Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 527: I can’t help you forever

For Nie Yuanlong, Xiao Mao had betrayed Liu Xiangrong, so he had to be killed; and for me, Xiao Mao knew too many of my secrets, so he also had to be killed. I had thought about this a long time ago, so I took the dagger without hesitation. Nie Yuanlong whispered: "Go and kill him quickly before he goes far, so as to scare the monkeys."

I nodded and walked out holding the dagger. Xiao Mao did not go far, but he had already left the teaching building and seemed to be preparing to go outside the school. I followed him and watched him heading towards the school gate. There was about ten meters between us. On the teaching floor behind me, Nie Yuanlong was standing by the window looking at me. Killing Xiaomao will not cause me any loss, but will be of great benefit - I no longer have to worry about him telling me about me.

Now, as long as I take a few quick steps, I can easily stab Xiaomao a few times, causing him to fall into a pool of blood before he even realizes what happened. But I didn't take action for a long time, I just followed him not far or near. Although you can't see his front, if you just look at his back, you can see that his steps are fast and steady, his arms are swinging powerfully, and he is obviously in a high-spirited state. It is a kind of excitement that a great revenge has been avenged. A kind of joy of escaping death.

Xiaomao, who was desperately imprisoned in the basement last night, thinking he was about to bid farewell to this world, is now happily walking under the blue sky and white clouds, breathing the free air of this world. Having saved him with my own hands, am I going to send him to hell again? My steps are getting faster and faster, and the distance between me and Xiaomao is getting closer and closer.

Xiao Mao seemed to have noticed something, and when he was about to turn his head, I lowered my voice and said, "Don't turn your head, and keep walking forward!" Xiao Mao was so frightened that he trembled all over, and he really didn't dare to look back and continued walking forward. I continued: "No one can tolerate you now. Everyone wants to kill you. This is the tragedy of you as a chess piece."

"Brother Hao..." Xiao Mao's voice was full of pitifulness, and he begged me in a tone that was almost about to cry.

"Listen to what I have to say!" I interrupted him: "If you want to survive, do as I say. After saying this, I will run towards you. You must run, run as hard as you can. , don’t let me catch up with you. If you run out of this city, don’t let me catch up with you!”

"Brother Hao..." Xiao Mao seemed to want to say something else.

"Run!" I lowered my voice and said one word from my clenched teeth. Then I raised the dagger high and rushed toward Xiao Mao's back. At the same time, Xiaomao also started running. There were many students at the school gate, and they were all shocked when they saw this scene. One of us ran and the other chased us, and we quickly left the school gate and ran to the main road outside. The potential of the human body is indeed forced out. Xiao Mao can run really fast now. Needless to say, I let him go on purpose, and I probably wouldn't even chase him on purpose. Xiaomao ran forward like crazy, and I was panting after chasing him. It's good to go on like this. As long as he runs out of Beiyuan City and never comes back, I can go back and return to Nie Yuanlong. Yes, I admit, I relented at the last minute.

A person like Xiao Mao cannot be said to be a good person or a bad person. He is just a guy who can sell his conscience for money. I could never be a brother to such a person, and I could never have the slightest sympathy for such a person.

But... forget it. As long as he stays far away and never gets in my way, that's enough.

After chasing him, I found that Xiaomao was not running to the suburbs, but to a more lively and prosperous place. Looking at the direction he was running in, he seemed to want to go home. My heart was filled with unknown anger. I had the intention to spare his life, but he didn't know how to cherish it. Such a guy is really ignorant! If you do your own evil, you will not live. I was completely angry. I felt a little pity for him at first, but now I might as well just forget it and chase him and give him a few blows. I cursed from behind: "There is a road to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell and you break in. Do you want to die? Then I will satisfy you now!" Then I exerted force on my feet and hurriedly chased after him. Unexpectedly, Xiao Mao also speeded up and rushed into their neighborhood. Did he think that everything would be fine if he escaped back home? The vocational college is already half a mafia!

Xiaomao ran more and more wildly, and I couldn't catch up with him for a while. Xiaomao rushed into the corridor, and I followed him into the corridor. The sound of "thump thump thump" footsteps continued to rise, and finally stopped on a certain floor. When I rushed to this floor, I saw the door of Xiaomao's house was wide open. I rushed in without hesitation and cursed: "Let me see where you are going..."

"Grandma, are you okay?" Xiao Mao's nervous voice came from the bedroom. Immediately afterwards, an old voice sounded: "Where have you been these past few days, it makes me so worried..." The tone was very weak, and it was obvious that he was seriously ill in bed.

I put away the dagger, quietly walked to the bedroom door, and looked inside. As expected, there was a white-haired old man lying on the bed. Xiao Mao stood by the bed, nervously picked up a medicine jar on the bedside and said, "Grandma, take the medicine first..."

"Oh, what happened to your hand?" The old man found Xiaomao's severed finger and cried out unconsciously.

"It's okay, it's just a little injured." Xiao Mao said easily: "It's okay, grandma, you should take medicine. You need to take this medicine every day. In the past few days when I was away, have you taken the medicine on time?"

The old man said: "Thanks to Lili next door for taking care of me. It's just that this medicine is too expensive. Don't buy it again after taking it."

Xiaomao shook his head: "Grandma, you don't have to worry about money. I will definitely find a way to make money. Just take your medicine without worry..."

Hearing this, I understood something and immediately turned around and left Xiaomao's house. After a long while, I came back with a cloth bag. Xiaomao is feeding the old man a spoonful of food very carefully. I stood still at the door and waited until I watched Xiaomao finish feeding, then I knocked gently on the bedroom door. Xiaomao turned his head and showed a nervous expression: "Hao...Brother Hao."

The old man lying on the bed said strangely: "This is it?"

"Grandma, this is my classmate. I'm going to entertain him." Then Xiaomao walked out and closed the bedroom door, obviously not wanting the old man to hear our conversation. We came to the sofa in the living room and sat down. Xiao Mao shrugged and said, "Brother Hao, give me a day. I will pack up and leave Beiyuan with grandma. She is not in good health, so it will take a little more effort."

I asked: "Do you have money?" Xiao Mao said: "I still have a little savings, all earned from you and Zhang Yunfei." I asked again: "How many days of medicine can you buy for your grandma?" I didn't ask him What kind of illness does grandma have? If I am not a doctor, it will be useless to ask. Xiao Mao continued: "It's enough for more than a month. But it doesn't matter. When I get to the new place, I can work outside and don't have to go to school." He smiled and said in a relaxed tone: "Thank you, Brother Hao. Let me go this time."

I nodded and put the cloth bag on the table, which contained the 100,000 yuan I had just taken out.

"Take these and leave Beiyuan City. I can help you for a while, but I can't help you forever. You have to walk your own road in the future. Now neither Nie Yuanlong nor Qiu Feng will let you go and let you leave Beiyuan City. Actually, it’s for your own good, you know, right?”

Xiao Mao was shocked when he saw the money in his pocket. He immediately knelt in front of me, tears welling up from his eyes.

"Brother Hao, thank you!" Xiao Mao cried and buried his head deeply.

I didn't say anything sensational or encouraging. I just stood up and left his house silently.



"Okay." Nie Yuanlong said: "We will have another meeting tomorrow. You guys will pay your share, and then go get the new goods in a few days."

I nodded. Wang Lei and others gathered around me and complimented me, saying that I single-handedly killed Zhang Yunfei, and no one mentioned Liu Xiangrong's name again. During the meeting the next day, we paid our share of the money one by one. Nie Yuanlong asked me happily: "How are the sales of Chenggao and Beiqi?" I answered him calmly: "Sales are rising steadily." Nie Yuanlong said: "Very good, just keep it like this, suck this thing There will be more and more people. In addition, you need to cultivate power among the freshmen, so that even if the Four Heavenly Kings and Seven Dragons and Six Phoenixes graduate, you can continue to actually rule Chenggao and Beiqi. These are two inexhaustible A huge inexhaustible treasury..." He smiled as he spoke, seemingly falling into a beautiful fantasy.

"That's right." I said, and at the same time changed the topic: "If Brother Long is bolder and completely takes down the vocational college, can't he use the same method to continue to rule? Then he can also change Come for inexhaustible wealth."

Saying these words was like stepping on Nie Yuanlong's tail. He laughed twice and said: "The situation is different. The situation in the vocational college is more complicated and it will not be easy to win." Wang Lei and Zhao Peng also Echoing him, Xiong Fei said in a rough voice: "I think what Brother Hao said is very good. If we kill Qiu Feng, we can make more money."

Xiong Fei was stunned and upright. He had the highest fighting ability among the four red sticks. Others usually didn't dare to argue with him, so no one took issue with him now. Only Nie Yuanlong glared at him casually, obviously dissatisfied with his speech. But Xiong Fei didn't notice it and continued: "Brother Long, you might as well consider Brother Hao's suggestion. When did we become so timid? We have never been so cowardly since we were young. What if you guys Worried, I will go on my own. Anyway, there are only two of the four generals left, one is Fu Jiaming and the other is Mei Xiaoliang. Which one is my opponent? As for Qin Bo, hehe... he is still a young boy."

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