

095 Fusion Of Two Blood Successors (Please Subscribe!!!)

After seven days, there seems to be no change in the village, but it is not difficult to find that there are still some differences in Konoha Village.

For example, there is news about the Hyuga clan.

I don't know when, the number of people from the Hyuga clan appearing on the street has gradually increased.

At first, no one paid attention to it, but when Hyuga people appeared alone or in groups of three or four, and the frequency was further increased, people realized after a while that these people seemed to be a little different from what they had seen before.

The reason lies in the faces of these Hyuga people, just because they have more smiles on their faces.

The Common people in the village seldom see the Hyuga people, let alone see the smiles on the faces of the Hyuga people, which is basically impossible.

The people of the Hyuga family give the villagers the most old-fashioned, old-fashioned and serious feelings. Unlike the strong sense of pride that Uchiha gives people, the Hyuga people make people feel a little more indifferent besides those feelings. In this way, there was a gap between Hyuga and the villagers.

Few people can understand the heart of the Hyuga clan. Even if Konoha's ninja companions become teammates with the Hyuga clan's ninjas, it is difficult to truly become friends with them, because the sense of indifference in them is too strong.

But now, the aloofness one sees is gone, replaced by a feeling of being like the Common people.

This is more or less a change, and the villagers noticed this change belatedly, oh, is there something wrong with the Hyuga clan?

The answer is obvious.

After the news of the huge changes within the Hyuga clan came out, people were surprised to find that they never seemed to care about this powerful ninja clan.

The news was passed down from the Konoha Shinobi class, and soon the Common villagers also knew that the lineage system of the Hyuga clan was abolished.

The Common people didn't feel much about this, but the ninjas were shocked. During this period of love, such a big thing happened in the village. Hyuga is no ninja

It is a powerful family well-known in the ninja world, and its every move will have a great impact on Konoha.

But the good news is that after communicating with the Hyuga clan, the ninjas understood the whole story, as well as the root and status quo of the Hyuga clan's changes.

After that night, the Hyuga clan remained silent for a few days, and when they appeared in front of everyone, it looked like the clan system had been completely abolished. Instead, it is the Hyuga clan who are now free and unrestrained.

Without the Caged Bird, the branch house has freedom, and they have their own ideas, which were restrained by the clan's control in the past, which is why more members of the Youxiang clan are walking on the streets in Ganzili recently.

What is really surprising is the internal trial of the Hyuga clan, mainly the original branch house members, and the trial of those original branch house members.

This matter was agreed by Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and even in order to show the village's support for the Hyuga clan, he personally presided over the matter, striving for justice.

After a trial, the members of the original clan of the Hyuga clan, who had oppressed the branch house, were branded as modified Caged Bird.

And those gentle Hyuga families have obtained the same rights as the current branch house, that is, they have obtained the Asuka curse seal, and have the ability to keep their own white eyes, and at the same time, they will not be coveted by others because of their white eyes, and they also have freedom.

The only ones who were injured were those clans who were judged, and each one was rewarded with a modified version of Caged Bird. From now on, they lost their original identities, not to mention, and became branch houses controlled by every Hyuga tribe, no! To be precise It is said that it is worse than the original branch house, they have completely lost their future.

To be honest, this kind of thing still caused quite a shock to the people in the village.

And when they knew that it was a seven-year-old boy who brought about all these changes, they were even more shocked.

Coupled with what happened at Uchiha's house that night, the middle-aged man was horrified to realize that these things seemed to be done by young people.

Immediately afterwards, the names of Senju Yuan, Uchiha Mitsuki and Hyuga Hiroto appeared in everyone's ears.

As a result, the three of them became famous in Konoha!

I don't know who it is, who actually gave the three of them the title of Konoha's third son, saying that these three are the geniuses who best represent Konoha's next generation, and I don't know how many people have expectations for them.

Of course, neither Senju Yuan, Uchiha Mitsuki, nor Hyuga Hiroto have the slightest intention to care about this kind of matter.

What happened in Hyuga has little impact on the village, maybe it has been suppressed for a long time, what the Hyuga people now want to do is to see the village more, walk around more, and experience the feeling of freedom that they have never had before.

…ask for flowers………

It is precisely because of this that Konoha's senior executives feel a little relieved.

By the way, after being tried by the members of the Hyuga clan, they elected a new leader.

Well, still Hyuga Hiashi.

As for why this is the case, the specific reason is unknown to outsiders, but there are gossip that Master Hokage is positive about Hyuga Hiashi continuing to serve as the patriarch, and Hyuga Hiashi also has the support of several other advisors in the village.

The people of the Hyuga clan are not stupid, so they naturally know what this kind of statement means. After consideration, they finally decided not to change the candidate for the patriarch.

Of course, there are also Hyuga Hiashi's own reasons for this. It wasn't long before he became the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, and he is also very popular among the Hyuga clan, and he has never oppressed the branch house. Chance.

In addition, his underground Hyuga Hizashi voluntarily withdrew from the competition for the position of Patriarch, which is also one of the reasons.

But these are not Senju Yuan's business, because they have more important things to do.

In the underground laboratory near the death forest, the three sat cross-legged on the ground, Uchiha Mitsuki and Hyuga Hiroto faced Senju Yuan, both of them were shirtless, with dense spells on their bodies, even on their faces.

"How does it feel?" Senju Yuan asked.

Hyuga said generously, "No negative feelings."

"Me too." Uchiha followed suit.

Senju Yuan nodded slightly.

"Let's begin then."


The two took a deep breath, looked at each other, and ate the fruit in their hands together.

The first feeling is that it melts in the mouth, the second feeling is that the taste is bland, the third feeling is that the chest and abdomen feel cold, and the last feeling is that the whole body starts to heat up.

The two hurriedly closed their eyes, carefully feeling the extra power in their bodies.

Senju Yuan has already said the request, they naturally want to completely absorb the ability contained in the fruit, and they are also very clear that this move is very important to their future.

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