
At this moment, the cherry-sized mass of Xuanji Water was wrapped in layers of colorful fluorescence. Even though it was only a hundred feet away, Qin Fengming did not feel even a trace of the powerful corrosive and toxic aura.

For such a mysterious and magical confinement formation, even Qin Fengming, who has read many spiritual world classics, has difficulty in understanding the reality of this formation.

Looking at the situation in front of him, he had a sense of realization in his heart. He vaguely felt that the huge restriction originally revealed on the stone platform was not placed on the stone platform. It was inspired by the seemingly dilapidated small bowl in front of me.

As soon as this idea appeared, he became convinced.

A common method used by monks to refine treasures is to use their own powerful infant fire to continuously refine and burn them. Through the power of the elixir fire, they can force themselves to erase the remaining soul energy on the magic treasure. This method is simple and crude, but also extremely effective. For most monks, it can be said to be the only method.

And with such a scene in front of him, in front of the Xuanji Yanshui that made Qin Fengming extremely fearful, no matter how brave and sophisticated Qin Fengming was, he would never have the guts to directly control the infant fire at close range and refine it, although it didn't seem very dangerous. small bowl.

Control the power of your own soul, sacrifice it out of your body and condense it into a ball, which is always controlled by your mind. For other monks, such a secret technique is difficult for only one out of ten people to achieve.

But for Qin Fengming, who practices the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique, this method of controlling the soul energy is not that difficult.

Let the power of the soul condense and slowly consume the majestic soul energy on the small bowl. Although the process seems dangerous, and if you are not careful, you may be counterattacked by the soul on the small bowl, but for Qin Fengming, it is It is definitely the most appropriate method.

Even if the restriction in the bowl suddenly breaks down and the Xuanji water in the bowl is released, Qin Fengming's ability will still have enough time to sense it in advance. And the power of the soul mark on the small bowl, even if it has a huge backlash, Qin Fengming can instantly cut off the power of his own soul, and it will never cause much harm to himself.

Under the dual protection of the temple and the Silver Spirit Shield, Qin Fengming felt more at ease and did not have too many worries.

There was still no Five Elements energy present here. After holding on for two days, Qin Fengming took the power of the soul into his body with a wave of his hand. The figure flashed and retreated from the stone platform, more than ten miles away.

In just two days, the majestic magic power in his body has been exhausted.

The temple always needs his magic power to support and refine the small bowl.

It is even more necessary for him to strongly activate the power of the soul.

At this time, the temple was not fully activated, and was far from being fully activated.

Back in the Cold Wind City, the temple was over a thousand feet tall, very majestic and majestic.

Although the temple can stay for a period of time after it is fully opened, the mana energy required to control it is definitely not something he can bear. And the control is even more difficult to compare with at this time.

After two days of refining, for that small bowl, perhaps even one ten thousandth of its soul was not melted.

It's not that the soul on the small bowl is so powerful, but that it is attached to the small bowl and has become one with the origin contained in the small bowl. If you want to separate and melt it, it is like peeling off a cocoon, and you need to carefully pull it away little by little.

This process may take several years or decades.

It had taken Qin Fengming hundreds of years to refine the purple dragon soul soul treasure. Although Qin Fengming was sure that this small bowl was not some kind of spiritual treasure, after two days of refining, he knew that it was definitely not a spiritual treasure. Something that can be accomplished in a short time.

With Qin Fengming's caution, after closing the temple, he still activated the Forbidden Immortal Six Sealing Formation.

Although there are no monks or monsters here, the necessary defense cannot be taken lightly.

Qin Fengming has a lot of experience, and he has experienced death and death several times. Every time, apart from some luck, the main reason was definitely the role of some behind-the-scenes preparations he made in advance.

Stopping in the magic circle, Qin Fengming began to hold the spirit stone in his hand and tried his best to restore his own magic power and soul power.

In this place where there is no spiritual energy, although the small gourd on his body is full of spiritual fluid, he does not dare to consume it.

If the spiritual energy in the Shenji Mansion is exhausted, it will be absolutely impossible for him to immediately recover his mana if he encounters danger again.

Although absorbing the energy from the spirit stone is slow, for Qin Fengming, this is the most appropriate thing to do at this time. Time, for him, has no restrictions at all and can be consumed slowly.

The only thing that worried Qin Fengming at this time was that he didn't know how long it would take for the Xuanji Huanshui to be released. Faced with the terrifying corrosive toxicity, although he was convinced that the temple was powerful and could resist it, he had never really tested it, and he had no idea.

It has been a year since he entered this dark underground place, but it was only then that he sensed the wind and found the place where Xuanji Huanshui was located.

Based on this, it can be inferred that it may take a long time for the Shitai ban to be opened again.

But at this moment, as he was refining the small bowl, no one knew whether the time interval would change. With his always cautious character, no matter how troublesome it is, he will not take chances and omit defense.

A few days later, Qin Fengming put away the magic circle again, drove out of the temple, and appeared on the stone platform.

Time passes like a shuttle, and Qin Fengming repeats it again and again. It has been nearly a year.

During this year, Qin Fengming did not relax even a little bit. Every time he stepped on the stone platform, he would sacrifice the temple and the Silver Spirit Shield in advance. And leaving the stone platform will activate the magic circle guards.

The powerful restriction that made Qin Fengming fearful has not been revealed, and the terrifying corrosive toxicity has not appeared once. But this did not make Qin Fengming feel lucky at all.

Stopping far away, after Qin Fengming's own magic power recovered, he did not climb onto the stone platform again, but stood in the magic circle, with the blue light in his eyes flashing occasionally, looking at the broken bowl placed alone on the stone platform. His expression became a bit cautious and solemn.

A few days later, a deafening roar suddenly resounded from the stone platform. Along with this deafening roar, a ball of colorful light also flashed up. The light was so dazzling that Qin Fengming did not dare to look directly.

As layers of colorful rays of light flashed from the small bowl to the surroundings, a huge ** formation covering wall that almost covered the entire vast stone platform flashed on the spot again.

The huge colorful wall flashed, and a huge bright blue light column shot straight into the sky. A violent wind suddenly rose and swept towards the surroundings again.

Looking at the scene that suddenly appeared in front of him, Qin Fengming's young face actually showed a smile.

The scene in front of him was almost the same as he expected. As expected, the stone formation will appear every other year.

Ten days later, the majestic scene, just like the beginning, suddenly stopped and disappeared.

For three consecutive years, this pattern has not changed at all, which made Qin Fengming feel a little relaxed. In the following days, he no longer offered sacrifices to the temple, but only guarded the silver spirit shield in front of him.

Qin Fengming stayed in this dark underground space for thirteen years.

In the past thirteen years, Qin Fengming was like a programmed machine, repeating two points and one line without any changes.

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