Recast The Glory Of Senju, Starting From Tsunade

099 Orochimaru's Assault (Please Subscribe!!!)

It is night, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and everything is silent.

Senju Yuan got up from the bed with gentle movements, not waking Tsunade beside him.

Tucking the quilt for her, Senju Yuan silently passed on the clothes and disappeared into the room.

Tsunade, who was sleeping on the bed, turned over and babbled, but he was not woken up.

It's not that Tsunade has lost the ninja's vigilance, the main thing is that when she and Senju Yuan are together, she doesn't have to be vigilant at all, especially here is Konoha, and it is still in the Senju clan land, so there is no such concern at all.

Besides, with Senju Yuan's ability, it's really not that difficult to hide from Tsunade.

On the outskirts of Konoha Village, near the outlying forest, Senju Yuan appeared on a tree without making a sound, glanced around casually, and then left in one direction instantly.

After a while, going deep into the forest, Senju Yuan stopped in front of a rough tree.

"It should be here."

He followed the chakra fluctuation on the little white snake and sensed it here. This kind of chakra positioning ability, maybe only Senju Yuan in the entire ninja world can do it.

After walking a few steps forward, Senju Yuan activated his white eyes and discovered the clue here.

The underground is hollow, and there is a hidden space below.

Senju Yuan didn't go down because he had already sensed the movement of the person coming.

"Did you really lure me here on purpose?"

Senju Yuan gave a slight 660 smile and didn't make any movement, just stood there and waited.

Suddenly, a Kunai struck towards his neck, extremely fast and silently, apparently thrown out with a special Wind Style Nature Transformation Chakra.

Senju Yuan didn't make any move, and the Kunai suddenly stopped half a meter away from him at the next moment, and then fell to the ground.

Senju Yuan turned his head and looked in the direction of Ku Wu Lai Shi, and saw a figure walking out from behind a tree.

The standard ninja outfit of the person who came wearing a Konoha Shinobi is the one in the Green vest, with long black hair hanging over his face, his face hidden in the darkness, only a pair of vertical pupils like snake eyes, with a strange look in the darkness color.

"As expected, you are here, Yuan-jun."

The visitor's voice was hoarse, and he spoke with a smile, but no matter how you looked at that smile, it was strange.


It was Orochimaru who came, and it was obvious that Orochimaru had lured him here on purpose.

"Gen-kun, it should be you who was in the root base last time, right? Apart from you, I really can't think of anyone else who can do this." Orochimaru said.

Instead of responding directly, Senju Yuan asked, "So, what did you bring me here for?"

Orochimaru licked his lower lip and grinned: "I want an answer from you."

"what is the answer?"

"Yuan-jun.....You have awakened Wood Style Xueji, right?"

When he said this, Orochimaru's eyes fixed on Senju Yuan, as if he wanted to see something from his face.

Unfortunately, it was destined to disappoint him, Senju Yuan's expression didn't change at all, not even fluctuating at all, he just looked at Orochimaru flatly.

"This kind of question, what do you think?"

Having said that, Senju Yuan felt that this guy was a bit interesting. It seemed that he was eyeing Wood Style blood successor, but he didn't care about Uchiha's Sharingan.

Thinking about it, the timing is wrong. Orochimaru in this period of time is putting his main energy on the research of Wood Style Blood Successor. For Sharingan's greed, he will not have it until he is almost stared at by Itachi.

"Aren't you willing to answer? Yes, this kind of secret cannot be shared with outsiders."

Orochimaru said, looking at Senju Yuan with a hint of malice in his eyes.

"What, are you trying to do something to me? Orochimaru?" Senju Yuan asked leisurely.

Orochimaru added his lower lip again, his smile became more obvious, and he said in a low voice: "No, I just want to ask Yuan-kun for something, Yuan-kun willing to give it to me?"

"Do you want my blood?"

As Senju Yuan said, he scratched his finger casually, drips of blood oozed out, and when Senju Yuan hooked him casually, the blood beads were suspended in his palm.

Seeing this, Da (cbdi) Shewan immediately cast his eyes on the blood, with greed in his eyes.

Senju Yuan asked: "Sister Tsunade has awakened Wood Style, so you and her are supposed to be companions, if you ask her for some blood, she should give it to you, why did you draw my attention instead? Not sure if I've awakened the Wood Style Blood Successor, it's a little bit of an upside-down, right?"

Orochimaru chuckled twice, but didn't answer the question.

Senju Yuan thought for a while, and then said to himself: "Well, try it, your disciple Nawaki died in front of you, do you feel guilty towards sister Tsunade? If so, I will look up to you."

Hearing this, Orochimaru's face froze, but he recovered in an instant, but Senju Yuan still saw him.

"It seems so. It's rare that a guy like you still has the feelings of a normal person. I knew when I saw you last time that you don't care about other people at all.

Senju Yuan shook his head slightly, looking a bit unbelievable.

Orochimaru's smile disappeared, Shutong stared at Senju Yuan, and then chuckled again with a heck.

"Yuan-jun's power of observation is really strong, this kind of insight seems to be no worse than Sharingan and Baiyan.

Senju Yuan smiled: "Are you talking about this?"

Saying that, Senju Yuan activated Sharingan, and those strange scarlet eyes were clearly visible even in the dark night.

Orochimaru's smile froze on his face, subconsciously said: "Why, you are clearly Senju?"

Senju Yuan's smile remained unchanged, and then Sharingan's eyes turned into blank eyes.

At this moment, Orochimaru took a step back subconsciously, and he found that things seemed to have exceeded his expectations, and the Senju Yuan in front of him was even more terrifying than he had imagined.

The two kinds of pupil techniques blood succession, white eyes and sharingan are all displayed on the same person, and the meaning that this represents makes Orochimaru feel a little sweaty on his forehead.

Senju Yuan waved his hand casually, and the blood in his palm turned into flames and burned out. He clapped his hands casually, and his eyes returned to normal.

"It seems that knowing this has brought you quite a shock, are you afraid now?"

Orochimaru took a deep breath, and smiled again on his face, but this time, there was a touch of madness in the smile.

"Sure enough, Yuan-jun, you are strange. I have felt this kind of feeling since the first time I saw you. y

With a lower lip, Orochimaru's arm stretched out suddenly, his five fingers spread out, and a snake protruded from his wrist, biting towards Senju Yuan's neck.

"I can't wait to study you."

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