Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 739: Islandz's readiness

Where does the "powerful biological blood essence" that Liu Daoqing needs to strengthen his weapons come from? Of course from himself!

Although he looks like a human, his body is actually a powerful magical beast—or a spirit beast, a divine beast... It's almost the same. As a spirit beast that can completely transform into a real dragon as long as it survives the catastrophe, his blood certainly possesses powerful power. And unlike ordinary creatures, he can be resurrected infinitely.

So he built a small temporary resurrection point for himself in the Elanz Castle, constantly pumping his own blood to temper the weapon, and then treating himself with rune water. When the treatment really can't keep up, he simply commits suicide and waits for recovery.

Using this extreme method, in just over a month, he strengthened almost all the ordinary weapons stored by the Elanz family.

"My God! How many times have you hung up?" Panda asked in surprise.

Liu Daoqing sighed and sighed: "At first, I still counted, but later I was too lazy to count."

Panda shook his head helplessly: "You can't do that!"

As he said that, he was stunned for a moment and remembered something: "By the way, won't extracting blood essence lose experience points?"

"Of course it will, but it won't be relegated." Liu Daoqing said indifferently, "Although my experience value has been negative a lot, unless I am hit by those attacks that will cause relegation, or use it will cause The skills that drop the level, otherwise my level will still be able to keep at fifty-one.”

"...Even so, if you want to level up, you still have to make up for these experience points."

"It doesn't matter, after this battle is over, I will have enough time to slowly replenish my experience." Liu Daoqing was very open to it, "and... even if the experience value can't be replenished, it's not too low to be in the 50s. In this world, it definitely belongs to the master level.”

"This is..." Looking at his calm expression, Panda could only nod, "Good luck."

Under the leadership of Liu Daoqing, they came to the restaurant and met other travelers who had already arrived.

Everyone was shocked by Liu Daoqing's weight loss, and after learning the reason for his weight loss, many people couldn't help but raise their thumbs.

"Fuck! Fish pot, brother, I won't support the wall, I will serve you!" The dwarf Loma shouted gruffly, "Other people spend money to pick up girls, you are taking your life to pick up girls! Where are you going? In light novels, it is possible to open a big harem on the cliff!"

"No." Wang Tuhao said lightly, "He is ugly."

These words were so vicious that Liu Daoqing finally couldn't hold back, and with a roar, he showed his true form, and bit into Wang Tuhao's head.

If his **** mouth was bitten, Wang Tuhao would probably become "Wang Tuhao". Fortunately, Panda and others responded quickly, some dragged him, some dragged Wang Tuhao away, and the blood was avoided. Terrible scene all over the place.

"Wang Tuhao, you are too vicious!"

"Yeah, is it amazing to be handsome? Can you do whatever you want when you are handsome?"

"Sorry, being handsome can indeed do whatever you want." Wang Tuhao smiled.

So everyone rushed up, punching and kicking, which reduced his handsomeness by at least 60% in a short period of time.

This little episode made everyone feel a lot more relaxed, because the chilling atmosphere that had been seen and heard along the way also dissipated.

I have to admit that Wang Tuhao is actually very good at arousing the atmosphere, probably because his profession is a bard...

Soon, the traversers who came to help the battle arrived. There are thirty-five people in total, all of whom are usually active and active. According to the plan, they will fight with the Ayrantz family, and when the Frost Sword Saint Leip Heinrich appears, they will swarm up, dragging this "world's number one master" to their death.

Of course, if it goes well, they will also drag Richard Thrace on board, so that their monarchs and ministers can be good companions on the Huangquan Road, and they don't have to be alone.

For their plan, Katerina and others also expressed their complete agreement.

"A simple plan is often the most practical plan," Katerina said. "As long as you are strong enough to implement your plan, the simpler the plan, the less likely you are to make mistakes."

Everyone nodded.

Panda asked: "When do you plan to declare independence? Or is it June 16 as originally planned?"

"Well, what's wrong with this day?"

"No problem. So when do you think Thrace will react?"

Katarina thought for a moment and said, "If nothing else, the Thracian army should arrive in July. But before that, there will probably be some piecemeal battles."

"So fast?" Panda, who had been in contact with a lot of military knowledge because he was an instructor, asked in surprise, "According to normal circumstances, it would take a month for the army to assemble, and it would take at least half a month to a month for the army to arrive... Threi Can Sri Lanka really arrive in July?"

"It's not like they were unprepared." Katerina sighed, "It's impossible to hide such a big news about the independence of the country. Richard has criticized us many times at the noble meeting, and everyone has seen it. ."

"Then... why hasn't he mobilized the army yet?"

"He's waiting," Katerina said. "When we're assembled, then he'll gather his troops and come over in a slow, slow-moving manner—it'll drain our morale and tire us out of tension."

"Since you know his plan, why do you still do this?" asked the curious Laisha.

Katerina said helplessly: "There is no way! We must gather our troops and prepare for war before we can face this war with confidence. If we wait for the Thracian side to gather the army before we start to dispatch troops, It might be too late."

"Is it too late?"

"Well, if we're not ready now, once we declare independence, Thrace's assassins can wreak havoc around the castle of Ellands - morale will drop even more."

The transmigrators sighed one after another, and they also understood that the Elanz family was still lacking in strength after all.

"By the way, is Thrace that strong?" Loma said in disbelief. "I don't think they are that strong. We fought with them more than once in the past, but we didn't find out how powerful they are!"

"That's because you are strong." Katerina gave everyone a small thumbs up, "but our army of Alanz is not comparable to you. Although Gu Liu has prepared a lot of excellent weapons for us, the quality of the soldiers is not enough. After all, there is still no way to quickly improve. Except for the Storm Legion, the rest of our troops are not strong in combat."

"I can help prepare a batch of armor." Yiluo, who had been sitting and drinking tea, said, "If you need it, find some people to help me build an industrial assembly line, and give me enough materials. In half a month, Enough for me to make thousands of suits of armor."

Katarina was taken aback, then laughed.

"If that's the case, thank you very much! With this batch of armor, our odds of winning are a little better!"

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