Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 690: Brother, please forgive me

Xiaosong has arrived. He lives in the security dormitory on the construction site, so it is very convenient to come and go. I once asked him where his home was, but his answer was very vague and he simply said it was in a nearby village. Beiyuan City has many urban villages, so this is not surprising.

After taking up his post, Captain Qian in the concierge stuck his head out of the window and said, "Wang Hao, why don't you come over and sign in?"

I just realized that I had to sign in when I went to work, so I went into the concierge to sign in. As we were signing, Captain Qian said: "You are two minutes late. According to the rules, you will be deducted fifty yuan." I looked at Captain Qian in surprise: "I was already here, but I just didn't come to sign in. You obviously saw it." Ah." Captain Qian said, "That doesn't matter, this is calculated based on your sign-in time."

To be honest, I didn't look down on the fifty yuan, but Captain Qian's behavior made me very angry. Yesterday, I borrowed Changmao to teach him a lesson. Is this person mentally ill and he still dares to mess with me? I was not shy about competing with such a small person, so I snorted coldly, picked up the glass I wanted to take yesterday from the table, and smashed it towards Captain Qian's head.

"I'll let you dunk, I'll let you dunk, I'll let you dunk." I said three times in a row and hit it three times in a row. The glass was broken a long time ago, but I still smashed it hard. Captain Qian screamed "Ouch" and ran around in the small concierge with his head covered. The other two security guards were too frightened to move. I threw the broken glass aside, cursed a lunatic, and then went out to stand guard again.

Everywhere I go there are people who are mean. I don’t know if this is the world or if it’s just a coincidence that I live a life like this. Dump trucks came in one after another pulling soil or sand. Komatsu and I routinely registered our driving licenses and then opened the door to let people go. This job was indeed not technically difficult, so it became boring after a while. I walked towards the concierge, ready to replace the two security guards inside. Xiaosong and I went inside to patrol. As soon as he walked over, he heard Captain Qian say angrily: "This matter won't go away like this! I still have a few friends in the society. When the time comes, I will beat the shit out of Wang Hao!"

I was both angry and funny, thinking to myself that this guy is really indomitable. Why does he think he can do right by the Black Tiger Gang? Doesn't he believe what Changmao said and that I am the leader of the Black Tiger Gang? I didn't say anything anymore and just stood at the door listening to Captain Qian's words. He scolded me for a while, then started making phone calls and contacted a few "Brothers Xiong and Brother Jian" and asked them to pretend to be dump truck drivers, pretend to have a conflict with me and then stab me twice during the chaos. . Captain Qian said on the phone: "It's only two thousand yuan, no more will do. Two thousand yuan and two knives, that's it. Make a fake brand, don't let him find you later..." This guy Damn, it's quite thoughtful.

I just went back and stopped patrolling. Fortunately, I heard it in advance, otherwise I might be in trouble today. Four or five men with knives are no joke. I looked around and picked up a small piece of rusty steel pipe from the corner - don't be surprised, these things can be found everywhere on the construction site. After weighing it in my hand, I decided not to take the risk. My status is different now, so there is really no need to fight these people. So I called Ah Jiu and asked him where he was. He said that he was outside the construction site wall and was going to go in to "do some heroic work." I said okay. I came over to the door after I was done. Now I don’t care about my status as a security guard. Worried that they would not be able to come in time, he called Ye Zhan and asked him to bring some people to the gate of the construction site.

When I made the call, I did not avoid Xiaosong. Xiaosong looked at me in shock: "Brother Hao, what are you going to play with?" I said angrily: "Do you have a rope here?" Xiaosong said: "Yes, it's in the concierge." I turned around and walked over. , Captain Qian really made me angry. When we entered the concierge, Captain Qian was pressing his head with toilet paper. When he saw me coming in, he instinctively shrank back. The two security guards were sitting down, but when they saw me coming in, they stood up suddenly.

"Wang Hao, what do you want to do?" Captain Qian said tremblingly.

I ignored him and looked around, looking for the rope. Captain Qian said again: "Wang Hao, don't be too arrogant, I used to be a gangster on the street!" I still ignored him, searched around, and finally pulled out a length of rope from under the sofa. I walked towards Captain Qian with the rope, and Captain Qian said in horror: "What are you going to do!" I said angrily: "Shut up." Then I tied him up with the rope, and he didn't struggle during the whole process. After tying him up, I said to the two security guards: "You two, get out and don't stay in this room." The two of them went out without saying a word, guarding the gate of the construction site with Xiao Song.

I dragged Captain Qian, moved a chair in front of the window for him to sit down, and said, "Watch with your eyes wide open, how I dealt with those Brother Xiong and Brother Jian you called." Then I left the concierge. I want him to be afraid of me and not want to get into trouble with him. After all, he is my boss.

After a while, a dump truck drove over, carrying a lot of sand. Four men jumped out of the car. They were all wearing black tight-fitting vests. Their faces were full of sinister aura, and they had one hand behind their back. It looked like they were hiding some kind of murder weapon. Xiaosong didn't know what was going on and said: "Master, show me your driving license!"

One of them slapped Xiaosong in the face and said: "I don't have a driving license, open the door quickly!"

Xiaosong was extremely aggrieved: "Why do you beat someone? You need a driving license when you come in!"

I looked outside the gate, and Ye Zhan’s people hadn’t come out yet; I looked inside the construction site, and Ah Jiu’s people hadn’t come out either. Damn it, I can’t wait for them anymore, I still have to make enough food and clothing by myself these days. I rushed over with the steel pipe and hit the man on the head with the pipe. The man didn't react at all, he straightened up and fell down. Seeing this, the other three people took out things from their backs, pulled off the newspapers wrapped outside, exposed the sharp blades inside, and rushed towards me without any explanation.

I kicked the table over, and the table blocked them, making their steps a little more chaotic. I weighed the strengths and weapons of both sides and quickly made the right decision - to run towards the door. The three men raised their sharp knives and chased me, shouting and killing. I can’t tell who is Brother Jian and who is Brother Xiong, so let’s just run away. As soon as he ran out of the door, he saw a group of people approaching, led by Ye Zhan. I scolded him: "Thank you for your mother's kindness, I'm about to be hacked to death!"

Ye Zhan laughed and said, "I think you are living a good life." Then he ran over with someone. He brought about fifty people with him, and it looked quite impressive. Especially when I was running, because there was a lot of dirt outside the construction site, there was smoke and dust all the way. When the three people chasing me saw this situation, they felt that their spirits were a little broken, and they suddenly turned around and ran away. I became the master and started shouting and killing them to stop them from running away.

As they chased them all the way into the construction site, they saw a group of people coming from a distance, about fifty or so, and the leader was naturally Ah Jiu.

I shouted: "Ajiu, catch those three people!"

As soon as Ah Jiu heard this, he rushed over. People from both sides attacked, surrounding the three people like sandwiches.

The three people collapsed immediately. The guy who threw them raised his hands and said, "Brothers, please spare your lives..."

I cursed: "Fuck you, give me a beating!"

People from both sides rushed over and surrounded the three people, punching and kicking them. It's a good thing that they had a conscience and didn't hit them with weapons. Otherwise, even if they pressed "Up, Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, and Right" to get thirty lives, they wouldn't be dead. From the window of the concierge, Captain Qian, who was being tied up by me, saw this scene, and his whole eyes went straight. I feel like a fool for wasting my time on him. I entered the concierge, dragged Captain Qian out, threw him on the ground and asked, "How is it? Is it exciting enough?"

Captain Qian burst into tears: "Brother Hao, I was wrong, I never dare to..."

I patted his head and asked strangely: "It seems you said the same thing yesterday?"

Captain Qian said with tears in his eyes: "This time it's true, it's true!" He said it very sincerely.

Because of the noise at the door, many migrant workers came to watch. I was afraid that my dad would see this scene and think it would be better to resolve it as soon as possible. At this time, Ah Jiu and Ye Zhan happened to come over. The fight had stopped, and the three men lay unconscious on the ground.

"Brother Ninth~" I called in a pretense of flattery. Ah Jiu looked a little unnatural, but he still said calmly: "Mouse, what's going on?" I pointed at Captain Qian on the ground and said, "He's the one bullying me!"

Although Ah Jiu didn't know why I was wearing a security guard's uniform, now was not the time to ask. Ah Jiu knelt down, touched Captain Qian's head and said, "Young man, let's see what to do about this matter." Captain Qian was already in his thirties, and Ah Jiu actually called him young man. The whole scene looked a bit strange and strange. funny. Captain Qian just kept saying things like "I was wrong" over and over again. Ye Zhan felt a little upset after hearing this. He took a pickaxe handle from the brother next to him and hit Captain Qian hard on the cheek.

Several teeth flew out, and Captain Qian's body fell to the ground weakly.

Ah Jiu looked around and said to the security guards at the door and some migrant workers who were watching: "The rat is a member of our Black Tiger Gang. Anyone who can't get along with him will be at odds with our entire Black Tiger Gang!" After that, he led As the Bai Lai Gang left the construction site in a mighty manner, the surrounding migrant workers also went to do their own work. Captain Qian slowly stood up, covering his cheek with a painful look on his face. I shook my head and asked one of the security guards, "Can you drive?"


"Send him to the hospital." I threw the keys to the Accord to him. "Stay a few more days. I see he is upset."

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