Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 2277 Li Ning is in danger

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Dunzhou is not very far from Manghuang Mountain, but Qin Fengming thought over and over again and negotiated with Bai Yi. 17k novel, please move to "/.

When Bai Yi came to the Yuanfeng Empire, it was natural for her to rely on a sect. At this time, the world of immortality was already turbulent, and a war was about to break out.

This kind of vast war is more tragic than the War of the Three Realms. No matter where the monks are, they will inevitably take part in it. Its scope may eventually cover the entire world of immortal cultivation in the Yuanfeng Empire. Regardless of casual cultivators or small sects, they will inevitably be involved in the end.

Because this war was started by six super sects.

As long as they are monks in the Yuanfeng Empire, their roots will be entangled with these six superpowers or the sects they belong to. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for any sect, no matter how big or small, to be independent.

As the saying goes, they are either friends or enemies. There is no such thing as a neutral force in the world of immortality.

Therefore, for Bai Yi's sake, Qin Fengming decided to let her join Qingyou Sect.

Qingyou Sect's status is extremely special. As long as he does not want to join the war, no matter which side, it will be difficult to force him to submit. Because the Qingyou Sect not only has two combined existences, but also has the backing of the Manzhou Monster Clan. They are so powerful that even two super sects would hardly dare to use force against them.

Bai Yi didn't have any thoughts to begin with. Although she followed Qin Fengming to the Yuanfeng Empire, she was still worried about Xingchen Pavilion.

You should know that if a monk's cultivation level reaches above the realm of transforming into an infant, he is considered to be the top figure in the sect.

Any sect will impose restrictions on the top monks in the sect. Even Qin Fengming, when he joined Manghuang Mountain, he directly issued a blood curse. Bai Yi is naturally no exception.

Fortunately, she didn't think of betraying Xingchen Pavilion, she just stayed away from the Deqing Empire, and Fang Gan guaranteed that as long as she didn't do anything against Xingchen Pavilion, she should be fine.

Therefore, Bai Yi had no idea about joining that sect.

As for Gongsun Jingyao, Qin Fengming had already made up his mind to let her follow him and give her detailed guidance to improve her cultivation as soon as possible.

What gave Qin Fengming some peace of mind was that Gongsun Jingyao's qualifications were better than he thought, and she was above average. After taking a magic pill, her qualifications were even better.

With the many spiritual herbs on his body, it was not difficult for Gongsun Jingyao to advance to the realm of infant transformation.

As soon as the direction changed, Qin Fengming flew away in the direction of Manzhou.

After several teleportations, it was getting closer and closer to Manzhou.

"Bang!~~Boom! Boom!~~" Suddenly, a burst of urgent muffled sound suddenly came from the distance, causing Qin Fengming's flying light to suddenly shrink, and he stopped and suspended in the air.

His spiritual consciousness was released, and instantly, a haze suddenly appeared on his calm face.

Dozens of miles ahead of him, four monks were fighting endlessly. What made Qin Fengming's face change drastically was that among the four monks, there was a female cultivator, Li Ning.

Those fighting with them were two monks who were in the early stages of transforming into infants and a person who was in the late stages of becoming an elixir. Judging from the situation, the four of them had been fighting for a long time. With one against three, Li Ning was already at a huge disadvantage.

At this time, Li Ning's expression was extremely solemn. Although her extremely pretty face was still the same, a look of perseverance was revealed in her beautiful eyes.

Although she was at a disadvantage, she was not afraid of showing up at all. She used three powerful magic weapons to resist the attacks of the two Yingying monks. As for the Chengdan monk, she only resorted to the secret technique to attack him. Resist.

Qin Fengming only glanced briefly and knew that Li Ning could only parry but had no power to fight back. Faced with the joint attack of three monks, she was in danger and could be killed on the spot at any time.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, she did not even sacrifice the black ants, which made Qin Fengming slightly puzzled.

Two monks who were in the early stage of transforming into infants and one who was in the realm of becoming an elixir. As long as Li Ning sacrificed the black ants, it could be said that the three people in front of him could be killed on the spot in an instant.

Not daring to hesitate at all, Qin Fengming turned around and flew quickly towards where Li Ning was fighting.

It's dozens of miles away, almost instantaneous.

When the figure was revealed, three sword lights had already shot out.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" There were three soft sounds, and the three monks who were showing off their power and spouting laughing words fell to the ground one after another.

"Ah, did you come here?"

Suddenly seeing a monk appear, Shi Shi took action and killed the three monks who were fighting with him. Li Ning looked horrified. But seeing Qin Fengming's face clearly, she was suddenly pleasantly surprised, and she even exclaimed in surprise.

Just when Qin Fengming was about to say something, he saw Li Ning's delicate body swaying in the air. He closed his beautiful eyes and passed out.

When he saw this place, Qin Fengming was immediately shocked. With a flash of figure and a roll of colorful light and shadow, he held the beautiful female cultivator in his arms. Then he landed on the stone ground below.

Li Ning, who was fine just now, suddenly fainted, which shocked Qin Fengming.

He reached out and held Li Ninghao's wrist. After a while, Qin Fengming's expression returned to calm. Li Ning was fine, but his body's mana and consciousness were greatly consumed.

It seems that the fight has been going on for a long time, otherwise a monk who transforms into an infant would never be able to reach such a point.

With a move of his hands, the green gourd appeared in Qin Fengming's hand, and a drop of spiritual liquid fell into Li Ning's mouth.

Following the entrance of the mysterious spiritual liquid, the unconscious Li Ning's body moved, and his beautiful eyes immediately opened.

The first thing that caught her eyes was the face of a young man who didn't look very handsome at first glance, but this face was the person she had missed countless times.

Feeling the breath of the opposite sex coming from outside her body, Li Ning's pretty face suddenly blushed, and a shy look flashed out of her beautiful eyes.

Seeing Li Ning wake up and seeing Li Ning's expression, Qin Fengming realized that he was still holding Li Ning in his arms at this time. Unconsciously, there was also a sly smile on his face, and he said: "Miss Li is frightened. Please meditate here for a while."

Gently straightening the delicate body in his arms, Qin Fengming stood up.

Li Ning was not an ordinary person. Although her heart was pounding, she still suppressed the strangeness in her heart, crossed her legs and began to restore herself.

Although she was surprised by the sudden surge of mana in her body, she did not ask anything.

With a movement, Qin Fengming plundered the corpses of the three monks and threw them directly into the spirit beast bracelet.

His spiritual consciousness scanned the area two thousand miles around. Although there were monks passing by, no one came towards this place.

Qin Fengming knew that the only ones fighting with Li Ning were the three monks.

Li Ning was not injured, but his body's mana and spiritual consciousness were consumed too much. After an hour of meditation, his spiritual consciousness had been slightly replenished.

As soon as his beautiful eyes opened, his body stood up gracefully, and then he greeted Qin Fengming.

"Miss Li, it's good that you're fine. But why did you go out alone and fight with those three monks?" Seeing Li Ning stand up, Qin Fengming felt very at ease. He looked at his condition and nodded lightly. , I also asked myself the confusion in my heart.

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