Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 393: new communication

"Hahaha! Duke Norma is really miserable!" Hearing the detailed process of the negotiation from Yunero, Panda couldn't help laughing, "I was pressed down by a teenage girl and couldn't raise her head. Come on, shame on you!"

"He can't help it." Sanyu said, "Don't say he really can't beat Katerina, even if he can beat him, he wouldn't dare to fight. Is a defeated general worthy of being brave? He was just beaten to the ground. He escaped from the lower territory and was able to return to his homeland, relying on our help—but we didn’t contact him at all, and he didn’t even know who we were until now. In this case, it was only reasonable for him to have no confidence. It’s not normal to have confidence.”

"Besides, it's not too embarrassing to be overwhelmed by Katerina and unable to lift their heads." Liu Daoqing said quietly, "More than 99 percent of men in the world can't lift their heads in front of her."

"Don't compare us to you!" Horus sneered, "There is only one fish in the world that pays attention to **** and friends, and there is no semicolon."

Liu Daoqing looked aggrieved: "Do you blame me? If you want to blame it, blame Wang Tuhao! He has already come to my place. Seeing that my life is not in danger under the mountain, not only did he not save me, but he put a sticker on the mountain!"

Speaking of this, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Wang Tuhao recorded the scene with magic props and showed it to everyone after returning to the castle. In the valley surrounded by mountains, a strange peak rose from the ground, and below the peak, a foolish green and white monster was pressed down, only its head was exposed, and it was screaming.

On the mountain, there is also a huge note with six characters: Om Mani Padme Hum.

"Brother Monkey's treatment, are you dissatisfied?"

"I'm so dissatisfied!"

"Anyway, you haven't come out yet, and you took the opportunity to soak a girl..."

"Am I picking up girls? I'm a cook!"

Just as Liu Daoqing was about to shout again, Sanyu's kitchen knife was already on his neck: "Do you have any opinion on the profession of a cook?"

"No!" Liu Daoqing immediately changed his tune and smiled, "I think the chef said it with great honor!"

Sanyu nodded and gestured in the direction of the kitchen with his fingers: "Come with me, don't you want to learn about beets? I happen to be making shredded potatoes today."

So Liu Daoqing followed him to the kitchen, and everyone was laughing behind him.

After laughing, Yunero spoke about the duel again.

The duel could not be completed, because Duke Norma could not find a legendary powerhouse willing to fight for him at all.

There are not many legendary powerhouses in the Western Continent, and there are only a few of them who are willing to work hard for the money, and these are all in the Thracian army now - Katarina has already temporarily recruited them all.

"When he learned that there are now four legendary powerhouses in the Thracian army, Duke Norma decided to follow his heart." Yunero smiled and said, "It's not okay to be a coward, you will definitely lose the duel. , it's no different from being sent to death."

"Then what?" Panda asked.

"And then of course it's time to delay so that assets can be transferred." Yuneruo sighed, helpless for his boss's dishonesty, "I just transferred it once, I finally came back, and I have to transfer it again..."

Panda frowned: "Do you have any opinions?"

"How come there is no opinion? It's good to have a great opinion! But the boss has already decided, what can others do?"

The transmigrators looked at each other and were a little worried.

"Duke Norma made a big mistake this time!" Wang Tuhao, who happened to be near the city of Thrace, said through a video communication. "In this case, he should be willing to admit defeat and simply surrender."

"Surrender?" Yuneruo was taken aback and asked, "Is there such an operation?"

"Of course! The wealth of the Norma family can't stand repeated tossing, and his prestige can't stand the loss of repeated migration. The so-called "can't be done again", this kind of big migration of the whole family, just doing it once will hurt the bones. After doing it twice in a short period of time, the hearts of the Norma family will be dissipated." Wang Tuhao sighed and said, "The most appropriate choice for him now is to surrender. In this case, he can at least strive for the treatment of the Dominion."

Everyone looked at each other, feeling that they couldn't keep up with Wang Tuhao's thoughts.

What the hell! It was only after the bayonet hit with the Thracians in front of him that he surrendered as soon as the Duke of Alanz came?

Aren't the Marquis Henry, who was not afraid of death, kept his eyes closed, and came to his house in the middle of the night to make trouble?

Yunero thought about it for a while and asked, "Your suggestion... can I go and tell him?"

"It's best not to. He thinks about this kind of thing. If you say it, you will only cause trouble for yourself." Wang Tuhao said, "I know you are not afraid of trouble, but some trouble is not a dangerous problem, but a disgusting problem. ... Anyway, even if the Norma family retreats again, it is nothing more than a big loss. Their direct line has suffered a lot, and you will have more chances to ascend. From the point of view of interests, you should support him to retreat again. "

"Makes sense!" Semiramis nodded, "It's none of our business whether the Norma family is dead or alive. In contrast, if you can take advantage of the opportunity, Yune will be really beneficial to us!"

"Isn't that bad?" Yunero asked.

"What's wrong?" Semiramis asked back, "Duke Norma has nothing to say to you. It's just that you worked hard for him, and he gave you fame and fortune, a deal. You don't owe it. He doesn't need any psychological burden."

"But... I watched him get unlucky, but instead of reminding me, I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity..." Yuneruo obviously couldn't pass the level in his heart, and was still hesitating.

"In fact, it may not be very good for him to surrender." Semiramis said, "Although the surrender may be less, it may also be hacked to death by the Duke of Stormwind. In contrast, the loss of retreat is indeed relatively large, but He can safely protect himself. So even if you analyze it in detail with him, he will most likely choose to retreat in the end."

"...This is really complicated!" Panda sighed.

Yuneruo also sighed: "I'm thinking about it, I can't keep up with the thoughts of all of you in my life..."

After such a sigh, he ended the video chat and turned off the magic circle.

Since the traversers created a magic circle for video chat, in addition to the original several communication locations, they have also set up one in the Norma area. The host of this communication point was none other than Semiramis.

With this system, traversers can communicate easily, no longer like the past group chat channels, which not only consume magic power, but also can only use text to talk.

In many cases, words alone are not enough to express the full meaning.

The power of language is, after all, limited.

For example, this time, if only relying on the chat channel, Yunero wouldn't have gotten these important information——and wouldn't have been so troubled.

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