In the middle of May, the construction of the portal finally came to an end.

The stones that have been refined by magic are laid into a huge magic circle. In the center of the magic circle is a silver ring made of metal. A large number of gemstones and other precious materials are set in the ring, which is beautiful in the sunlight.

Even if its practical value is not considered, the appearance alone can be regarded as a rare treasure.

This portal cost a lot of materials, especially the ring in the middle. The traversers worked together to study and adjust the plan, fine-tuning it a dozen times before and after, and finally finalized the complete design and then started to manufacture it.

Materials are limited and cannot afford to be wasted.

Fortunately, the manufacturing process was very smooth, and it was completed once without any accident, which finally made everyone's heart fall again.

After completing this ring, the most important hardware of the portal is complete. The next thing to do is to adjust the space coordinates and activate the portal.

It is said that this work can be completed at any time, but Xingzhao and Alphin said they would wait a little longer, and officially open the portal at noon on the 16th.

"Why?" Panda asked curiously, "Is there anything special about this time?"

"At noon, it is also the time when the monsters in this world are slightly weakened." Alfin said, "Although the surrounding bosses have been swept away by us, no one can guarantee that no fish will slip through the net. Therefore, it is very likely that the portal will be opened. When the time comes, there will be an earth-shattering battle. If you choose to open the door at noon, you can have some advantages in the battle."

Panda was taken aback: "There are no bosses for thousands of miles around here. In terms of area, it's almost catching up with more than half of Europe. Even if there is a lot of movement when the door is opened, those bosses can't leap like this all at once. Come over from a long distance! As for the fish that slipped through the net... The guy who will be slipped through by us has a limited strength..."

"Who knows... Anyway, be prepared." Alfion said.

Panda pondered for a while, and it was indeed the truth. Be prepared, it's not troublesome anyway.

At noon the next day, the traversers gathered around the huge magic circle and were on guard.

The people of Raccoon Town have temporarily moved back to the "Old Raccoon Town" on the mountain. Several heavy barriers have been laid there, quite strong defenses have been prepared, and they are far away from the "battlefield" (assuming there will be a fight here) It is also far away, and for them, it is the choice to ensure the safety as much as possible.

In the Western Land World, most of the traversers returned to the castle and stayed beside the underground teleportation array.

According to the plan, the portal connecting the Western World and Mad God World, the node on one side is New Raccoon Town, and the node on the other side is the castle.

Choosing the castle as the portal node is of course to replenish the combat power as soon as possible. After the traversers hang up, they will return to the castle immediately, and then as long as they rest for half an hour, they can fully recover their combat effectiveness. And if the situation is urgent, you can even shorten the time of weakness after resurrection through spells and potions.

With almost endless manpower support, they have the confidence to withstand the army of monsters that may appear.

When the sun came to the center of the sky, Xingzhao, who was standing in the middle of the teleportation array, chanted a spell. The crystal ball that turned into blue-white and shone with dazzling light slowly rose and floated above her head, emitting a blue light, hitting the silver-white ring around it.

These blue lights are not emitted casually. Every ray of light activates a pre-arranged magic node. The gems were stirred by magic, and they also emitted bright rays of light, but gradually turned into powder in the rays of light.

The traversers have used spells to avoid the wind, and the air is quiet at this moment. Those powders rose automatically without wind, slowly rising into the blue light.

At this moment, Laisha, who was flying in the sky to investigate, shouted: "There are enemies coming, and there are a lot of bugs in the south!"

The panda's eyes shrank slightly, and without talking nonsense, he turned and walked towards the south.

Many people followed him, facing those monsters who didn't know where they came from.

The two sides met soon, and it just so happened that these bugs were almost identical to the "phantom bugs" they saw when they first arrived in this world.

"Is it an illusion again?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"Whether it's an illusion or not! Anyway, let's talk about it!" The panda drew out his sword and waved his hand. The golden light was like a crescent moon, smashing into the mighty swarm of insects.

Immediately afterwards, others also opened fire, and various attacks rained down on these bugs who wanted to make trouble.

In this fight, the panda immediately discovered that the bugs it encountered today were different from those before.

Back then, the worms were vicious and violent, as if they had been beaten with blood. They rushed over to fight frantically, and had no intention of being afraid at all. Of course, it is also very interesting whether something like a worm will have a "scared" emotion. question.

But today's bugs, although very ferocious, do not have that kind of violent feeling. After being severely hit by everyone, many bugs in the swarm chirped and stopped, and some even started to retreat.

"It seems... today's bugs are real!" Raymond, waving a red crystal wand, threw fireball after fireball, laughed and said, "Real and fake are indeed different, they seem to have Brain, know to be afraid."

For his statement, Panda is a little skeptical. He felt that these bugs might not have brains, but were just instinctively afraid of the strong.

Of course, this did not prevent them from fighting against these bugs.

After wave after wave of indiscriminate bombardment, a large area of ​​the ground became charred black, and the corpses of insects were everywhere. The nauseating stench floated in the air, causing everyone to frown.

"Bookcase, purify the air!"

Harmony nodded, threw out a few scrolls, and a green light fell from the sky, wrapping them in them.

The stench quickly disappeared, and the air was clean again.

This boosted the morale of the traversers, and the shots were even more violent. Soon, the bugs couldn't resist, and they kept backing away with chirps, and retreated into the distance.

Instead of chasing and killing, everyone retreated around the magic circle and continued to be cautious.

In the sky, Raisha circled in circles, always paying attention to any danger that might appear around her.

However, there were no more unexpected situations, and no more enemies appeared-probably the extermination work in the past few months, it did play a role.

About half an hour later, with a heavy muffled sound, a blue-white light floated in the center of the metal ring, turning into a circle of doors of light.

Next to the teleportation array under the castle, in the metal ring that had already been arranged, such a circle of light gates also floated.

Panda took the lead in walking into the blue and white door of light. With a little weightlessness and the dizziness of falling, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, turning into a familiar castle basement.

A large group of comrades were all here, and when they saw his appearance, they cheered loudly.

The portal across the world was successfully erected!

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