Chapter 87: The Tough Lines of the Hyuga Sect [Subscription Requested!!! 】。

It’s night, the moon is sparse, but tonight’s Konoha is not destined to be very calm.

The movements on Uchiha’s side, basically the whole Konoha heard, what happened during this period, the news of the ninja class spread quickly, and the civilian level may not know much, but those movements are obviously the aftermath of the battle, so it is not surprising that ordinary people think more.

On such a troubled night, after seeing what happened in the Uchiha clan, everyone had something hidden in their hearts.

Compared to other places, the atmosphere on the side of the Hyuga clan land is much more dignified, because in the incident that happened in the Uchiha clan land tonight, there are people of their clan who are involved, or they are involved with Senjugen, especially if the other party is still a person who is separated, which makes the people of the Hyuga clan very angry.

At this time, a clan meeting was being held in the Hyuga clan land at this time.

Several people in the hall sat in separate rows, the first was Hinata Hinata, who was the patriarch, on the left was the elder of the clan lineage, and on the right was the elder of the sub-family.

Compared with the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan, who are also ninja worlds, are much more mysterious in the village, and this mystery does not mean that they rarely pavement in the village, but that they give outsiders the feeling 04, because no one knows how strong their clan is, and the reason for this is because they have a clear sense of alienation from ordinary people.

And the reason for all this is the clan system.

Think about it, a family is naturally divided into two types of people, one is the clan family belonging to the superior, and the other is the division of the lower, the key these two types of people, not by blood and ability to determine status, but by birth.

Let’s put it this way, the children born to the Zong family are not necessarily all Zong families, and the children born in separate families must all be separated families. See what?

In other words, within the Hyuga clan, there is no ascending channel, and the level of status is determined from the moment of birth.

The ascending channel mentioned here is not the position, but the status, the status of the clan system, which is a family that can only spread downward, but cannot be raised upward.

What is the reason for all this, it is impossible to consider, the origin of the caged bird is also a confused account, this involved in the moon can be seen, the caged bird may have been originally developed to protect the separation, but whether there is a restriction on the separation, it is unknown.

It is precisely because of this sectarian system that the clan naturally has a superior mentality, with this mentality to rule the entire family, and over time, it is inevitable that the Hyuga clan will leave ordinary people and float to the sky.

The two sides of the sect in the hall can be described as distinct, one side is full of anger, while the other side is heavy.

“The matter concerning Hinata Hiroto must be dealt with seriously, and his involvement with that Senjugen is not a good thing for us Hinata, so I think it is necessary to make him realize his mistake.”

One person spoke, his face full of seriousness.

Someone nodded in agreement and said, “That’s right, in addition, he is quite rude to the elders of the Zong family, and this alone is enough to punish him.” ”

“Then cast three caged birds on him.”

There is humanity.

“Three times is too little, at least five.”

Another humane.

Hearing this, some of the elders of the divided family couldn’t bear it anymore, and spoke: “The broad man is the most genius of all his peers in the divided family, and if he is punished like this, it will ruin him.” ”

Someone in the Zong family frowned, and said coldly: “The last thing Hinata lacks is genius, he is a separate family, and just the fact that he does not respect the Zong family is enough to punish him.” ”

Some people on the side of the divided family couldn’t help but retort: “Geniuses are proud, do you want to kill a genius who is hard to appear in the divided family?” Or can your clan kill and seize the life of the divided family? In that case, what should you do if you set up a branch parent? Wouldn’t it be nice to let all of us separate our families be slaves of the clan family? ”

Obviously, the person who spoke had a relationship with Hinata Hiroto, and in addition to the long-term patience with the Zong family, he always spoke his heart at this moment.

But after these words were spoken, there was silence in the hall, Hinata’s face sank, and the sect patriarch’s side was full of gloom.


The next moment, the patriarch elder who had just opened his mouth suddenly covered his head and wailed, his eyes widened, and he knelt on the ground and pounded the ground unceasingly.

Among the elders of the sect family, someone activated the seal of the caged bird and said coldly: “Pay attention to your identity, the position of elder is not a reason for you to be presumptuous, if you do disrespect to the sect family next time, it will not be just like this.” ”


Hinata Hiashi, who was at the top, spoke, his voice calm: “Stop.” ”

The patriarch spoke, and the patriarch glanced coldly at the patriarch before withdrawing his hand.

“Ho… Ho…”

The patriarch patriarch trembled all over, which showed how intense the pain was just now, and at this time, his face was distorted, and he raised his head sharply, staring at the patriarch who had just punished him.

Seeing this gaze, Hinata Hinata frowned slightly, and the faces of those sect elders were even more cold.

“This matter is related to that Senju Source, we can’t be careless, he represents Senju, don’t forget that there is Tsunade-sama behind him, and I think you are also clear about Tsunade-sama’s call to become the next Hokage.”

Hinata Hinata.

“Therefore, whether to punish Hinata Kwanren, you still need to think carefully.”

Hinata 050 Hinata didn’t think it would be a good idea to punish Hinata Kwanto, as he said, the discerning person now knew that Hinata Hiroto was now a follower of that Senjugen, so the matter was not simple.

“Hmph, Hinata Hiroto is betraying the family by doing this.”

Someone spoke, and then said: “Moreover, I don’t think that the little ghost with a thousand hands needs much attention, in any case, he is just a little ghost.” ”

But just then, there was a knock on the door of the hall. Everyone in the Zong family frowned.

“Come in.”

A split ninja walked in quickly, knelt down on one knee and said, “Hinata Hiroto is back.” ”

“Bring him here!”

A patriarch is old.

“No thanks, I’ve arrived.”

When the words fell, Hinata’s figure appeared in the field, and when he saw the punished patriarch, his face sank.


He came to him and called softly.

The man raised his head, barely recovered his expression, and gasped: “I’m sorry, Kuanren, uncle can’t protect you.” When he said this, the man’s face was full of guilt. ”

Hinata helped him up and sat down, shaking his head slightly, “No need, leave the rest to me.” 【Subscription requested!!! 】。 ”

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