Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 642, Handsome Tiger Leaf Exhibition

Gao Egret is somewhat idealistic. She doesn't know that some people in this world are born to be beasts.

Gao Bailu started with his own class and often called the two gangsters to the office. At first, he taught them to study hard. But these two gangsters were very impatient and showed an unruly attitude, which made Gao Bailu feel very annoyed, and his words gradually became a little harsh. These two bastards both came from official families and grew up with silver spoons in their mouths. How had they ever received such harsh criticism? In anger, they decided to take revenge.

It was a summer night. Two gangsters tricked Gao Bailu into coming out. They first made her agree, and then tied her to a remote hotel with the intention of raping her. Gao Bailu woke up at this moment, shouted for help and fought hard. In desperation, the two bastards took out their knives and stabbed Gao Bailu randomly, then walked away as if nothing was wrong.

When Gao Guoyang and Wang Jinbao received the news and arrived, Gao Bailu was already dying, and her body was dyed red with blood. She held her brother's hand, hoping that he could protect Chenggao.

"That is my favorite campus, carrying my most beautiful dream." After saying this, Gao Bailu closed his eyes forever.

Gao Guoyang's eyes turned red, and he vowed to make those two bastards pay the price. But Wang Jinbao stopped him. Wang Jinbao said: "I have checked and found that these two bastards have very tough family backgrounds. If you want to take action, you will definitely die. Who will inherit your sister's legacy and who will protect Chengnan High School? So, this matter Leave it to me."

Wang Jinbao is right, these two bastards do have very tough family backgrounds. After the murder, they were also very nervous and hid at home for a while. Their parents were active outside and established many layers of relationships. In the end, they finally succeeded in suppressing the matter and just apologized and paid for it. After the situation calmed down, the two gangsters thought that everything was fine and continued to wander outside, bragging about their glorious history to everyone they met. Wang Jinbao sent a little brother to kill them with very cruel methods.

Fighting violence with violence and stopping killing with killing are sometimes necessary methods in this society. The little brother fled away after the murder. Before leaving, Gao Guoyang gave him a large sum of money. After that, Gao Guoyang walked into Chenggao, found the principal, and explained his purpose. The death of Gao Bailu also made the principal feel palpitated. He found that these problem students were very troublesome, but he was reluctant to part with the high profits. He really needed a powerful figure to control the situation on campus.

In this way, Gao Guoyang announced his withdrawal from the underworld and officially entered Chenggao. In the school, Gao Guoyang used his own unique methods, including deliberately establishing a boss to control the students... In addition, he showed no mercy to the students who made mistakes, and slapped them hard. He was nicknamed the Slap King and sent away batch after batch of students...

After telling this story, Slap King had smoked a whole pack of cigarettes. His eyes were filled with tears, probably thinking of his sister again. The current slap king is something I have never seen before. The rough and arrogant man in my mind turned out to have such a sad past. I stood up, took a breath, and said, "Teacher Gao, I will protect Chenggao with you. Like you, I don't want to see any stain on Chenggao."

The Slap King looked at me blankly and didn't say a word. If it were normal, he would probably say something like "You are the biggest stain on Chenggao"... After knowing that I was the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, Slap King's attitude towards me has indeed changed a lot.

After leaving the Academic Affairs Office, I still felt a little heavy. Walking out of the faculty building, I looked at Chenggao's beautiful campus. Summer has arrived, and the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming everywhere. Who has the heart to discredit this campus? When I returned to the classroom, it was time for get out of class to end. The corridor was bustling with students, but the place I passed by automatically separated into a road. I don't know what aura is. Maybe when a person has power, he will automatically exude a unique aura.

At the door of the classroom, Ye Zhan stood there with a sunny and charming smile. At this moment, I was in a trance, feeling that I had never left Chenggao, and everything was just a long dream. I walked over and Ye Zhan said, "Where did he go? He hasn't been seen for more than ten days?" I stretched and said, "This is a long, long story. We need to find a place to have a long talk. That’s it.” So we skipped class again and went to the Internet cafe to play games we hadn’t played in a long time.

On the way, I told what happened in the past few days, which made Ye Zhan scared and dumbfounded.

"You guy, you actually became the leader of the Black Tiger Gang?!"

"Is that still fake?" I showed the tiger head on my arm. There was a crown tattooed on the tiger's head, shining brightly in the sun.

"Hey, it's true!" Ye Zhan touched my arm and said, "My dream when I was a child was to follow the leader of the Black Tiger Gang and do evil everywhere, run rampant, and rob women in the countryside!"

"Hahaha..." I laughed and hugged Ye Zhan's arm: "Now your dream has come true!"

That night, I took Ye Zhan to the billiard hall and introduced him to Quanhu, Ah Jiu and Xiao Sanzi.

"This is Ye Zhan." I said, "He is my good brother, and he also wants to join the Black Tiger Gang. Are there any ready-made positions for him?"

Quanhu and others looked at each other in confusion. They must have thought that I, like Wang Jinbao, was a particularly impulsive person. However, for Ye Zhan's sake, just be impulsive. I said seriously: "From today on, Ye Zhan is the deputy leader of the Black Tiger Gang!"

Yes, I feel like I am just like Wang Jinbao.

"No, please don't!" Ye Zhan said with arrogant teeth and claws: "Mouse, you'd better let me live for two more days. I think I'd better start by helping others, and then I'll start with my achievements."

This was very pertinent, so Quanhu and the others also agreed, and I had no choice but to follow suit.

As a result, Ye Zhan's name was added to the Black Tiger Gang's roster. Immediately afterwards, I took Ye Zhan to get a tattoo, again accompanied by Quanhu and the others. However, I don’t want Ye Zhan to have the same tattoo as them, so that Ye Zhan’s specialness will not be shown. So I asked: "Besides crown tiger heads and ordinary tiger heads, are there any other types of tiger heads among the tattoos of the Black Tiger Gang?"

Ye Zhan said next to him: "Yes, yes, are there any other types? I am so handsome and handsome, so I don't want to have the same tiger head tattoo as yours!" Quanhu said: "Yes, but there is only one kind." I He asked excitedly, "Which one?" Ye Zhan said, "It doesn't matter which one, just get it tattooed on me as long as it's different from yours."

Quanhu said: "Only the gang leader's wife is qualified to get a phoenix-crowned tiger head tattoo. The previous Chen Xiaoyun had this kind of tiger head tattoo."


Ye Zhan: "..."

In the end, Ye Zhan got an ordinary tiger head tattoo. Ye Zhan was much tougher than me, and he didn’t scream from the beginning to the end. After the tattoo was done, the pain still lingered. He did not dare to go home for fear of being discovered by his parents, so he went to Ah Jiu's rental house to stay for a few days. In the past few days, Ah Jiu took Ye Zhan to meet friends from all walks of life. Ye Zhan is such a good person, he is indeed my favorite straw sandal. He is sunny and loyal, and he quickly got involved with all kinds of gangsters. Everyone is proud to be "Ye Zhan's friend". Of course, due to the limited environment, I can only know some low-level gangsters. At most, they are small bosses like Ah Jiu. Most of them are scattered forces in the underworld in the south of the city. They are completely unable to get on the stage, but they are unwilling to affiliate with any gang. kind. In short, Ye Zhan is very popular in this area, and he is a brother-in-law to everyone he meets. This guy's charisma is simply unbelievable, and it's hard not to be convinced.

Because of Ye Zhan, these guys actually wanted to join the Black Tiger Gang. Within a few days, the Black Tiger Gang had reached more than 150 people, more than double the number before. This achievement shocked Quanhu and Ah Jiu. Everyone said: "Damn it, Brother Hao's friends are really extraordinary. How long has it been since I saw the Black Tiger Gang being so lively?"

However, when people come together, they return home. With the Black Tiger Gang's current situation, it really can't support more people. So I begged Ye Zhan: "Brother, I know you are popular, so don't make new friends. The Black Tiger Gang really can't afford to support you." Ye Zhan's action came to an end. If I hadn't stopped him, if Ye Zhan continued like this, he would have unified the bottom forces in the south of the city.

Of course, the description in the latter sentence is somewhat exaggerated. After all, there are still some scattered forces that are unwilling to associate with others. Some gangs only have four or five people, but they can still commit shocking crimes. Sometimes the strength of a gang cannot be judged by the number of people.

In short, after Ye Zhan stayed in the Black Tiger Gang for a few days, his popularity was unprecedentedly high. He is like the glue that makes people like him. In this regard, I am ashamed of myself. So there is nothing to say now. I will directly make him the hall master and allocate fifty people to him. Many people rushed to follow him, but in order to maintain the balance of each hall, this was the only way.

After being made a hall leader, you have to have a nickname. Ye Zhan is called Shuai Hu. No one really objects, and they all think it matches his image. I haven't formally sealed Ah Jiu and Xiao San Zi yet, but in everyone's hearts, they are already the hall masters. If there is another suitable opportunity, wait for them to make some more achievements, and then it will not be too late to seal them.

After Ye Zhan joined the Black Tiger Gang, my life became much happier. We were able to go to school together, and then go to the Black Tiger Gang together. We had a companion when we went back and forth, and we felt particularly at ease. It's been like this for more than a month, and both the school and the Black Tiger Gang are extremely stable, with no major incidents happening. Just as the final exam was about to begin, something happened again...

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